I turn 64 in just under two weeks – October 5. I have to admit, for most of this past year I’ve had Paul McCartney ringing in my ears, “When I get older, losing my hair, many years from now…. Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m 64”….
As I get older, I think more and more about what I value in life, often with regrets for not always valuing what I now, at this point, think is truly valuable, but – for years and years – sometimes throwing myself into things that now seem so ephemeral and rather pointless. It’s not that I’m a particularly regretful person; on the contrary, I tend to throw myself into the moment with an eye to the future, is i.e., dealing with things I can change/do now, rather than being eaten up with things I can no longer do anything about.
But most of the time I find myself narrowing my values and latching on to fewer things, things that I can truly relish. I suppose with age one naturally reflects on the limited possibilities and options, as opposed to when one was young and the future seemed almost completely open. When you truly realize you don’t have forever, you tend to choose better what you really want to focus on. Or at least I do.
For me that has involved putting lots more time and effort into things I truly value and less into what is simply mildly interesting. Everyone has their own lists, of course. But for me, it has meant cutting out TV almost completely; watching (almost) only movies that I know are going to be deep and meaningful and make me think and reflect (not just French drama! J A couple of weeks ago I saw the new A Star is Born, and thought it was *fantastic*); reading novels that are “classics” for a reason (not necessarily dour and dreary. Right now I’m reading Evelyn Waugh, whose Brideshead Revisited is absolutely stellar and I found incredibly moving, years ago now; but he has some terrifically funny and insightful other novels, and so I’m having a go at some of them: Vile Bodies just now) (even so, I’m regularly drawn back to the 19th c classics).
I do watch sports: that’s my one pure-entertainment-with-no-noticeable-redeeming value outlet (mainly football, college basketball, golf, and tennis – my wife thinks I’m nuts). But when I have free time, I spend the bulk of it walking, working out, or reading.
Most important, I have become much more invested in the things that really do matter the most to me: family and friends. These are investments with the biggest dividends, personally; but their value transcends my personal needs for satisfaction. They are good also for those I love and cherish.
With all that said, most of my life gets thrown into my research, writing, and teaching. Hours and hours, just about every day. Almost all of it I really enjoy, deeply. I realize that a lot of this is very weird indeed to anyone outside my little universe. When I’m at a cocktail party with non-academics, there’s simply no way I can talk about my deep life passions (“Yes, I spent this morning exploring how the underworld journey in the Acts of Thomas was influenced by Virgil”; “UH, right, sorry – I see my neighbor over there. Nice talking to you….”) But, on the other hand, so what? It’s my life, and I decided many, many years ago not to make it conform to what most of the people in our world like or expect….
One of the things I spend a good deal of time on is the blog, of course. Unlike so many of the other things I devote my hours to, I see the blog principally as a kind of service, a giving-back of the many good things I have to others – both the people on the blog and the people in need that the blog supports through its charities.
I obviously love the blog for all sorts of reasons. I love communicating what I know with people who are interested in knowing, but who don’t have the technical training in my field either to be at all interested in what the scholars in it say to each other or to understand it in the ways they say it, just as I simply can’t generate any interest in – or come close to understanding – what economists, analytical philosophers, or neuroscientists are talking about in their own fields. As I have repeatedly said on the blog, most scholars in most fields simply don’t know how to communicate with those outside of it about what it is they do or why it is interesting. I seem to have that ability for some strange reason, and I think it is important and useful to use it.
Moreover, I enjoy very much getting to know people on the blog who are interested in this material and want to talk about it – getting 20-30 or more comments every day on things I’ve said, many of them highly insightful and interesting; meeting folk at Blog Dinners; and on and on.
So it’s all good. Which brings me back to my birthday, and to you, my blog members. I repeatedly hear from blog members who find it extremely helpful for their own thinking about things they are deeply interested in. Some appreciate it even more, finding it liberating and – so they’ve told me – even life-transforming, not because of the messenger but because of the message, information that challenges perspectives, views, and understandings – sometimes downright harmful – that they had been raised to think simply were true.
That is, of course, one of the principal reasons I do the blog in the first place. The other is at least equally important to me personally: to raise every bit as much for charity as we possibly can. As you know, every penny that comes in goes to charities to help those in serious need. The funds come mainly from membership fees, but also from donations. The donations have come in various amounts over the years, from $5 to $5000 (literally), always from people who appreciate the blog and all that it does.
Are you in that group of people who value the blog for what it gives you? If so, would you be willing to give back something to it to show your appreciation?
I’m suggesting you do so as a brilliant “When I’m 64” birthday present to me. I won’t get a thin dime from it myself, so it ain’t gonna line my pockets. It would go to the charities we all support. But in terms of person satisfaction, it would give me a very deep award indeed, knowing that something I’ve done and am doing has helped out others who are not as fortunate as I. I would appreciate it far more than that Lamborghini you were *thinking* about giving me.
Again, it could be any amount from $5 (or less!) to $5000 (or more!). The point is not the amount per se. We are all in very, very different circumstances. But if you want to make a donation, now would be a great time. Please do!! Just go to the homepage and hit “Donate” and go from there. It would make my (birth)day.
Thanks for all you do.
Me too
I turn 64 on the 9/28.
I made the mistake of getting my prostate cancer treated and along with the side effects, am 6 weeks out still unable to run..
I’ve run 100,000 miles since 1977 and the sport is my religion ha
Cartneys song… yeah exactly.
And Paul Simons song “ bookends”
Although we haven’t reached 70 yet… it’s reflective on the suddenness of life.
September 28th would have also been my 23rd anniversary had my wife not passed away from glioblastoma back in 2014…
I can’t believe it’s been 23 years since that wonderful day..
I just want to get back to running again.
If you ever decide on cancer surgery of any kind.. don’t just gloss over the “ side effects” part. Ha
Lets have a good 64th!
Happy 64th!! I’m so sorry to hear about your wife. Long distance running. Wow — I never could enjoy it. Interesting sports for me always involved balls and things to hit them with (baseball, tennis, golf, and racketball….)
I think it may be too late to cancel the order for the Lamborghini …
I hope so.
Just donated. Also today, I saw on Amazon that the Second Edition of your textbook “The Bible” is now available. So I bought that to see what changes you may have made between the two editions. … Happy Birthday!
Yes, we still need you, Bart, and would even be happy to feed you! lol Hope you have a wonderful 64th birthday. Thanks for the reminder about the charities and the good work they do. Happy to help. Thanks, too, for sharing with us your thoughts and reflections and your exceptional scholarship here on the blog.
Added a donation with pleasure (small, I’m afraid, my currency has shrunk alarmingly! When I spent a year on the buckle of the bible belt in the ‘States in 1973 it cost me 0.7 of my Rand for a dollar. It now costs me 14 Rand for one dollar!). I laughed weakly at your “64” experience. Mine was like a mirror image six months and three days before yours. No more TV, reading classics, etc. Have a lovely day, year and life! I’ve loved the blog.
Great! Many thanks,
Well said Bart! At 66 I feel the same way you do about what’s important to me now, and my regrets. As they say, “youth is wasted on the young”. I continue to value your Biblical scholarship! It has helped me immensely in my own faith journey! I also find your approach to critical thinking in general helps me question and investigate many things in regular life. So, we value your work and hope it continues! You are very much appreciated by your bloggers!
Happy birthday and thank you for your generosity in time for us and inf the money for the needed. I came here after watching one of your debates, and reading the blog with a cup of coffee is one of the early pleasures before I go to the office.
Thank you again and enjoy your day.
Happy birthday for the 5th! Happy to donate. The blog is a super resource in many ways but I tend to love your personal reflections the most. I’m interested in your line about people having been raised with views and perspectives that can be harmful. I wonder if you meant harmful to society or to the individual or both… recently there seems to have been something of an explosion in understanding of and discussion about religious trauma – this is perhaps too personal a question but I’m curious as to whether this concept resonates with you?
I don’t feel any personal trauma, no; I have a very mixed feeling about my past, incredulity that I was sucked into fundamentalism and gratitude that I was! 🙂
Happy Impending Birthday, Bart.
Just remember, it’s the thought that counts. 😉
Yup, thoughts are even more important!
Happy birthday Bart! I just finished reading Triumph of Christianity and i’m also on my second go round with Introduction to the New Testament. I’m looking forward to your next book! ????
I’ve been meaning to join your blog for nearly a year, and your Pauline (of a different sort!) birthday post tipped me over the edge. Thank you dearly for all of your work! I was raised Christian and no longer consider myself a member of the faith. Unlike you, I am still a theist, but, like you, I harbor no ill will toward Christianity and indeed find much of it redeeming, most of all its emphasize on helping those in need. My understanding of early Christianity and the Bible have increased radically since I began ravenously listening to your debates and interviews on YouTube over the last couple of years, but even more than the knowledge you have given me, I am grateful for your example of honesty and integrity, both intellectual and otherwise, even in the face of criticism – and even when it hurts to speak your truth. I am an artist (musician) and draw some of my greatest strength from other artists who are willing to bare their hearts and minds and share their deepest beliefs no matter what, and I consider you one of them. Hope to meet you at a dinner sometime!
Welcome to the blog!
Bart, best wishes for your upcoming birthday, hope you have a wonderful day. Would you mind recommending a few (4/5) good movies ? ????
Among my favorites: L’Amour; Talk to Her; Manon of the Springs; and Amadeus. But that’s just off the top of my head….
Ikiru (To Live) and My Dinner with Andre
I’m very grateful for your work and this blog. This may sound strange but Christianity had somewhat of a negative effect on me. Though your work is grounded in serious historical and academic scholarship, I have found it very healing and for that I’m even more grateful.
Appreciate your work on this blog. I have been following you since probably 2008 or so with Great Courses. Have read a couple of your books as well. It is wonderful that you challenge assumptions ingrained into our brains from early on about the Bible and what is accepted thinking within Christian communities. Never thought so much about the word “Pseudo” until I began listening to you. Sounds like a great idea to give to a charitable cause.
OK, just a small thank you for the great info this blog provides, to celebrate your birthday I am going to add an additional $64 USD to my annual donation…Happy Birthday (in advance).
Ha! Brilliant!
The blog is something I always look forward to and I value it enormously. I have read most of your books (and the great courses series) and now have a bit of an addiction to early church history and early Christianity. I now know WAY more about the Bible now than when I was a practicing Christian. I have many Christian friends still and they won’t even talk to me anymore about the Bible (most Christians who I know, know nothing about Christian history). Keep up the good work. Happy 64th Birthday!
Happy (almost) Birthday! Of course, when Paul McCartney wrote that song, 64 was indeed old to all of us. These days, hey, 64 is the new 44, right?!
As I get older (I’m only three years your junior), I find myself increasingly interested in many diverse subjects, from ancient history to cosmology to world religions. I realize I’ll never be a scholar in any of them, but I try to read only books and articles that are written by scholars in these respective fields. I may just be skimming the surface in all of them, but one advantage I think is that you start to see overlaps and connections between things that, I like to think, may not necessarily be visible to someone down in the weeds of his or her specific field.
As for TV, I also recently discovered that U-Tube has many lectures and programs (some of them yours) by reputable scholars. For example, I just finished watching a fantastic 4-part BBC series on the Wars of the Roses by Dan Jones, a noted historian of medieval England. So there is much good television programming out there if you look for it.
Happy Birthday! Small donation made.
Don’t often comment but value the blog very much. JAPOTNM was one of the most personally important books I’ve ever read, and I’ve enjoyed many others of yours as well.
I’m an engineer at a software company, but if I met someone at a cocktail party who could speak intelligently about Virgil’s influence on the Acts of Thomas, my day — no, year! — would be made.
Ha! And thanks for the donation!
Thank you Mr. Ehrman,
One of your most touching posts…
One day, I believe you will write that short book… and in each phrasing, there will be a whole universe!
Because It will come from your heart…
Happy Birthday Bart! That’s a big deal for you and a big deal for me to Say this….Why? Raised a Jehovah’s Witness, as you may know never celebrated birthdays. Which leads me to my question. Did ancient people know their birthdates? Did they celebrate? My former religion talks of 2 scenes in bible of birthdays. I love your work and you helped me to think critically after all these years!
The vast majority of people, no and no!
Happy Birthday Bart! I turned 64 this year as well and appreciate your advice and outlook on life.
Happy birthday Bart. Thanks for sharing your personal thoughts. That means a lot. I am finding that aging has been a huge roller coaster ride, lots of physical downs but emotionally and mentally lots of ups. Friends and internet friends are important to keep me open minded and constantly moving forward. Your blogs and books help with that as I am a “recovering Catholic” and the road sometimes gets bumpy. I’m glad I found you.
From someone 6+ years your senior: 1. Love the blog. The only one to which I subscribe or even attend. Have learned/learn lots.
2. Yep, it’s your life, get your kicks where/when you can, to thine own self be true. Nonetheless: Nix the football. Whatever its strategic, tactical and athletic beauties (former fan here), it’s violent, brutal, and brain (especially) damaging and, for many years, mostly boring. Too boot, the NFL in particular as well as the NCAA are rapacious criminal organizations, executives/owners to players. Other than that, what’s not to love?
I know. The brain damage is the most disturbing part. But I just can’t draw myself away from the amazing athleticism. Curling, not so much.
I have deconstructed as a 58 year committed all out Christian. Just lost a marriage because of it and almost every friend I have. Your blog helps me keep my sanity and I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am to you. Happy Birthday brother. You have no idea how you affect others positively.
Ouch. So sorry to hear it. Hang in there. There are other friends out there!
Dear Dr. Eherman, thank you for sharing a personal message on the eve of your 64 year. Your blog is a school for me. Please, more editions in Spanish of his books. A big hug to you and congratulations on your 64
Added a little somethin somethin to the pot and wish you the happiest of birthdays with many more to come! I am another that want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do. I left religion behind ages ago and yet I am still fascinated with the development and persistence of faith. Often, I feel it’s like a train wreck…I can’t look away!
I can’t begin to express my gratitude for all of your informative posts and your amazing ability to translate it so that we may benefit as well. How I wish more scholars would be able to do so. Your gift is priceless. Thanks.
Isn’t it funny how 64 used to seem so old and now it seems so….only oldish!
Thanks! And I don’t think even “oldish” any more. That’s more like … 74? I hope to find out….
An early Happy Birthday Bart, and welcome to the 64 y.o. club from a fellow member. Joined the blog recently after hearing you speak at the Smithsonian on Controversies in Early Christianity. Enjoy your scholarly, practical, rational perspective. I grew up as a fairly secular Jew but converted to Catholicism at age 50. Have been fascinated by the Bible ever since. As I have “matured” in my faith and spirituality I have found myself unable to defend some of the crazy stuff in Catholicism and in many organized religions in general, actually. But I never tire of the Bible and the tremendous insight it gives us into humanity as well as the timelessness of some of the wisdom. And I guess I don’t care much if Matthew, Mark, Luke or John actually authored what the various churches claim they did–it is still valuable to read, as I am sure you would agree! I am fascinated by the teachings “attributed” to Jesus Christ and it has helped me navigate life a bit better, including getting older, by the way! Your reflection here is lovely and I feel much the same way, though I don’t have my “work” any longer like you do. But I try to be purposeful and useful where I can be. I started reading John Barton’s book, on your recommendation, and I appreciate your blog and what you do to make the world a better place. So I too will make a contribution in honor of your birthday! Very Best Wishes!
Great, thanks! Sounds like you’ve had an unusual journey!
“But for me, it has meant cutting out TV almost completely watching (almost) only movies that I know are going to be deep and meaningful and make me think and reflect”
Will you be watching the Breaking Bad movie El Camino? A <a href="https://youtu.be/1JLUn2DFW4w"new trailer" was released today.
By the way, and I’m sorry to ask this but I’ve got to ask, was there ever a time when you were watching Breaking Bad that you were ever tempted or considered to get in touch with a former student and try to set up a meth empire? If so, what would be your trade name? So instead of Heisenberg, you would be….?
PS: Happy birthday! I hope you have a fab one that includes real bacon rather than some horrible vegan substitute that smells like band-aid (BB S1E1 reference). 🙂
Yeah, I have to admit, I thought the series was amazing. But that’s all I watch, things that are amazing. And no, never felt drawn to the Heisenberg Principle….
Made a birthday donation
Thanks for your blogs
Bless you my son. May your tribe increase!
A little late, but I donated. Partially to support you and your charities, and partially as a thank you. I recently received an email, sent to about a dozen women, informing us of the horrible things Muslim men do to women and how they are going to take over everything. I decided not to stay silent. In my response, I suggest everyone should get to know some Muslims and I referenced information from your ‘Christians known as perverts’ post talking about how early Christians were thought to engage in incest and cannibalism. As Covey says: seek first to understand, then to be understood.
Happy birthday and thank you.
Many thanks!
Dr. Ehrman,
Happy Birthday
You share a birthday with Chester Arthur, the 21st president, and Ray Croc, who founded McDonald’s in 1955! Also, Oct. 5 in 1921 The World Series is broadcast on radio for the first time. Oct. 5, in ’62: The first James Bond film, Dr. No with Sean Connery, debuts. PBS is established in 1970.
Wow. OK, then…
Dr. Ehrman,
Happy Birthday now that it’s officially the 5th. I never actually had a class with you, but you’ve been the best scholar and teacher that I’ve known. Don’t worry about 64, it’s not what it used to be. There are some scholars right now pushing 90 and still lecturing and publishing.
Yup, I’m thinkin’ I’m half way there!
I find such incredible value here, and I’ve only just started, from your books (I have 3, finished 1.5) and yt videos. I simply cannot thank you enough. Your life’s work is fascinating to me, I’m devouring it. Thank you, thank you.
Bart, why are you such a loving person! I’m not asking. I’m saying. To me you will always be somewhat in your 40’s. What was your age doing the “Lost gospel of Judas” on youtube? https://youtu.be/qIXwSjyxe88
Hmm.. Right around 50 I guess?
So, no point giving you book recommendations, then? Not even if it’s a book about a man who, having been severely burnt all over in a drug-induced accident, wakes up in hospital two months later where his only pleasure lies in planning his own suicide until he meets a woman from the psychiatric ward who tells him they were lovers in early 14th century Germany where she, as a nun, produced the first German translation of Dante’s Inferno? Such a pity! I have just described _The Gargoyle_ by Andrew Davidson, published in 2008 and as worthy of the title of “classic” as anything I have ever read.