Human Suffering and the Christian Faith
I've started a short thread on the issue of how the problem of human suffering affected my Christian faith. To explain the matter further, here I quote from a section of my book God's Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer our Most Important Question: Why We Suffer. The book is mainly about the variety of answers you can find in the Bible about why God allows or even causes suffering. But I begin the book by talking about why it has long been such an important issue to me personally Human Suffering and How It Impacted My Christian Faith Eventually, I felt compelled to leave Christianity. I did not go easily. On the contrary, I left kicking and screaming, wanting desperately to hold on to the faith I had known from childhood and had come to know intimately from my teenage years onward. But I came to a point where I could no longer believe. It’s a very long story, but the short version is this: I realized that I could no longer reconcile [...]