In two previous posts I talked about the “genre” of the book of Revelation (see and ). Now I can give a brief description of how the book of Revelation functions as an apocalypse – that is, how the features of the genre, that I’ve already mentioned, work themselves out in the narrative of the book. Again, this is taken from my textbook on the New Testament (Oxford University Press; 7th edition 2020).
In general terms, Revelation corresponds to the basic description of apocalypses that I have given. It is a first-hand account written by a prophet who has been shown a vision of heaven that explains the realities of earth, a vision that is mediated by angels and that is chock-full of bizarre and mysterious symbolism. The nature of the book is indicated at the outset, in the magnificent vision of the exalted Christ that the prophet describes in ch. 1. Here Christ appears as “one like a Son of Man” (cf. Dan 7:13-14, where the phrase describes the cosmic judge of the earth) and is seen walking amidst the seven golden lampstands (i.e., he is present among the seven churches of Asia Minor, 1:20), with seven stars in his hands (i.e., he himself is in control of the guardian angels of these churches and therefore of the churches’ own destinies; 1:20). His appearance is symbolic: among other things, he is a king (long robe with golden sash, 1:12); he is ancient (white hair, 1:14); he is the cosmic judge (eyes like fire, 1:14); he is full of splendor (feet of burnished bronze, 1:15); he is all-powerful (voice of many waters, 1:15); he speaks the word of God (two-edged sword in his mouth, 1:16); he is totally overpowering (face like the sun, 1:16). The prophet’s response to this vision is understandable: he falls down as if dead. But Christ raises him up and commands him to convey both the message of his vision and the truth of what is yet to come.
Features of the Apocalypse
Rather than examining all that happens in this book in detail, it may prove more useful to see how some of its features make sense in light of the apocalypse genre, as I have just described it.
- Bizarre Symbolism. The symbolic character of John’s visions is obvious. Sometimes he himself doesn’t understand what he sees and needs an angel to explain it for him (e.g., 17:7). This does not mean, however, that everything he says is completely shrouded in mystery. Indeed, many of the symbols are not difficult to understand for those who know enoughWanna see how Revelation is very similar to a lot of other books from the ancient world? This is the kind of thing you can get in a post like this. And to see, it doesn’t require a heavenly vision, only a small membership fee. Every nickel of it goes to charity. So why not? Click here for membership options
Would the historical Jesus have been able to follow the Revelation? A little ironic that the book that comes closest to his own message almost didn’t make it in…
The author(s) of the Book of Daniel are conspicuously and almost purposefully anachronistic in detail to clue the reader that, “hey guys, this is a “let’s go team!” novel not a history.” Obviously, some early Christians/Jews didn’t get the hint, so why would Revelation be any different in it’s creative fabled intent to encourage the faithful to endure persecution and hardship? We see other examples in the Pseudepigrapha, including Enoch, The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, The Assumption of Moses and the Apocalypse of Baruch. Apocalypticism faded when its promises failed, so why the need for canonization, particularly one with a what looks to be Montanist emphasis on personal apocalyptic visions? You’d think there would be a post-Nicaea epiphany of “what the hell were we thinking?”
Like Revelation, the canonization of the Book of Daniel looks like a matter of politics. Pious Jews and Christians apparently embraced the books, despite their historical errors, false predictions, and recent origins, because it supported their political movement. Thus religious fantasies will survive if the political factions that embrace them prevail in the end, and it is the winners who write the history books.
Would you agree the “A Christmas carol,” and ” it’s a wonderful life” are a mild form of apacholypse but show that you have to get on the right path and appreciate this life in just the right way to overcome evil?
I don’t think they have particularly apocalyptic views, but they do show that good wins out! And they are both wonderful….
I’m really feeling the cliffhanger of how your perspective on Revelations has changed. (“how I now make sense of the book, which is different from how I’ve made sense of it most of my life!”) Stretching it out for weeks is almost cruel. When will we get to know your new perspective? Do I need to wait for your new book? Can you maybe give some bizarre symbolic hints?
Do not fear. The end is coming soon.
You responded “Do not fear. The end is coming soon.” Would I be wrong to think this is a hint about your change of mind?
No, I”m just saying that I”ll be explaining things anon. Like the parousia: coming soon but we don’t know when….
I have gotten the message from you and other New Testament scholars that the public or Christians have maybe overblown the persecution of Christians during this time period yet this document (Revelation) would suggest sort of a pervasive persecution and martyrdom of Christians by the Roman Empire. Can you help me reconcile this? Was it more of a local persecution and so the author (and therefore us) are overgeneralizing it too much?
Yes, it’s generally thought that the author *perceived* a massive persecution that was not going on. I should say, I know a lot of American evangelicals who feel they are being persecuted, and it makes me scratch my head. It’s common for a group to build up a narrative of opposition.
Just because the Branch Davidians were paranoid doesn’t mean somebody wasn’t out to get them!
Back in school my understanding was that scholars thought that the Prophetic literature was largely oracular pronouncement subsequently committed to writing. On the other hand the Apocalyptic literature was largely composed in writing. Is that still the thinking?
I suppose a lot of people do think that, yes. My sense is that it’s very hard to know, either with prophecy always starting out as oral or apocalyptic always staritng out as written. I kinda doubt it, but there’s almost no way to show it.
Do any of these apocalypses explain how sin is not re-introduced into the world by the eating of forbidden fruit thus starting the current sorry state of affairs all over again when the new kingdom comes into existence? When I was a Christian that was a point of confusion for me.
I don’t now of any apocalyptic writigs that do, but later Christian theologians (such as Origen) had to deal with it. His basic view was that people would be so overwhelmingly convinced, compelled, and filled with the unstoappable love of God that they simply woiuld not be tempted to defy him in any way.
Yes true The new kingdome of God came and laid the foundation to how to escape sins. The book below mentions the way used by the kingdom of God.
Do you have a tentative date for the release of your Revelation book?
I”m hoping for late fall 2022; but in reality I don’t have a tentative date for when I’ll start *writing* it! 🙁
Bart, you said “that God is sovereign over this world”… However, John’s world was not the entire planet, but the GK kosmos, the covenant and administrative world of Israel, the end of which is what the Revelation is describing.
“…he will vindicate his people by destroying their enemies” – According to multiple scriptures, only Israelites were referred to as his people. The enemies of Jesus’ followers were Jewish religious authorities, people who according to Paul, were persecuting Christians.
“Believers must therefore hold on and not cave in” – First century believers were Jews and non-Jewish descendants of the tribes of Israel who had been dispersed among the nations. Some of them were called ‘gentiles’ because they had stopped being Torah observant and had stopped practicing circumcision.
“a fearful judgment for those who have proved faithless” – Jesus only warned Jews about the judgement to come.
There is a context to the scriptures that is an exclusively Israelite context. Only Israelites are seen in the Revelation as being saved, sealed and redeemed. From beginning to end, the bible is Israel’s redemptive narrative, not ours. People have simply tried to make it their redemptive narrative by reading themselves into the story.
Rev 1:3 “Blessed is the one who reads the words .. and blessed are those who HEAR it ”
So John expected his Revelation to be read aloud in the Asian churches.
His audience was not highly trained 21 th century OT/NT scholars but common 1st century people listening to some gifted brother who could read.
John obviously uses OT and apocalyptic symbolism and probably somebody else in each church would “explain” how to interpret them but a good share of the work had to be understood by those who “listen” without interpretations being made or it would be useless to organize such a “reading”.
Question to Bart :
Why do scholars so often (I’m starting reading some stuff about different interpretations of the Whore of Babylon, The Two Witnesses and so on ) make so deep “exegesis” of every theme in Revelation ? Was it possible for John’s audience to make such interpretations? Or does Revelation “make sense” only by sharing the context in which those symbols were developed and digging so deep in what we still have (the OT, the rest of NT and so on) is useless?
THe reason we have to dig so deep today in our exegesis of Revelation — and of every other book from teh ancient world — is precisely because our world and assumptions and views and commonsenses and knowledge and backgrounds and everything elses are so different that we have to do serious research to know what something might have meant to an ancient author and his or her audience.
I understand but if the bone is in another hole, no matter how deep we dig we won’t find it or perhaps we will end up calling a bone whatever we found.
I agree that all that search has to be done, that is the difference between a mere opinion and a professional one, all I try to say is that many times we have no real answers and where there are no answers well.. every answer seems to work.
When I read your posts about the plausibility of Peter or John writing letters or gospels in good Greek being low class Aramaic speakers I imagine a fisherman in Titicaca Lake who barely writes spanish being the author of a theological treatise in perfect English and showing expertise in the OT and well… is obvious. But then you say there are scholars that disagree with you,well, that’s what I call to dig too deep, there is no chance at all for these letters to have been written by Peter/John. We don’t have any idea of who really wrote those letters no matter how deep we can dig.
I liken reading an ancient book like Revelation without careful study of the ancient context to reading a commentary on a baseball game without having the foggiest idea what the rules are. You’d be pretty lost.
The problem is that we are pretty lost.
In NT/Early chrsitian scholarship I see a very long spectrum of opinions, form scholars who say Jesus never existed through many different historical Jesus ( revolutionary , exorcist , apocalyptic preacher ) and even scholars that still think the resurrection was as “historical” as D day invasion.
So with the NT texts , who, where and when wrote the gospels? You can choose from Galilee/Antioch/Somewhere in Siria/Alexandria/Rome/Ephesus/Damascus, etc etc, any year from 35 AD through the end of 2nd century and many candidate writers . All sorts of combinations of writer/date/provenance are supported by different scholars. If they would be doctors diagnosing me I wouldn’t know if I’m completely healthy or about to die. Sorry if it looks disrespectful but this is what I really think.
If their methods are solid enough and well established as in other fields , why are the conclusions so different?
and again ….. from my last comment “I agree that all that search HAS TO BE DONE” but the results are at least confusing
In my mind, to understand the Revelation, start at the end.
Where are we at the end of Revelaiton.,,,,at a level where we will be one with Christ, and be like Christ, in unity with God living in a restored Eden, whatever that migh mean. To get to this point, level, we without doubt have to change!,,,,,,,,A LOT! from we are now. And change depends on a process being done. External wars, monsters etc etc of any kind,,,,,,,,,,,will that change us to a level being one with Christ, and in unity with God???? Will that make us a new being, an evolved being, an evolved conciousness to be one with Christ??? In my mind, not at all. This is not how changes, evolvement happens.
To move us from where we are here and now,,,,WE have to change. This change is in my mind explained in a complete symbolic language in the Revelation. The Revelation seems to me being an Apocalypse (is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge.) about ourself and our transformation
I like this interpretation. I am reminded of Sufi scholars interpreting the idea of “Jihad” actually being about, not a literal war, but man’s struggle against the ego (symbolized by Satan) and worldly attachments that stand in the way of achieving oneness with God.
How would you describe the Christology of Revelation?
Jesus is called the “origin of God’s creation” in 3:14. A NRSV footnote indicates that “beginning of God’s creation” is an alternative translation. If it’s the beginning, perhaps that’s another way of saying Jesus is firstborn of the raised. If it’s origin, that could mean Jesus is the creator, similar to the view of the 4th gospel. Jesus is called the Word of God in Revelation (19:13). I can see how someone might argue that the John of Revelation views Jesus as the Word of God through whom the universe was created.
Also, physical descriptions of Jesus (1:13-16) are similar to that of angels (15:5-6). Does this suggest Jesus is divine? The phrase Alpha and Omega appears to refer to Jesus and the Father in different places (e.g. 1:8 vs 22:13). If both Jesus and the Father are Alpha and Omega, does this make both God? If so, Jesus appears subordinate to the Father (e.g. 2:28).
I know that was a lot of questions, so I’m not asking you to answer them all. I’m just curious how you would describe the Christology of Revelation, taking some of these questions into account.
CHrist is definitely a divine being; he had been human and was slain for sins; he fully implements the will of God; in particular he is used by God in acts of vengeance against the entire world; it is his life and death alone that can bring eternal life; those who refuse to worship him, and God through him, will be destroyed by being thrown into a lake of fire. In places the author does seem to confuse terms relating to the FAther and the Son. As with most issues, Revelation doesn’t keep everything straight….
What you say is a confusion of terms could be a deliberate juxtaposition. Did you ever consider that?
Yes, of course. AS you know scholars try to consider all the options. Given all the mistakes the author makes and his general carelessness (the grammar!) it seems more plausible that he just was a bit careless in these instances as well.
Dr. Ehrman,
Isn’t there only one angel in Revelation who is giving John the big tour, so to speak?
MOst of the book doesn’t involve an angel giving him a tour, no.
Jesus peace be upon him is the messiah who will rule when he descend from heaven and during his time peace will prevail in the world.
but when he was on earth he was to give good news of the prophet that will establish the kingdom of God. and to be rejected by the jews.
Muhammad peace be upon him is the Good news of jesus peace be upon him as mentioned in the pdf below
[Math 19:28] You which followed me in the regeneration, when the son of man
shall sit in the throne of his glory, you shall also sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
[John6:70] Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a Devil ?!!
Did Jesus peace be upon him really said that his 12 disciples will sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel? even the devil among the 12?
i dont know what jesus peace be upon him meant by that if he really said it.
YEs, he apparently did. He believed he would be the ruler of the new Kingdom on earth and they would be ruling under him. He included Judas in the group because he did not know Judas wuold betray him. (I’m talking historically here; that is a problem only for those who believe that Jesus must have known everything that was to happen because he was the son of God; that would be a theological view, not a historically supported one)
Jesus being the ruler agrees to what we have in our scripture because he was never crucified rather they crucified someone else who was made to resemble Jesus. and God ascended jesus peace be upon him. then after the prophet who has the kingdom upon his shoulder came and established the long awaited kingdom. and in the future Jesus peace be upon him will descend to rule in it.
If Jesus peace be upon him really foretold the destruction of the second temple. Then it doesnt seem that jesus peace be upon him thought that he would rule in that time. what we have in our scripture is that he will rule before the end of the world.
(John: 4/19-24) These verses Jesus is refering to the nation who will do what pleases God.they will not be from jerusalem rather to another place which suits no better to the house of God Makkah that Abraham and Ishmael peace be upon them Built. Therefore Jesus peace be upon him Knew the time when the Kingdom of God will be established.meaning he knew Muhammad is the final prophet of end times that is sent for all nations.Making all nations bless Abraham.
I’ve never quite understood the title of Son of Man . . . even if the cosmic judge of the earth does resemble a human it hardly sounds like a likely candidate for his principal defining characteristic!
(Have been on an enforced absence for a while . . . my computer got struck by lightning — literally, there was a thunderstorm and even after the power came back on the computer no longer functioned and I had to get a new one — was a bit tense for a while!)
if Jesus peace be upon him really used this phrase son of Man
I think that the Jews understood what jesus peace be upon him Meant by it.
Because Jesus peace be upon him should be called the Son of a Women (virgin Marry peace be upon her)
In other word o children of Israel Im not The one who will establish the kingdom of God on earth.
Its like telling them Im not that prophet who the prophets foretold you about, and whom you desire to save you.
The Son of Man the one you rejected he is the one who will establish the kingdom of God.
Jesus before ascencding was to give the Good news get rejected by his nation.
then Ascend to Heaven. then to descend on earth in the end times to kill the 666 beast(Antichrist)
and after Gog, Magog are dead. jesus peace be upon him will rule in the kingdom of God(Islam) and
peace will prevail against evil.
Im sure that the jews were very angry to the Goodnews that Jesus peace be upon him told them.
so the Goodnews was made to be that he died for sins,and as if that the kingdom of God will never come.
Its possible that alot of jews after they have realized that the romans didnt crucify Jesus peace be upon him and that the one who got crucified his family lost him. then with the news spreading from who saw that jesus peace be upon ascended to Heaven. that alot of jews came to conclusion that Jesus Is Really the Messiah/prophet who will save them from the romans when he descends back very soon before they would die. but that was not correct also. because if they didnt reject jesus and followed jesus teachings it was to prepare them and the coming generation upon righteousness to be ready for the Seal of Prophets the desire of nations the most praised Muhammad the one God promised Abraham that from Euphrates to Nile River will all soon be the land of his Descendants who worship the true creator.
[email protected]
Son of Man is the promised child of Adam who is the master of all sons of Adam without boasting. He is The Prince of The World.
if youre interested The link below contains a book that explains Son of Man More from page 193 to 224
ithink The problem with history is that the remaining sides gets more opportunity to tell what happened and can make their views seem correct and the loosing side view seems false and label them as liar etc. in our case the jews that didnt believe in the correct message of jesus and roman christianity survived and from them we are understanding history mostly. as for the ones who understood the true message of jesus peace be upon him we dont hear their voice much. I dont know if historians think jesus peace be upon him was a false messiah? Because the reason jews wanted to kill him was because they knew jesus was not the expected savior but they knew he was a True Prophet. jesus told them the kingdom of God will be taken from them and given to a nation that will do what pleases God so the Messiah their waiting to save them is Muhammad peace be upon him and his companions who were described by a plant with Strong Belief and pleasing deeds to God . But they rejected Their saviour the CornerStone the one David Called Master.
◄ Matthew 18:11 ►
King James Bible
For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.
recovering what was in Moses And Abraham scripture:
bringing back the true Good news / Gospel
he will suddenly come to his temple from the sky between clouds
he will speak against them Children of israel and many other signs present in this chapter about the son of Man
Good Thing Son of man is kept to be son of man and not named Muhammad. Otherwise scribes wouldve tampered with it just as they have have done with Periqlytos. and the jews still think he didnt Come.The Kingdom of God Was tacken from them and given to a nation they despise who would produce righteous actions loved By God indeed there is paradise in this earth and the kingdom of god is on earth whoever doesnt get into it he will not get into the kingdom of heaven until the camel passes through the needle hole which is impossible. what a great loss will that be for biblical scholars. the suffering reallity of this lower life blocked from finding the truth about Jesus peace be upon him Good news.
Hopefully There is time to Discover
its very possible that the romans had the belief of hellfire From The Revelation of God wether they took it from other nation or God sent them a prophet that we dont know. then they deviated.
But its very important to note that according to Historical accounts of Jewish scholars That The brother of Jacob his name is Esau son of Isaac peace be upon him Married The Daughter of his Uncle Yishmael her name was Basmat daugher of Yishmael. and from Esau child Came The Father and ancestar of The Romans so its they probably Had God Revelation Through either Jacob side or Ishmael because both were Prophets And messengers Of God Peace be upon them All.
Yishmael means(God Heard meaning from him comes The rejected promised Saviour Son of Adam master and adon of David and all sons of Adam the one the kingdom upon his shoulder baMaaMaad The Shiloh sent for all Nations)
Prophet Job or Ayyub peace be upon him was a prophet for romans and that was before moses peace be upon him
Muhammad=92 Is The GoodNews Of Jesus Peace be upon them/ bamaamaad =92 / Ahmad= periqlytos
Muhammad is the Adon of David peace be upon them and all sons of Adam(Son of man)
Muhammad peace be upon him Is the Rejected savior & Cornerstone
The Government(prophethood) upon his shoulder
The Kingdom was tacken from the children of Israel for breaking their Covenant Given to the children of Ishmael who would produce the fruits and to call upon the Religion of Jesus and all the Prophets of Islam (Peace) to call the nations Submission In obeidence To The True Creator To Attain Inner Peace and to attain the kingdom of god in our hearts and to enter the kingdom of God In Heaven.
I Have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now how be it when the spirit of truth he will guide you in to all truth.
So they cannot bear all truth
The spirit of Truth Is Angle Gabriel placed the spirit(revelation word of God Quran) Upon the heart of the lord of sabath Adon of David son of man Ahmed of all nations the shiloh the rejected saviour the Goodnews of Jesus peace be upon him.
I’m afraid your comments are not dealing with the historical study of the NT and early Christianity — which are the themes of this blog — but are instead celebrating the truth of Islam. Islam can be very important for the history or Christianity, but on this blog we are not promoting our personal religious views or trying to convince others of them, so after this comment I’m afraid I will not be able to approve others like it.
i dont mean to celebrate the truth about islam. i didnt mean to bother. i know the historical truth about jesus peace be upon him that is lost between different sides. i hold you very dear to my heart and so as everyhuman bieng. sorry that i sounded trying convincing others of my view. 🙂
ok im very sorry. I considered it very related since the historical jesus peace be upon him was true messiah and the theme of his message is the Goodnews. Maybe thats over i guess. i had lots of other tangible proofs. Thanks
No problem. But you see, even sayig that Jesus was the “true messiah” is a theological statement, not a historical view.
The Coming Of “That prophet”the agapaytos of God the successor Of Abraham who was also he is not john not jesus not elijah But The master of the children of Adam (Son of Adam) that has the seal of prophet hood on his shoulder and upon his shoulder the kingdom of God The Last rejected Cornerstone that the builders (jews) rejected.and with the coming of the saints represented by the mustard seed parable who are agapaytos companions. with the revelation word of God given to him that will guide into all truth and that will Abide with us that the holy spirit descended with.and for him to testify the truth about jesus peace upon him and that he will descend to rule the world.these all prove historically that jesus peace be upon him was a true messiah a true prophet chosen by God. the fact that there is still evil on earth that is because the fullfillment of that will happen after jesus peace be upon him descend and rule.
peace be upon all the prophets they fortell about each other and they beleive in each other even though they are of different time period and didnt see eachother.
agapaytos was not handed to the jews nor the romans but was handed to the saints of the most high. agapaytos and the saints of the most high established the kingdom of God on earth he is Jesus Goodnews. he was given revelation that guides into all truth.
when did the belief that jesus is the son of god start? it was very early right? maybe after the Ascension
Also the belief that jesus peace be upon him is God Himself started after his ascension right? or was it a later belief?
thank you 🌹
in our Authentic sources we have a story of Salman Alfarisi he was from persia he lived with couple christian scholars before prophet Muhammad peace be upon him gets revelation. The last christian scholar i read he is from Amorium . he told him to go to Yathrib ie Madinah and wait for a prophet that has the seal of prophethood between his shoulder and told him his some of his description
Yes, right at the resurrectoin. The followers of Jesus had a view found widely in the world at the time, that anyone who was taken up to heaven was made into a divine being. In the second century some Christians (including prominent ones) maintained that Christ actually was not only the son but also the father. That view was then condemned as a heresy (sometimes called Modalism; sometimes patripassianism and other things), even though some people still h0ld it today.
The passage being referred to by Kaʿb is in the book of Isaiah (see 42:1) in which the name Aḥmad was explicitly mentioned. However, it was changed from Aḥmad (אהמד), which means “one that is beloved”, to Atmak (אתמך) which means “one that is upheld, supported” This alteration was either by copying error or by deliberate distortion. In the gospel named “Matthew” the same passage in Isaiah is quoted (see 12:18), and the author of that gospel was translating from the original semitic language into Greek or using the Septuagint translation (from Hebrew into Greek) . The Greek translation provides evidence that the original was “Aḥmad” because it was rendered as “agapaytos” in Greek which means “beloved”. This is the same as the meaning of Aḥmad (אהמד) in Hebrew. This becomes apparent by comparing Isaiah 42:1 in which the alteration has taken place (and which says, “whom I uphold”) with Matthew 12:18 (which says, “my beloved” or “the one I love”).
continuing The evidences from chapter 42 of the Book Isaiah :
9. He will be victorious over the idol worshippers.
10. He will bring guidance and justice to the nations.
11. This Prophet, Servant of God and Chosen One is also referred to as (מְשֻׁלָּם) “meshullam” in the Hebrew, which means “he that is at peace” (which is Muslim) as occurs in Isaiah 42:19. This Prophet is one who “submits” to God.
is there someone who mentioned that jesus peace be upon him asked who would take his resemblence to get crucified instead of him?
Not in any of our accounts, no.
i dont think there was ressurection
i just think that there was two accounts of the story that later on they combined and devolped the ressurection story to make both make sense.
the first account but only few who witnessed it. is that the youngest of whom was with jesus willingly sacrificed himself and took jesus resemblence his name might be sarjis or sarjas or someone else. and they saw jesus Ascension to heaven.
the second account didnt witness jesus Ascension but saw him getting crucfied. but actually the one they saw was the one that was made to look like jesus.
and maybe the differences in the days of crucifiction and ressurection will make it clear the mistake that they didnt pay attention to also fix.
another topic is that these words (ilahi ilahi lama sabachtany) are to mock jesus. jesus would never say such. so that indicate that jews who didnt believe in jesus also had influence in telling jesus story to christians.
peace be upon jesus and all prophets of God.
jesus peace be upon him language should be hebrew. i dont think he knew aramaic.