On Tuesday the 21st, September 2010, BBC FOUR aired “The Lost Gospels.” I was one of the talking heads. The presenter was an interesting fellow, an Anglican priest Pete Owen Jones. The show included several on-location discourses. They flew me to Egypt for the taping. Some of it was done near the village of Nag Hammadi, at the spot where the so-called “Nag Hammadi Library” was discovered in 1945. The fourteen books found in a jar in this wilderness area contain 52 tractates, the famous “Gnostic Gospels.” The most famous of these was and is the Gospel of Thomas. The clip here includes a shot in a busy market in Cairo, where we are sipping coffee and thinking deep thoughts together.
In the clip I talk about the Gospel of Thomas, and I would like to make one point before you watch it. For over a decade now a lot of scholars of Gnosticism have argued that this Gospel is not actually a Gnostic Gospel. None of the complicated Gnostic mythology that describes the divine realm or the coming into existence of this material realm can be found in Thomas, and so, in this judgment, if anyone reads the Gospel as a Gnostic text, they are reading Gnosticism *into* the Gospel instead of out of it.
I resisted this view for a long time. But the more I’ve studied the matter, read the texts, and worked on the Gospel of Thomas — especially over the past two years — the more it has started to make sense to me. Today I would not say what I emphatically state in this clip, that Thomas is (definitely) a Gnostic Gospel. Instead, now I would say that Thomas certainly can be *read* in a Gnostic way (presupposing all that Gnostic mythology), and that it certainly *was* read in this way in antiquity (it is found in a codex with other texts that clearly are Gnostic, which makes me think that the compiler of the codex read it in a Gnostic way). But whether its author himself was Gnostic or meant the text to be read Gnostically is something that I don’t think we can say.
The BCC would not allow the following video documentary to be posted publically on Bart’s YouTube Channel, where it can only be viewed for limited and segmented educational purposes.
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How neat that you actually went near the village of Nag Hammadi.
http://youtu.be/y3fywVlTB98 Is another link I viewed it on. Lip sync is not good though.
Could the gospel of John also be *read* in a Gnostic way? And maybe some other parts of the NT?
Yes, it could be. And was!!
Could the Gospel of John have originally been a Gnostic-type gospel, expurgated to be made more palatable to the orthodox?
Well, there’s no evidence for it, and what we think of as Gnosticism comes from a later period.
Randall Helms held some such view, due to controversies surrounding Cerinthus among church fathers. Irenaeus said the John Gospel was written to correct Cerinthus, but Epiphanius argues against those he called the Alogi, who believed it was Cerinthus himself who originally wrote the Gospel. Helms puts forth the notion that Cerinthus did indeed write it, and that it was later revised at Ephesus to be made palatable to the orthodox.
What about you, Bart? Any pet views on the authorship of the fourth gospel?
Nope, I think the author was anonymous — and will always remain that way.
Thanks for the link to the BBC broadcast. The program — which I have yet to watch through to the end — raises the Gospel of Thomas to a higher status among the general public, many of us who probably had only scant awareness, if any, that such a compelling gospel existed.
Coming as it did in 1945 — the final year of the most murderous war in human history, its discovery takes on a special (salvific?) glow and coming as it did by pure happenstance adds to its unique luster and its genuinely humble 20th Century debut. That its interpretation so confounds even us moderns — and also infuriates so many — is a fair indication why so many of the early church fathers lashed out against it so harshly. However, what were they missing the GTh’s adherents had placed such faith in?
You contend that the gospels esoteric drift is what especially annoyed the heresiologists. They held — as do so almost Christians today — that salvation can be achieved only through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Such a set up allows the learned and the unlearned equal access, a situation at odds with the esoteric tone of GTh, which you opine is what particularly riled the establishment Christians.
I think in Irenaeus’s case, it was less his commitment to egalitarianism than it was his umbrage at being told he needed a “second baptism” and that perhaps he — and others — were not “capable of receiving the truth” (E. Pagels, “Beyond Belief,” pp 136 -137.)
The egalitarianism of GTh is partially established, perhaps, in logion 7, when Jesus implies a child seven days old has knowledge about the “place of Life” and even “the person old in days will not hesitate to ask” that child.
Perhaps what also vexed the heresiologists was GTh’s fundamental trust in each human being and its lack of emphasis on traditional lines of authority, i.e., apostolic succession. That’s no way to build an institution!
I find GTh remarkably spiritual but also very much humanistic in post-Enlightenment sense, and a gospel tailor-made for doubters, skeptics, thinkers — and, above all, seekers.
Any thoughts?
My sense is that the Gospel is less interested in seeking than in knowing.
Yes, the gospel itself claims it has the goods, but it also encourages seekers to puzzle out its secret meaning.
Much different than passively and uncritically believing what one’s been told.
“Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds…”
What fun getting to see you back then.
The BBC (not sure which channel exactly other than channel 5) aired “Mysteries of the Bible – Jesus” a couple weeks ago or so. After Larry Hurtado mentioned it on his blog I found a copy and tried to watch it, but they didn’t seem to have much of a budget and the “cheap feel” to the whole thing was really distracting. Anyway, you were interviewed for it. You really get around!
One of my favorite documentaries. Thanks for the upload.
Thanks for sharing that. I agree with the Bart from 2010. Enjoyed your part and also the part about Marcion. How would you contrast your thoughts today on Maricon’s theory, versus the days of your first arrival at seminary? The monotheism versus duotheism twist thing. Assuming strong rejection in the early days, but why not embrace it with your latest open-minded, controversial, dogma-busting today self. Not embrace it as a truth, but as an alternative interpretation. You know, as opposed to a trinity-twisting make-it fit theory that won out.
Thanks for taking the time to make this available to us. Membership has its privileges!
Thank you for the video. I am sorry that you had to go through all this, but it is very appreciated. Love your work…keep blogging!
I was able to see about an hour of this video before transmission ended. It is a very clear and organized presentation and is quite good. Dr. Ehrman appears with hat and sunglasses near Nag Hammadi and also at a cafe. The video discusses in depth the diversity of early Christianity, the role of women in the early church, and the human vs. divine nature of Christ as these subjects are presented in Lost Scriptures including the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Phillip, the Gospel of Mary, and the Gospel of Peter. Thanks for the effort required to make the video available to us. .It is an excellent summary of the topics included in Dr. Ehrman’s book entitled “Lost Scriptures.
Just watched the full program. Very interesting. Thanks for finding a way to make it available.
I enjoyed this video very much. Thank you for making it available.
Very nice. Thank you for making this available. I think I saw this program a few years ago on BBC America, but it bears a second viewing. It’s a shame that it can’t be made more widely available, since it does such a good job of making both the diversity of ancient Christianities and the process of canonization so clear for a lay audience. (Of course, I suppose we always have the works of Bart Ehrman which are directed to a lay audience….)
Bart, thanks for making this available to us.
I just tried to look at it, and it doesn’t work for me! I see a large black screen with a gold column-like thing on the left, and nothing else happens. There’s a blue button on the bottom of the screen; I tried pressing that, but it merely produced a few squiggles. Also a right-arrow and left-arrow on the bottom of the screen, but pressing right-arrow didn’t do anything.
I’d been using Safari. Got out of it and tried Firefox, but that wouldn’t work either, at least with the version I have. And I’m not willing to go to the bother of getting a new version of a browser I’ve only used once in, probably, several years. (Needed it to update the expiration date of my credit card with PayPal – which, by the way, I really hate.)
The video is not Mac, Linux or Windows dedicated, it is merely a MP2 video file, which is common on all the OS architectures. Your computer probably doesn’t have a H.264 codec installed, where it is MP2 encoded as this format does require a resident codec to interpret. If you have a Macintosh, you could install the VLC player for Mac OS X Web Plugin which will provide common and exotic codecs. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html
If using Windows, you could install the K-Lite Basic codec package which will provide common and exotic codecs. http://www.codecguide.com/download_kl.htm Hope that helps!
Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m glad you were able to get permission. I’ve only just dipped my toe in it so far, but any new material on the non-canonical gospels is always exciting.
Very interesting! Thanks for posting!
Thank you for making the BBC FOUR program, The Lost Gospels, available.
If Christianity is to move forward with retaining some relevance for the 21st century – perhaps it’s time for the Gnostic gospels to have their ‘moment’. Not, of course, a going back to their specific theological ideas but an acknowledgement of what was actually lost – the value of thinking outside the box of orthodoxy. ‘Elitist’ the ‘secret’ knowledge might well be but stretching ones intellect is what has always moved humanity to a more humane society. Among the byways and detours of intellectual evolution progress does emerge…
Very thoughtful and generous. I’ve downloaded it while I could. Thank you. I’m eager to import your Bible book.
I then used Triassicman’s link, and *that* did work. Thanks, Triassicman! After watching it for a few minutes, I no longer found the poor lip-sync distracting.
I looked at the whole thing, but I had hoped there’d be more about the Gospel of Thomas. It was great to see Bart…and have him show up again, ten minutes before the end.
But I’m so sick of all this ranting about Mary Magdalene! And I noticed the narrator never mentioned the *silliness* of fragments he wanted viewers to take seriously: Mary Magdalene’s “vision” of Jesus’s pulling a woman out of his side and then having sex with her (causing Mary to faint); a gigantic Jesus and a talking cross coming out of the tomb in the Gospel of Peter.
Wasn’t he going too far in saying that in the Gospel of Peter, Jesus *doesn’t die*? (Why would he have been in the tomb, if he hadn’t died?) And did the Ebionites really believe “the Christ” was a separate entity who left Jesus when he was on the cross? I thought that was the belief of some Gnostics.
Bart, thank you so much for including this video. I’ve read your book, “Lost Christianities” a number of years ago, and the video was a great refresher, and visual treat. One thing I enjoy about listening to you speak, is that you have the ability to make complicated subjects simple to understand. This speaks highly of your understanding on your subject matter. Please keep up the fine work. You have one loyal reader, listener and video watcher.
Hi Bart, Thank you for the link we watched the video and it was awesome.
Hi Bart,
Just finished the BBC special. Enjoyable. Nice synopsis on much of what I gad already read from your books. What I have enjoyed most in this particular encounter is the humility with which you have revealed your progression of thought/belief regarding The Gospel of Thomas and Gnosticism. This vulnerability on your part is, perhaps, the main reason I kept reading Misquoting Jesus when my Western Evangelical hardwiring kept demanding a ctl+alt+del. I have since completed nine more of your books.
Also, I was tracking with you the first time you explained the occurence of False Memories in your recent posts. I think this is even more common in groups/institutions than with individuals. I can have a memory personally that is completely accurate, partially false or completely false, that will likely remain if it is not challenged by someone else. If I bring that memory to my community, even if it is 100% true, it stands to be challenged and compromised. If someone else in the community has a, even slightly, less true memory from mine, there is a good chance that a compromise is pending – if only for “unity’s” sake.
Interesting documentary posing the paradox that orthodoxy, though exclusionary, was necessary for the survival of Christianity as a religious movement. And now that many texts have been recovered and made better known, for example, in Dr. Ehrman’s writings, what next? Most Christians have little knowledge, or selective knowledge, even of the canonical books. It seems likely that the lost writings will remain esoteric knowledge, however interesting and meaningful they may be. OTOH, if the writings of Joseph Smith and L. Ron Hubbard and Mary Baker Eddy can attract large numbers of followers, perhaps we could see a revival in our own time of Gnostics or Ebionites! Thanks for the link.
I wish I could have watched, but had no success in opening. I am right in the middle of your Lost Christianities course through the Great Courses series. The class is outstanding and I believe this video would have complimented very well. Thank you for your work and knowledge – changed my life!
So you’re agnostic on the gnostic, then?
Ha! Right.
An excellent survey of the early Christianities. I would’ve liked to have seen more emphasis on the question of which version may be most historically “true” to the actual Jesus and disciples, and the criteria by which such judgements might be made. For example, the apocalypticism of a gospel, or lack thereof…
Thanks for posting this. Good to hear other people thinking about these things, especially the “canonization” of the NT.
We’re British, so we have to ask Rev. Jones: was Tom Baker your favourite Doctor? You’ve got the hat and the curls even if your scarf isn’t quite right.
BBC Four have definitely dropped the programme from their On Demand. Bastards. Channel Four would never do that. Okay, we’re back to trying to watch it here before the wankers pull it down.
Finally got to see this all the way through. Thank you for preserving it from the small minds at Auntie Beeb who have the courage to produce controversial documentaries but not to stand by them. Must question one assertion though. If Constantine ever “converted”, it was on his death bed. And just to be on the safe side, he had “last rites” performed by priests of several religions. Hard to see him as a Christian hero when he murdered most of his family. The victory of Orthodoxy is more about worldly power than righteousness. In the end, my husband who was raised Anglican and I who was raised Jewish have come to the conclusion that monotheism in all its forms leads to intolerance and judgmentalism. Can you cite any moment in history when polytheists engaged in religious wars? Remember the Roman persecution of Christians (such as it was) was political not theological. It was like Jehovah’s Witnesses refusing to salute the American flag. Only monotheism with its insistence on One True God leads to Crusades and Jihads.
Well, certainly Hindus have been involved with religious wars. And Romans did persecute some marginal groups.
Am I alone in not having a high opinion of the documentary? Stuff like suggesting “Maybe Mary Magdalene should have been the first Pope”?!? And suggesting early Christians needed to believe Jesus had really suffered because “the Romans” were “slaughtering thousands” of them, and they could only believe their cause justified enduring that if *he* had been willing to suffer? Remembering things Bart has said, I think that claim of a “slaughter of thousands” by “the Romans” is exaggerated.
The thought that if those many sects had survived a little longer, and Constantine hadn’t seen Christianity as a faith well-enough united that he could use it as a unifying force in the Empire, *Christianity itself might have died out*…I confess I wish that had happened, and we were just studying *all of it* as a collection of weird little sects some ancients believed in.
So happy to have download access to this Doc. Thanks for making it available to us! This blog is really something. There is so much knowledge available throughout it. This blog really is a treasure trove of education. Thanks again!
I know this is a late addition to this thread so I hope you see it, Bart. I watched this video again today after watching “Raiders of the Lost Ark” last night and something kind of bothered me-I have to ask, did the BBC have any part in picking your wardrobe, or was the hat of your own choosing?
(if tags don’t work, I apologize for this:)
It just kind of seems like there might have been some subtle anti-atheist casting going on there…
Completely my choice and my hat! It’s what I wear in places like Egypt!
Again sorry for randomly blogging but seems as if I’m only caught in the mysteries.
Im sorry but Luke 7 47 sounds a little like Gospel of Thomas line ;114
I love the Lost Gospel BBC show by the way how I found you Bart 🙂
So you give all your new students a pop quiz of how much they know when they start your class and you buy them dinner
How many books are in the NT 27 thats easy give me something hard !
Again sorry for randomly blogging but seems as if I’m only caught in the mysteries.
Im sorry but Luke 7 47 sounds a little like Gospel of Thomas line ;114
I love the Lost Gospel BBC show by the way how I found you Bart 🙂
So you give all your new students a pop quiz of how much they know when they start your class and you buy them dinner
How many books are in the NT 27 thats easy give me something hard !
Again in Luke with
Gospel of Thomas Line 46 / Luke 7 28
Easy I can do this all day
What is the difference between in categorizing a religion and mythology? The Bible contains creation myths, but it’s not similar to mythologies where they don’t have historical basis. There’s historical letters from Paul, and lots of historical kernels in the OT and NT. Also, the resurrection (and other doctrines such as the second coming, etc) are beliefs, not fiction meant to teach a message. It is considered to be true historical events in reality (to believers that is). So wouldn’t categorizing Christianity/Jewish beliefs as mythology instead of a religion be incorrect? Thanks
Myths are stories told about the gods. Religion can certainly contain myths, but it is far more than that, including beliefs, rituals, customs, ethics, and so on.