I’m on the road this week, giving lectures in Richmond Virginia – one at the Women’s Club of Richmond (1500 members!) (they all don’t show up for a talk, of course) on “Misquoting Jesus,” and the other at the University of Richmond, where my former student Stephanie Cobb teaches New Testament, on “What Can Historians Say About the Resurrection of Jesus” (some of you might think that will be a very short lecture J.   But not so!!).   She is also the author of Dying to Be Men and Divine Deliverance. On Wednesday I fly to Las Vegas to do a panel discussion on if it matters whether or not Jesus was married (at the Black Mountain Institute at UNLV).

So I’m a bit harried just now and can’t do a full post.  Instead, I have a request!

A few weeks ago I indicated that I was going to introduce a couple of new features on the blog.  One is a Testimonies page, where I give some comments by current members about what they most like about the blog, with superlatives as required.   The idea is that this could be available to potential members wondering if it is worth their time, and especially money, to join.   So do you think so?