Early Christian Apocrypha
Was the Apocalypse of Peter Originally Considered Part of the New Testament?
In my previous post I pointed out that our earliest list of which books should be considered Christian Scripture (that is, parts of the New Testament), the Muratorian Fragment from the 180s CE, lists the Apocalypse of Peter as a book that was accepted by some Christians. I've talked about the book on the blog before. It's extraordinarily interesting. It is the first Christian account we have of a journey to the realms of the damned and the blessed, where Peter himself is shown by Christ the torments of the one and the glories of the other. In my recent academic book Journeys to Heaven and Hell, I devote a chapter to explaining why the book in the end did not get included in Scripture but the book of 2 Peter, which was NOT accepted by the Muratorian canon or even known about then so far as we can tell, did make it in. In this post I'll simply explain what we know about the popularity and acceptance of the Apocalypse of Peter [...]