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The Essence of Religious Literacy: A Christian Perspective. Platinum Guest Post by Fredrick Ackun

I am pleased to present now a very thoughtful guest post by Platinum member Fredrick Ackun!    To respond, simply make a comment, and he will be able to reply. I am looking for more contributions!  Feel free to send one along, on any topic! *************************** In this post, I wish to share and elaborate a bit on some personal realizations I have made in my faith journey. They are some of the main reasons why I am of the view that studying and acquiring knowledge about what we believe in is imperative. A faith system solely premised on theological presuppositions with no recourse to historical information can rub away context that would have otherwise provided a deeper appreciation of its narratives. The two keywords here are History and Theology; hence, it may be important to spell out a fundamental difference between these two terms in relation to the faith journey. History is an attempt to reconstruct events in the past based on evidence and plausibilities. Theology, on the other hand, is interpreting history through [...]

2021-02-11T18:42:07-05:00February 11th, 2021|Reflections and Ruminations|

Even Giants Have a Cross to Bear: Platinum Post by Marie Wiley

I am pleased to be able to provide a new post by Marie Wiley, the second she has submitted!  Are you interested in submitting one?  It can be on any topic related to the blog.  And it's Platinums-only.  So go for it. And many thanks Marie! ******************************** The vision I have of Jesus from The Gospel of Peter is one of my favorites. A gigantic Jesus with an equally gigantic cross illustrates so well my own personal idea of who this holy man is. He is bigger than the human beings I know or know of. When I hear the saying, “Never meet your heroes because you will be sorely disappointed,” I imagine our Jesus to be the exception. When his giant holy cross asks me if I have heard its message, I think, “Heaven, yes.” I know (in a gnostic sense) that its message to me is not one of salvation through Jesus’s death in atonement for my sins. I don’t believe in that. It’s nothing personal, but in all the arguments for this [...]

2021-02-02T18:20:35-05:00February 2nd, 2021|Reflections and Ruminations|

Platinum Guest Post by Douglas Wadeson: A Christian Is Not Necessarily a Disciple, and Vice Versa. Part 2

This now is the second of Douglas Wadeson's two-part post, presenting the flip side of his earlier one. These Platinum guest posts have been terrific so far.  I hope you too have enjoyed them.  Soon we'll vote on which of the four we've seen goes on the main blog site!  But for now, here is Doug again. In my previous post I argued that it may be possible to be a “Christian” but not necessarily a “disciple.”  Now I will discuss the flip side: is it possible to be a disciple of Jesus but not a Christian?  As a reminder from the previous post, I defined a Christian as one who believes in the Christ (Messiah), that died for the sins of the world and then was raised back to life by God; this is Jesus, of course.  Salvation comes by believing in Him, not through your actions.  In fact, trying to be saved by your “works” is futile and even heresy. A “disciple” is by definition a student or pupil or follower.  Such a [...]

2021-01-27T19:09:09-05:00January 27th, 2021|Reflections and Ruminations|

A Christian is Not Necessarily a Disciple: Platinum Post by Douglas Wadeson

The weeks' Platinum post comes to us from Douglas Wadeson, a long time member of the blog and recently retired (lucky fellow) physician.  The post comes in two parts: the second part will appear next week.   Remember: this post, your comments about it, and any ensuing back and forth come to Platinum members only.   (And remember: you too can submit a post!  I hope you do so.  Just send it to my assistant Diane Pittman, at [email protected]) Here now is part 1 of Doug's post: ******************************* In Dr. Ehrman’s Christmas blog post he ponders: “So this is what I don’t understand:  why so many of the alleged followers of the Prince of Peace not only refuse to accept his teaching but by and large preach *against* it, standing precisely for what he stood against.  It’s as if they haven’t read their Bibles.  It’s all there – in Jesus’ teachings, in the Old Testament prophets, he based his message on, in the gospel proclaimed by his earliest followers. God is not on the side of the [...]

2021-01-19T22:39:38-05:00January 18th, 2021|Reflections and Ruminations|

Platinum Guest Post by Steve Sutter: The Buddhist Influence on the Gospel of Luke

Here is a post submitted by Platinum member Steve Sutter, for the enjoyment of all you other shining Platinums.  It will go only to Platinum members of the blog and any comments you make will go only to Platinums as well.   Steve wanted me to let you know that he is not a scholar, but a very interested observer.  But I’m glad he’s made this post: I get asked about this sort of thing on occasion both on and off the blog.  Thank you Steve!   And the rest of you: enjoy!   Buddhist Influence on the Gospel of Luke   By: Steve Sutter, M.S. Presque Isle, Maine   Scholars have often considered the possibility that Buddhism influenced the early development of Christianity. They have drawn attention to the many parallels concerning the births, lives, ethics, and deaths of the Buddha (Siddhattha Gotama), and Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in their respective traditions of scripture and legend. (Old World Encounters – Cross-Cultural Contacts and Exchanges in Pre-Modern Times, Chapter 2  Jerry H. Bentley, Un. Of Hawaii, [...]

2021-01-30T01:49:37-05:00January 11th, 2021|Canonical Gospels|

Gold Members Only Audio Q&A

Dear Gold Members, As you know, one of your perks is a monthly audio version of a Q&A, designed and created just for you.  Only those with Gold privileges can participate and benefit..  You submit the Q's and I do the A's.  Interested?   Now we are set to do the first one. I will announce later the date on which it will be available, but first we have to make it!  For that to happen we need questions.   Want to submit one? Here are the rules.  You will be allowed to submit *one* question per month.  We will collect questions until Friday January 15.   Your question can relate to anything connected to the blog.  It should be relatively concise (not a page long) and an actual question, not a comment or disquisition on a topic you want the world to consider.   You should send you question NOT to me, and NOT as a comment on this post, but to my assistant, Diane Pittman <[email protected]>; she will collect and collate them, and we will decide which [...]

2021-01-11T21:55:37-05:00January 9th, 2021|Public Forum|

Platinum Members Webinar!

Dear Platinum Members, As you know, one of the perks of having Platinum membership is that I will be doing a Platinum-only webinar four times a year.   I now want to announce the first one, ever.   It will be held on Thursday, January 21, 7:00 pm EST.   Some of you will be rejoicing that day (from the previous one), some will be in mourning.  But we ain't gonna talk about it. Instead, we're gonna talk about something related to the blog.  The webinar will last 75 minutes: I will give a talk for 40-45 minutes, and after that I will answer questions.   The webinar is open to all Platinum members, and only to them. What should the topic be?   Below are three options.   I will let you vote!  If you would like to do so, please send an email to my assistant, Diane Pittman <[email protected]>; you don't need to say anything to her, just tell her which of these topics you would prefer hearing.  Majority rules! 1.  Does the Book of Revelation Predict Our Future? [...]

2021-01-10T18:37:34-05:00January 9th, 2021|Platinums|

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself. Platinum Post by Marie Wiley

Here is a post submitted by Platinum member Marie Wiley, for the enjoyment of all you other shining Platinums.  It will go only to Platinum members of the blog (so Steven tells me!) and any comments you make will go only to Platinums as well.   Thank you Marie, and enjoy all you others! ******************************* Love your neighbor as yourself. I like to imagine that Jesus had a more mystical meaning in this saying than the typical interpretation. I like to imagine the true meaning to be love your neighbor because your neighbor is yourself. This is because it fits neatly into my personal worldview, which isn’t a Christian one, nor one of materialism. I, like many Christians, think Jesus and I hold the same worldview, of course. It is in this biased way that I interpret scripture. He’s saying love God. He’s saying love others. And he’s saying love yourself. If you are to love your neighbor as yourself, you are thereby loving yourself as you love your neighbor so self-love is part of this. [...]

2023-08-22T15:41:32-04:00December 29th, 2020|Historical Jesus|
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