The Twelve Days of Christmas!  I’d like to honor the tradition by giving twelve of my favorite Christmas-themed posts over lo these many years the blog has been in existence.  I am not ranking them in any particular way as a countdown to my #1 favorite, much as the famous English Christmas Carol itself.  Speaking personally, I’d prefer “five golden rings” both to what came earlier (say, “three  French hens) and to what came later (what am I going to do with “ten lords a leaping”?).   They are just the twelve.

And here’s the first, from 2012.


Right now I have the Christmas on my mind — as makes sense this time of year. But I have some other reasons.  First, I have agreed to write a brief (2000-word) article for Newsweek this week [December 2012], to be published in a couple of weeks, about the birth of Jesus, and this has made me think about the other Gospels (from outside the New Testament) that tell alternative accounts of Jesus’ birth and young life.

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