Today is the 8th anniversary of the Bart Ehrman Blog!   A day to celebrate.  But also to commiserate.  Who, on April 3, 2012, would have expected that eight years later we would be in the midst of the most serious world-wide crisis in our lifetime?

I will celebrate the past eight Blog years in my next post.   Today I want to announce the Blog’s response to our crisis.

We all know a major part of the current tragedy: many millions of people suddenly and unexpectedly unemployed.   Blog members among them.   And wannabe blog members.   The vast majority of these millions suddenly have limited or no income.  Disaster.

Most of them also have extra time on their hands with little to do.  Let’s give them something.  Why not read a helpful blog instead of ..  doing something less helpful?  Engage the mind.  Learn.  Think.  Reflect.

The combination of economic disaster and unwanted free time prompts an obvious Blog Offer.

Anyone who is not already a blog member can join the blog for FREE for two months starting NOW.     Here is the announcement now found on the HomePage.



In view of the terrible crisis we are all experiencing, I would like to offer a FREE two-month subscription to the blog to ANYONE who wants it, from April 3, 2020 to June 3, 2020.   The membership will be valid for two months from the date you sign up.   Those eligible: anyone who is not currently a paid member of the blog.   There are no other requirements, other than wanting to see what the blog is all about and have access to it.  Please tell anyone and everyone you know that they can join too, free of charge.

If, instead, you would like to join the blog and pay for the subscription, we would very much appreciate that as well – every penny you pay goes directly to charities dealing with the very needy.  The ultimate goal of the blog is to help the poor, the homeless, and the hungry, and so all you pay goes to exceedingly good causes.  But if you would like the Free two-month membership — it is on offer, no strings attached

SO – if you know anyone in the universe who would like to see what the blog is all about, please tell them.

If you are currently a member and your membership runs out in this period — as soon as you are not a paying blog member, you are eligible too.  If you want to take advantage of the offer, cancel your membership (It will not cancel itself!  And we can’t cancel it for you, since that would mean we could control your PayPal account, and I think you would agree, that would not be a good idea….).  (The cancellation will take place only after the period for which you’ve already paid).  Then take the free offer.  When the offer expires, you can always then join again.

For those of us not in dire circumstances, or who don’t need to take advantage of the offer:  This is obviously a hard time for virtually EVERYONE.   We would still like to keep the Blog viable – meaning, we still want to raise money for charity.  The Charities we are supporting now during this crisis are all taking care of the neediest of the needy:    The Food Bank of North Carolina; Doctors without Borders, CARE International; and the Urban Ministries of Durham.    We would like to *increase* our support.

And so, if you feel moved to make a donation to help us in providing these free memberships, please do so!  We appreciate deeply all your support.

Most important: we have no way of advertising this except through my limited social media and word of mouth.  By you.  So please: