Ehrman vs Craig: Evidence for Resurrection
Over ten years ago now (March 28, 2006) I had a debate with William Lane Craig, author of Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics and On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision, at the College of the Holy Cross, on the question: “Is There Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus?” Craig is a conservative evangelical Christian philosopher. Yes, a real philosopher -- that is, he teaches courses in philosophy and writes about it; but from a very conservative Christian perspective. I never met Craig before the debate, and in places, the debate gets a little ... lively. Even testy. Craig and I have had zero contact with each other ever since. Craig provided a full transcript of the debate on his site Reasonable Faith here: I would assume that since he posted the transcript he thinks he pretty much mopped me up. Maybe he did! Please note: The video quality from the source is not great, since old-style equipment was used to record the event. We have added color and [...]