I have been asked to post the following, and gladly do so! Some of you should try to come!! (What’s a mere plane ride over the pond???)


The Jesus and Brian conference is nigh. There are still tickets available for this unique, bold and ground-breaking conference on the historical Jesus and his times, looked at via Monty Python’s Life of Brian. It will be taking place at King’s College London, on 20-22 June, and catered bookings close June 13th. Student/unwaged day tickets are available for £32.50. Other day tickets £65. Three day tickets are also still to be had. If you will be in London, go to it.

Unbelievably, the director of the film Terry Jones (and other mystery guest) will be there for a talk on the film and its reception on Friday night, 20 June. The remarkable John Cleese will give an after-dinner talk at the conference dinner at great hall of Inner Temple on Saturday 21 June (kosher meals on request). On Sunday 22 June there will also be discussion with the film’s editor Julian Doyle.

Papers will be given by some great scholars in the field(s): Paula Fredriksen, Amy-Jill Levine, Martin Goodman, George Brooke, Steve Mason, Adele Reinhartz, Helen Bond, James Crossley, Philip Davies and many more [including me!].

The conference dinner is open to anyone – and a guest – who buys a conference ticket of any kind, and is £65 per head for what will undoubtedly be a very memorable evening.

For information and bookings go to:


Spread the good news.