I can’t end my discussion of my book Misquoting Jesus without telling one of my favorite publishing stories.  OK … without *repeating* it.  I’ve given it on the blog before, but it’s been some years.  It was originally a response to a question about how trade books get their titles, and my explanation that “Misquoting Jesus” was NOT the title I wanted.



Dr, Ehrman, can you explain a little how you go about choosing a title for your trade books? Is it a collaborative effort between you and your agent or publisher? Can it be a difficult process where the title can change as the book progresses?  And if so,, can you give just a couple examples when you had decided on a title (could you name the original title ) and changed the title to the book that finally appeared at our local book store ?



In earlier posts I discussed the strategies behind giving a title to a scholarly book.   When it comes to trade books, written for popular audiences, it is a different ballgame altogether.   Whereas scholarly books are meant to sound erudite and learned, or if  they are meant to be “clever” then only clever to those on the academic inside who catch the allusions, trade books are meant to be witty and intriguing for a general reader, and a sign that the book will be really interesting and about something that the reader wants to learn more about.  In the best cases, the reader – a non-scholar – should read the title and think, “Huh, I’d like to know about that!” or “Huh, I wonder that that’s about.”  The trick is to be able to grab a reader’s attention without being overly sensationalized, and that’s a very fine line indeed.

It’s hard to know whether a title will accomplish its task or not.  I thought my last book “How Jesus Became God” would be a real grabber.  But I’m not sure it was.   The best titles for my books have always come – unlike that one – not from me but from my publisher.   My two favorites, I think, are Lost Christianities: The Battles For Scripture and the Faiths We Never Knew (published with Oxford as one of my first trade books; an editor came up with the title) (it actually was an editor with a different press who proposed the idea of the book to me and gave it a  title, before I decided to publish it instead with Oxford) and Misquoting Jesus:  The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why (my first book with Harper, since Oxford at the time wasn’t sure they wanted it) (big mistake).  There’s a funny story about that title, that I’ll tell at the end of this post.The best titles for my books have always come – unlike that one – not from me but from my publisher.

Trade publishers such as HarperOne, the branch of Harper Collins that publishes books in religion, specialize in all things having to do with trade books, and so they are real experts.

What typically happens is the editor thinks up a bunch of titles and bounces them off his editor friends and colleagues and bosses until they settle on something.  Then they ask the author.  The author objects.  (I’ve objected to every title so far!)   The editor talks the author into it.  The editor then takes it to the marketing department, who weighs in.  If they like it, it’s a go; if not, it’s back to the drawing  board.

You may have noticed that sometimes on Amazon a title is announced, but when the book gets published, it has a different title.  That’s because a change has been made (possibly because of a marketing department, or because of cold feet, or because of a better idea, or whatever) after information about the publication was released before the title was set in stone.

One other thing about titles is that if a book is published overseas the overseas branch of the publisher may change the title.   That happened with Misquoting Jesus, which in England was released as Whose Word Is It?   That’s a truly awful title, in my opinion, and I didn’t even know they were going to use it until I got a box of ten British editions of the book with a different cover.   The book didn’t do at all well in England.  But then again, most books on religion don’t, unless they are harshly atheistic or very conservative evangelical, since most people are not churchgoers any more, and most that are seem to lean toward a conservative understanding of things.

Anyway, the title Misquoting Jesus.   I came up with a number of titles (I always suggest things to the editors so they can realize more fully why authors should not be allowed to give books their own titles), none of them any good, like:  The Changing Face of Scripture: A Search for the Original Text.  Not exactly a heart-stopper.  The editors debated back and forth, and with me, for a long time what it would be called.   The title first released to Amazon, if I remember correctly, was The Monk and the Messiah, which I rather liked.   But the title I especially wanted was one my editor came up with, that I was really enthused about.   Since the book was about how the text of the New Testament had come to be altered over the centuries as it was transmitted by scribes copying it, he thought (at one point), that we should call it Lost In Transmission.

I thought this was terrific, and pushed for it till the end.   I didn’t like Misquoting Jesus because the book is not really about how the words of Jesus came to be misquoted, except insofar as scribes changed their texts of the New Testament (but not just Jesus’ words – and not just the Gospels), and I thought people would roundly object and even make fun of the title.   Boy was I wrong about that.  I’ve had scores of people tell me that they think it’s a terrific title.  So once again, chalk one up to the editors, and another well-deserved loss for me.

Anyway, as I was saying, I kept pushing for Lost in Transmission.   The reason the editors finally decided against it was that they thought that if someone were browsing the bookshelves in Barnes & Noble, and saw that title, they would assume that it was a book about NASCAR.

I pointed out to them that that would almost certainly improve the sales.

But I lost the debate and am glad I did.  When the book made the bestseller list, my editor sent me a special leather bound copy, embossed with the title Lost in Transmission.  So in a sense, I got my title…..

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2024-08-12T10:28:42-04:00August 13th, 2024|Bart’s Biography, Book Discussions|

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  1. charrua August 13, 2024 at 9:29 am

    Wow, it seems that for a book to become a bestseller, the title is just as important (sometimes even more important) than the entire content!

    After months (or even years) of hard research and work, it’s just the title—just five words or so—that truly defines the final outcome.

    As in many other instances, I do not agree with Barth; my favorite title is, undoubtedly:

    “Forged: Writing In The Name Of God.”

  2. jacaw August 13, 2024 at 3:46 pm

    Although agreeing with your editors that Misquoting Jesus is a really great title, my favorite title is still How Jesus Became God. Not only did it immediately intrigue me, but it has been your book that has most impacted and revolutionized my understanding of Christianity. I’m SO glad you wrote it.

    • BDEhrman August 17, 2024 at 8:39 pm

      Ah, and that title was mine! About the only good one I’ve come up with.

  3. daniel.calita August 13, 2024 at 4:21 pm

    Hi, Bart,

    What do you think of below verses?

    1) Philemon 1:10 NRSV
    [10] I am appealing to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I have become during my imprisonment.

    ~~ So Paul has taken a child into custody to use him in activities like spreading the gospel ? Who do you think Onesimus was?

    2) Philemon 1:21 NRSV
    [21] Confident of your obedience, I am writing to you, knowing that you will do even more than I say.

    In verses like this, Paul seems a little bit cunning and manipulative. What do you think?

    • BDEhrman August 17, 2024 at 8:43 pm

      1) “Child” just means “one who looks up to me” I use it myself, when someone does a nice thing for me I (somewhat tongue in cheek) say “Bless you my child” In Paul’s case it’s because he converted Onesimus and so is his “father” in the faith.

      2) My view is that Paul is subtly asking Philemon to give Onesimus over to him (Paul) as his own slave.

  4. junko August 13, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    I read the Japanese version of Misquoting Jesus (cuz I’m from Japan) and the title was “netsuzo-sareta seisho” which means “Fabricated Bible”. Did you know that?

    • BDEhrman August 17, 2024 at 8:44 pm

      Nope! Thanks for letting me know.

  5. mozartpc27 August 13, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    I’ve a question for Dr. Ehrman – sorry not on this topic, but as I understand the rules I should just post questions in the most recent blog post.

    I recently listened to your very brilliant podcast episode on the Gospel of Luke. My question is: given what you present there, in particular concerning Luke’s apparent de-emphasis on if not total elimination of the atoning sacrifice element of Christ’s passion in favor of a general emphasis on forgiveness, how does that alter the probabilities that the author of Luke-Acts was an associate of Paul’s, whose theology very much emphasizes the necessity of the atoning sacrifice of Christ over the idea that God will forgive if you merely ask?

    • BDEhrman August 17, 2024 at 8:47 pm

      Yes, I think it’s a big problem. The author of Acts actually has Paul himself proclaim a gospel that says not a word about Jesus’ atoning sacrifice. But for Paul that *was* the gospel! I don’t see how it could have been one of his companions. Or if it was, it was one who was rather thick and slow on the uptake…

  6. jsperko August 16, 2024 at 7:11 pm

    Speaking of Bart’s book, Amazon has his hardcover book “Journeys to Heaven and Hell” for $3.56 (an astounding 89% discount). I got it, of course. Not sure what this says about book marketing. Bart may not be exactly thrilled by this, though.

  7. Karlpeeter August 17, 2024 at 5:29 am

    Hi bart
    in galatians 2 Paul says peter and james added nothing to him coul this justifie that they had diffrent christologys.

  8. Karlpeeter August 17, 2024 at 4:55 pm

    Hi Bart
    Do you think Jeremiah realy prophecied the 70 years of exile or was it a prophecy after the fact?

    • BDEhrman August 29, 2024 at 3:01 pm

      Which verse do you have in mind?

  9. jaecat August 26, 2024 at 11:37 am

    Lost in Transmission would have been a great alternative title for Jesus Before the Gospels (which would then have been a good subtitle).

    I believe you’ve said before that Jesus Before the Gospels deserved to sell better than it did, and I agree. Fantastic book, on a really important topic.

  10. sLiu August 26, 2024 at 2:55 pm

    “clever” then only clever to those on the academic inside who catch the allusions, trade books;
    non-scholar – should read the title & think, “Huh, I’d like to know about that!” or “Huh, I wonder that that’s about” 
    THAT’s what Christianity & to some extent Judaism is all about.
    God who speaks in ways the decently devout don’t understand. & has communication problems.
    The most transparent- the copying from 1st editions to the selection to the recopying ver the centuries.
    From the 1st KJV to now. I memorized “Verily, verily” – what did that mean?
    what is it changed to now?
    I never understood or cared for Dr CS Lewis’ books or writings.
    “After his conversion to Christianity, his interests gravitated towards Christian theology and away from pagan Celtic mysticism (as opposed to Celtic Christian mysticism).”

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