I love serendipity, but I have to admit, this one strikes me as very weird.
As some of you know, today is my 65th birthday. It’s an oddly important one for me. When I was a young teenager, for some reason (that now I have trouble understanding), I had the notion that anyone who could make it to 65 had done pretty well for him/herself and that it was a reasonable time to pass off this mortal coil (not that I had read Hamlet yet). At least it would mean not dying young. So I thought that it would be reasonable goal.
Ai yai yai. Kids. Well, I no longer think of 65 as the goal in life. I mean, I don’t particularly want to double it, but I’m happy to plod along for a good long time still. The other reason that it is significant for me is that my dad died at 65. That was 1989, a good long time ago; and I remember at the time thinking that he was too young, with too much of life ahead of him. Now that I’m his age, I REALLY think that.
My mom, at the time, was 62. She now is 93 and going strong. The ole synapses ain’t firin’ like they used to, but she’s still very good-natured and is able still to get around with her walker. The women in her family have always died young. Her mother passed away in her late 50s; her younger sister at 60; and so on. And so when my dad died my mom seriously, genuinely, believed she would last another three or four years. She’ll probably outlive us all…
Anyway, all this is to say that 65 is kind of big deal for me. Of the birthdays that have “hit” me (every one is different this way), the big ones were 30 and 60. Not sure why. But 65 has almost a mythical sense for me. And so I’m working today, but starting to celebrate late afternoon, with champagne, filets, and a nice red wine I’ve been saving for a good occasion.
And so, you ask: what has this to do with the blog? Well, very little, except this: serendipity. When I got up this morning, by chance I did something I do maybe only once a month if it occurs to me (this had zero to do with it being my birthday). I looked up how the blog revenue was doing.
Today, literally, today, we hit the $1,000,000 mark. Since starting the blog April 3, 2012, till today, we have brought in a million dollars. On my 65th. Wow. OK, then. Nice birthday present!!!
Every penny of that money has gone to help the needy, supporting charities that help the hungry, the homeless, the victims of disaster. Whatever else our faults (mine are like the San Andreas), we’ve “done good.”
I want to thank all of YOU for being part of it. I really, really appreciate it.
If you would like to celebrate our milestone achievement, feel free to send in a donation, of any amount. Just go to the blog, click the DONATE NOW button and go from there. If you cannot or would rather not, perfectly fine! You’re already helping out immensely, just by being a member. So instead, please send your happy thoughts to the blog (mentally transport them!) and even more your good wishes to those in such need around our world. And may you have a happy day, as well.
Happy Birthday! I just turned 65 too and wouldn’t you know it my moms 93 and I’ll be picking her up at the airport on the 14th
That’s where my work begins
Gonna wash her car in a few minutes and that’s what concerns me most. I can’t keep her from driving. She’s a snowbird.
Happy birthday Dr. Ehrman! I would call you Bart, but you’re 65 now and deserve the full honorific! Thank you for your dedication to the blog. It has meant a lot to me over the years. And congratulations for hitting $1M. That’s more than $1.3 million in Canadian dollars! You have done the world a true service.
“Ad meah v’esrim shanah” as we would say. (Until 120 years.)
Happy Birthday and congratulations! I just made a donation in hope that we will all live long enough to see the blog hit $2 million!!!
Thanks! I’m shooting for next month!
Woo-hoo. Happy birthday! Sixty-five is the new twenty-five.
Happy BD
Bart: Congratulations on reaching your two milestones today!
Happy 65th birthday! Best wishes for many more years!! And congratulations to the blog on hitting $1,000,000!! What an accomplishment!
Dr. Ehrman,
Let me first say happy birthday! I heard your podcast recently on Rethinking Hell with Chris Date. I, too, am a conditionalist/annihilationist like Date. I co-host a podcast (Exploring Faith, Pursuing Grace) and I was wondering if you would be willing to be a guest host to promote and talk about your new book, Heaven and Hell? We are obviously a Christian podcast, but we have been “marked” as heretics by most fundamentalist, so I figured it would be fun to have you on the show. We recently had Jared Byas on from The Bible for Normal People (we fall more into their theological camp).
What a crazy but awesome coincidence! Mighty congratulations to you on both milestones. This blog is both fun and very enlightening, I enjoy it tremendously. Huge happy birthday to you Dr. Ehrman.
Happy Birthday, Dr. Ehrman! I wish you MANY more! Thank you for this site and all of your scholarship that you share!
Lang may yer lum reek.
Happy birthday Bart! I joined your blog today, and having read your post I hope you can pardon my now-piqued curiosity given the circumstances as you revealed them – but I am immensely keen to know if my membership was the one that tipped it over the edge or not 🙂 If it wasn’t, I’ll donate as a gesture. If it was, I’ll donate as a gesture. Do please enlighten me so I know which one of the two to go for!
Have a great day – and thank you for all the entertaining scholarly works over the years!
Many happy returns.
Have you read ‘The Influence of the Mystery Religions on Christianity’ by Dr. Martin Luther King?
No I have not! Are you sure that’s by Martin Luther King and not by a scholar named Luther Martin (who wrote about such things)?
Ya for sure! Next time you’re in Ottawa let’s do a beer lol. Here it is: https://kinginstitute.stanford.edu/king-papers/documents/influence-mystery-religions-christianity
What is the influence of pschedelic mushrooms in early Christianity? The Acacia bush that is on fire for Moses produces DMT. What do you think? There is also a 13th Century fresco of Adam and Eve with psychedelics mushrooms and the Tree of Knowledge. This is a field that needs research.
I don’t think there was any.
I think there are a number of stories in the OT that are strongly suggestive of psychoactive substances, which was a common practice in ancient religions; maybe religion actually started because of drug trips?!
That would be ironic, at least for modern evangelicalism….
Happy birthday Dr. Ehrman. Your blog is a miracle! Thanks for taking your time to write and discuss.
We are certainly celebrating with you! We celebrate for your birthday, your blog charity, and your willingness to interact with everyday folks who love the literature and history of the NT. I am proud to be a member of the blog and grateful for your contributions to scholarship and your community.
Happy Birthday Professor!!!!!????????????
Happy Birthday, Bart! In 40 more years, I’ll catch up to you and be 65 myself.
Happy birthday Dr. Ehrman!
You began the blog thinking $20,000 a year might be possible (Year in Review 2017). A million since April 2012 is far far beyond that.
Happy birthday, congratulations and thank you!
Happy Birthday Dr. Ehrman, and thanks for this highly informative blog. I think we all have learned a lot.
Nice milestone. Now we can truly say, “your words are worth a million”. Don’ t get too happy plodding along, there are , I imagine, a few junior Ehrman’s waiting on the wings to take over.????
Happy Birthday Dr. Ehrman! I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog, but beyond that, you are an exceptional Human Being. You inspire me and many others everyday. Thank you!
Congratulations, and happy birthday! We look forward to reading and supporting this blog for many years to come.
“You are too young to know how the world changes every day,” said Mrs. Creakle, “and how the people in it pass away. But we all have to learn it, David; some of us when we are young, some of us when we are old, some of us at all times of our lives.” ~ David Copperfield
Oh my god — my favorite novel of them all.
A very Happy Birthday Professor and many congratulations to the Blog for raising that much cash. I’ll have to dip into the Sacred Largesse and make my contribution. Btw, it’s spooky to read your post because I’m 65, my mother is 94 and my dad died just a month short of his 65th birthday. Regrettably I never became a top notch NT/early Christianity scholar though ????
That’s amazing! God is good. The God of Serendipity that is. Can’t believe you’re 65. Thank you for all your work. If everybody listened to Bart Ehrman’s lectures, the world would be a better place.
So do you agree with Ecclesiastes about the problems of old age?
“When you get old,
the light from the sun, moon, and stars will grow dark;
the rain clouds will never seem to go away.”
Ha! Ask me in thirty years.
Happy Birthday! and Well Done! Dr. Ehrman.
Happy Birthday Bart! It is a credit to you that your aspiration exceeded the Beatles’ by a full year.I hope you will be around a good long while yet, as well – Your work is important.
Yeah, I sang that song for an entire year….
My father died a week before his 69 birthday in 1989 and I will turn 69 in two months. I can certainly relate to your thoughts on this matter.
Welcome to Medicare. My hope: your UNC health insurance package ensures that you don’t need it. Happy birthday.
Congrats Bart, you deserve all the plaudits!
Congratulations. I hope I can work such that my own personal milestones can similarly coincide with milestones in my service to others as they have for you.
Amazing. Looking forward to many more years of the blog, keep up the great work. Happy birthday!
happy birthday from a 76 year old going strong. Check is in the mail
Happy Birthday Bart! Congrat on hitting a $1M mark. Win-Win-Win Enterprise.
I did not think about 65 until I was 67. Then I move myself over to the SSN office to register as an old person. The good news was I had a big check coming, the not so good news was that I was late registering for Medicare. That could really cost if I had a laps in being insured. Anyway I had to prove that I had no lapse in coverage. If did I would have been screwed.
Long life and happiness!
I had the same idea in high school, that the universe owed me 65 good years, good ones! And then whatever I can get. Who knows why.
When mom called and gave me the news about her cancer she remembered and expressed gratitude for having seven years of good bonus time and went on to score six more.
Best regards and best wishes for your bonus time.
Congratulations Dr Ehrman
Happy birthday and congratulations on all the good work emanating from the $1,000,000. I enjoy your blog very much and will continue to support you in your work.
A megabuck! Great accomplishment, doing well by doing good. Keeping up a blog like this one requires dedication and lots of work. Sincere thanks to you, and Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday! 65 years is worthy of celebration, but $1,000,000.00 raised for charity is momentous. You have helped so many lives with the blog.
Happy birthday, Dr. Ehrman.
By the way, I just noticed that one of your books has been translated into Turkish https://www.idefix.com/Kitap/Isa%E2%80%99ya-Ragmen-Hiristiyanlik/Bart-D-Ehrman/Din-Tasavvuf/Hristiyanlik/urunno=0001887745001
Will wonders never cease?
Happy Birthday and congratulations Professor
Happy birthday Bart!
Don’t even think of retiring – I wish I could come and take your NT courses – especially the one that includes The Life of Brian!
And do you have any public debates coming up? I love watching you cream your opponents.
Nothing just now, in the days of Covid!
Congrats on both milestones! I turned 65 once…I think about 7 yrs ago…70 will be another reflective moment.
Wow! What an incredible accomplishment especially considering all of the demands on your time. For a decade or so, I have followed a number of blogs and eventually stop reading them because I eventually consume about all that a given blog has to say. That has not happened with your blog. Please keep on going and going!