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Readers’ Questions and My Responses (11/2024)

I have received some more interesting questions in the comment section of the blog, and thought I should published them more broadly, along with my responses.  Here goes!   Question: What are your views on what Jesus is communicating in the ‘Whose Son Is the Messiah?’ story in the synoptics where Jesus references Psalm 110:1.   Response: It’s a great passage (Mark 12:35-37). It occurs in the midst of a series of dialogues/controversies Jesus is having with his Jewish opponents in Jerusalem, in which Jesus repeatedly confounds and maligns them. In this one he does so by asking them a question that he knows they won’t be able to answer without contradicting something they already think. He asks them how “the Christ can be the son of David if in Psalm 110, written by David, he says “The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand….”?? That is, if David calls the messiah “My Lord,” then how could he be his “son”? The scribes are apparently flummoxed and can’t answer, and the crowds [...]

2024-11-29T08:36:13-05:00December 3rd, 2024|Reader’s Questions, Recent Comments|

More on Ramtha

I’m a little surprised (OK, really surprised) that when I posted the video of my lecture on the Gospel of Judas Iscariot two days ago it didn’t generate more (a lot more) discussion on the blog. Not because of the lecture, but because of where I gave it, the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. I expected that to spark a lively response. It didn’t. And the most common response that I did receive (on the blog or privately) was some surprise that I would lend my name to such an institution to give them greater credibility. So I should say something about that. To start: a number of people asked me if I would have given the talk if had known that it was not the American School of Gnosticism but was, what it was, the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. I think the answer is probably no. I had never heard of the school before, or or Ramtha, or of JZ Knight. But given what is said about it on the internet, I would have said [...]

2020-04-03T17:34:24-04:00January 18th, 2014|Recent Comments, Reflections and Ruminations|
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