Most of us have never reflected on how awful, difficult, and heart-breaking it must have been for many, many people in the Roman world see their cherished and meaningful religions destroyed in front of their eyes by the ongoing triumph of Christianity.  But it’s worth thinking about.  Here is how I discuss it in the final part of the  Introduction to my book The Triumph of Christianity (Simon & Schuster, 2018).


Nowhere in modern times have the losses occasioned by clashes of religions and cultures crystalized more dramatically than in the city of Palmyra, Syria, where, in 2015, representatives of ISIS captured the city, executed a number of its inhabitants, destroyed archaeological remains, and ravaged its antiquities, torturing and beheading their chief conservator.  Nothing of equal savagery has ever affected the site.   But this is not the first time Palmyra endured an assault by religious fanatics who found its sacred temples and the holy objects they contained objectionable.  For that we need to turn the clock back seventeen hundred years.

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