This is the second guest post by Judy Siker, who explained in her previous post about her upbringing as a Christian in the South and then her move into the academic study of the Bible from a critical perspective.  If you recall, Judy was my student in the (very secular!) graduate program in New Testament/Early Christianity here at UNC, where she did both a Masters and PhD in the field, focusing, in her dissertation, on the socio-historical background to the Gospel of Matthew, in particular as that involved the relations of Jews and Christians in the author’s community.   She then had a rich and varied teaching career in a range of schools — private liberal arts, Catholic university, and Baptist seminary, among them!

In this follow up post Judy lays out her understanding of what the Bible is (among other things, a book that asks compelling questions about matters of faith) and is not (a book that gives us all the incontrovertible answers), partly in response to comments and questions she received.  She is willing once more to address any others that come her way.

Again, she’ll be happy to respond to your comments.

Judy Siker is author of Who is Jesus? What a Difference a Lens Makes.


… and you still believe? Part Two

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