Many thanks to everyone who responded to my queries about how we could make the Blog better.  I received some very good ideas, and one in particular that I want to implement, starting with this post.  That involves a weekly Reader’s Mailbag. 

I get a lot of questions each week, and usually can only devote an occasional post to them.  Otherwise, all I can do is give a one-sentence or so response in my Comments.   But the idea that several people suggested was:  why not have a feature where, in a short directed response, I address interesting questions people raise?  I could do this every week.  The comments would not be as long as a full post, let alone a thread, but much fuller than I can make in my Comments section.

I think it’s a great idea.  So I’m gonna try it.  My idea is that the questions should be short and to the point.   They can be on any topic involving the New Testament, the history of early Christainity, or any related topic.  I will try to write replies that are compact but full of information.  In some instances I may later decide to devote posts to one of the questions.

I will simply pick two or three of the questions I get each week to give in the following week’s post.   So if you have questions that I can address, ask them now.

I have chosen three questions I received last week to get us started with this feature.   Here they are.


QUESTION:  What do you think was the source for the virgin birth story?

RESPONSE:  I think it is really interesting that in our…

You Can See the Rest of My Response, and the Other Questions and Responses, by JOINING!!! Do so!  No one in the history of the human race has yet regretted it!!!