As I mentioned some time ago, I’ve decided to slow down a bit and enjoy life a bit more.   Since 1992 – that is, over the past 25 years – I have written or edited thirty books.  I’m not going to stop.  But I’m thinkin’ it’s time to ease off a bit.  Is there a reason I publish a book a year?  Not that I can think of.

I’ve done it because it’s my passion.  Well, one of my passions.  I am a bit obsessed with the history of early Christianity and all that it entails.  My books have covered a wide range of fields within that broader area.  And I have tried to keep up publishing three different kinds of books: scholarly books for the academics; textbooks for the colleges students; and trade books for the general reading public.

It’s been hard to balance all that, especially since I’ve tried to publish a new trade book every two years.  I’ve had to do the other books in my spare time, such as it is, and as it turns out these other books are harder for me to do.  The scholarly books are *really* hard.  My last one, Forgery and Counterforgery: The Use of Literary Deceit in Early Christian Polemics is a 600-pager that I’m more proud of it than of anything else I’ve ever written.  But it was an incredible amount of work, years in the making.

Anyway I’m not feeling as driven now to keep up the pace.  For this year and next, at least  I’m going to work on just one project.   The problem is that I’m not sure what it’s going to be.

I have spent the past six months reading about the afterlife.  At the end of this week I’m flying up to New York to talk with my publisher about whether they would be interested in a book on the subject.  I’m hoping they are, but there is really no way to know.

So here’s the deal….

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