Thanks to the incredible ongoing generosity of members of the blog, I am happy to announce that there are a limited number of free one-year memberships available. These have been donated for a single purpose: to allow those who cannot afford the annual membership fee to participate on the blog for a year. I will assign these memberships strictly on the honor system: if you truly cannot afford the membership fee, but very much want to have full access to the blog, then please contact me.
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The donors will remain anonymous, but here let me publicly extend my heartfelt thanks for such kind and generous donations to help others.
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Hi Dr Ehrman!
How reliable a scholar is John Dominic Crossan and how reliable are the findings of the Jesus Seminar?
If I wanted to learn more about Crossan’s views on Jesus, could you recommend any of his books?
Thank you!!
He’s a brilliant scholar with a view of Jesus very different from mine. Hist shorter and easlier book is Jesus: A REvolutionary Biography. His massive and detailed beook is about Jesus as a Jewish Mediterranean Peasant.