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Special Gold Members Event: A Live AMA (Ask Me Anything)

Hey Gold Members, I much regret that we did not get a July Gold Q&A out (there were scheduling and sundry other issues), and I want to make up the loss by doing a special event on the evening of Monday September 16, at 8:00-9:00, Eastern Time, a Live GOLD-ONLY Q&A.  You ask the questions, I answer them. Do NOT send questions here in a comment to the post.  (Any that do come in that way will immediately be sent up into stratospheric oblivion.)   The way it will work is instead this: If you have a question (just one please) send it into [email protected] Keep it concise and directly relevant in some way to anything we deal with on the blog. We will choose a selection of them to represent a range of interests and topics. If yours is chosen, we will contact you a day or so in advance to ask you to ask it live at the time of the event, so it will be direct "you-ask-I-answer" event. The DEADLINE for submitting your question [...]

2024-09-09T14:49:58-04:00September 9th, 2024|Public Forum|

August Gold Q&A–Get Your Qs In!

I'll be recording another Q&A for all Gold & Platinum members soon, so here's your chance to take advantage of this perk. Send me whatever question has been nagging at you (blog-related, of course!). Short, to-the-point questions of general interest are most likely to get answered. Send an email to Diane at [email protected], and she'll compile all your questions for me. DEADLINE: Please get your question in by Friday the 16th at midnight (whenever midnight is in your time zone).  

2024-08-01T09:28:42-04:00August 5th, 2024|Public Forum|

Free Lecture on Paul’s Life and Letters, Thursday (July 11)

I will be giving a free remote lecture this Thursday, July 11, at 1:00 pm EST.  You're welcome to come!   Sorry 'bout the time -- but I'm in England and so it'll be early evening here. The lecture is designed to be a lead-in to the annual New Insights into the New Testament (NINT) conference that will be happening on September 21-22.  The conference will feature ten speakers who will each give a 50-minute talk with Q&A, all on topics (of speaker's choice) connected with the life and letters of Paul; the talks will all be geared to a general audience at about the level we address things here on the blog and in my online courses (   The speakers are some of the top Pauline scholars in the cosmos.   We haven't announced the conference yet, but will soon, with instructions about how to register etc. Whoever registers for it will receive a recording of my Thursday lecture for free.  In it I will be presenting basic background into Paul to help get everyone up [...]

2024-07-08T14:27:37-04:00July 8th, 2024|Public Forum|

July Gold Q&A: Your Turn

Summertime, and Gold Q&A time! I'll be recording another Q&A for all Gold & Platinum members soon, so here's your chance to take advantage of this perk. Send me whatever question has been nagging at you (blog-related, of course!). Short, to-the-point questions of general interest are most likely to get answered. Send an email to Diane at [email protected], and she'll compile all your questions for me. DEADLINE: Please get your question in by Friday of next week (07/12/2024) at midnight (whenever midnight is in your time zone).  

2024-04-09T14:46:06-04:00July 5th, 2024|Public Forum|

May Gold Q&A Video

Here's May's Gold Q&A video--a little delayed because of Professor Ehrman's heavy summer travel schedule:  

2024-06-26T11:11:36-04:00June 26th, 2024|Public Forum|

June Gold Q&A: Whaddya Wanna Know?

Gold and Platinum members, Time again for our monthly Gold Q&A. Is there something in the New Testament that puzzles you or doesn't make sense (imagine that!)? Put it in a (short, to-the-point) question and send it to Diane at  [email protected]. DEADLINE: Please get your question in by Thursday next week (06/24/2024) at midnight (whenever midnight is in your time zone).  

2024-04-09T14:39:53-04:00June 17th, 2024|Public Forum|

May Gold Q&A: Keep Those (Metaphorical) Cards & Letters Coming!

Gold and Platinum members, Time again for our monthly Gold Q&A. But I can't do it (literally!) without YOU!  Send me your urgent (short, to-the-point) questions on any blog-related topic.  Have you submitted a question in the past that wasn't picked? Feel free to try again. Don't put your question in a Comment, though--send it to Diane at [email protected]. DEADLINE: Please get your question in by Friday of next week (05/17/2024) at midnight (whenever midnight is in your time zone).  

2024-05-08T11:43:32-04:00May 9th, 2024|Public Forum|

Wanna come to the live recording of the Gold Q&A? Saturday May 27

Dear Goldies and Platinums. I'm going to be recording the monthly Gold Q&A session tomorrow (Saturday, May 27) at 5:30 pm EST.   I won't be taking any live questions -- the list is already too long to cover -- but if you're interested in coming to watch and listen, come along! Here's the link. Meeting ID: 927 8932 9355 Passcode: 686914 --- One tap mobile +13052241968,,92789329355# US +13092053325,,92789329355# US --- Dial by your location • +1 305 224 1968 US • +1 309 205 3325 US • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 646 931 3860 US • +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) • +1 360 209 5623 US • +1 386 347 5053 US • +1 507 473 4847 US • +1 564 217 2000 US • +1 669 444 9171 US • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) • +1 689 278 1000 US • +1 719 359 4580 US • +1 253 205 0468 US • +1 253 [...]

2024-04-26T17:56:49-04:00April 26th, 2024|Public Forum|

April Gold Q&A: Ask Away!

Hey Gold and Platinum members, Time to jump in on the April Gold Q&A; my plan is to record it some time next weekend. If you have a question -- and I bet you do -- send it along!  To do so, do NOT reply on a comment here, but zap an email to Diane at  [email protected]. DEADLINE: Please get your question in by next Friday (04/19/2024) at midnight (whenever midnight is in your time zone). Shorter and to-the-pointer questions are more likely to be picked.  Ask accordingly.

2024-04-09T14:27:39-04:00April 12th, 2024|Public Forum|

Gold Q&A: Ask Your Questions!

Hey Golds and Platinums, you the few, the proud: Time again for the Big Dance!  I'll be recording the March Gold Q&A this weekend, scheduling gods willing, to be published next week..  Got a burning, a smoldering, or a cool question?  Ask away!  Anything related to the blog.   I'll do my best to answer.  , Send your questions to [email protected], and Diane will compile and send me the list. DEADLINE: Get your question in by Friday  (March 15, 2024) midnight (whenever midnight is in your time zone). Every question I get is interesting, but remember, Many are culled, but few are chosen.  Questions that are shorter and to-the-pointer are more likely to be chosen.  And zingers, as always are welcome!

2024-03-11T20:52:18-04:00March 11th, 2024|Public Forum|

February Gold Q&A: Ask Away!

Hey Gold and Platinum members, I'd like us to get ahead of schedule for the February Gold Q&A; my plan is to record it some time this coming weekend, to be published early next week. If you have a question -- most anything related to the blog -- send it along!  To do so, do NOT reply on a comment here, but zap an email to Diane at  [email protected]. DEADLINE: Please get your question in by this Friday (01/26/2024) midnight (whenever midnight is in your time zone). Every question I get is interesting, but remember that shorter and to-the-pointer questions are more likely to be picked.  Many are called but few are chosen...

2024-02-07T17:11:27-05:00February 12th, 2024|Public Forum|

Gold Q&A!! Ask Your Questions!

Hey Goldies and Plats, Now's your chance!  I'll be recording the December Gold Q&A on December 11, schedule gods willing, to be published later that week.  God a burning, a smoldering, or a cool ?  Ask away!  Anything related to the blog.   I'll do my best to answer.  , Send your questions to [email protected], and Diane will compile and send me the list. DEADLINE: Get your question in by Saturday (12/09/2023) midnight (whenever midnight is in your time zone). Every question I get is interesting, but remember that shorter and to-the-pointer questions are more likely to be chosen.  Zingers are welcome!

2023-12-02T17:08:17-05:00December 2nd, 2023|Public Forum|

Send in your Questions! November Gold Q&A

Dear Goldies and Plats, It's time for the November Gold Q&A, where I answer your questions--or at least as try to. Send your questions to [email protected], and Diane will compile and send me the list. Get your question in by Saturday (11/11/) midnight (whenever midnight is in your time zone).  (Sorry 'bout the late notice) The questions are always interesting, but remember that shorter, more general-interest questions are more likely to be answered.   Lookin' forward to it!

2023-11-09T11:30:33-05:00November 9th, 2023|Public Forum|
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