The Essence of Religious Literacy: A Christian Perspective. Platinum Guest Post by Fredrick Ackun
I am pleased to present now a very thoughtful guest post by Platinum member Fredrick Ackun! To respond, simply make a comment, and he will be able to reply. I am looking for more contributions! Feel free to send one along, on any topic! *************************** In this post, I wish to share and elaborate a bit on some personal realizations I have made in my faith journey. They are some of the main reasons why I am of the view that studying and acquiring knowledge about what we believe in is imperative. A faith system solely premised on theological presuppositions with no recourse to historical information can rub away context that would have otherwise provided a deeper appreciation of its narratives. The two keywords here are History and Theology; hence, it may be important to spell out a fundamental difference between these two terms in relation to the faith journey. History is an attempt to reconstruct events in the past based on evidence and plausibilities. Theology, on the other hand, is interpreting history through [...]