Past and Present: One of My Debates with Dinesh D’Souza
As you all know, Dinesh D'Souza is in the national news again; he's one controversial fellow! As you may not know/remember, I had three public debates with Dinesh some years ago, not on campaign finance laws but on the problem of suffering, an issue he was long interested in as a committed evangelical Christian who believed he had (has) a reasonable answer or set of answers to the question of why there is so much pain and misery in the world if God is in charge of it. I was digging around and I found the following post from four years ago, giving one of our debates. Here is my intro to it and the debate itself. (WHEN I talk about him "being in the news" -- this, again, is from four years ago) - Dinesh D'Souza is the author of What's So Great About Christianity, and What's So Great About God, among others. ********************************************************************************************* A prominent figure in the news lately has been Dinesh D'Souza. Dinesh is best known as a hyper-conservative [...]