Now *this* will be a great event.

My UNC colleague Jodi Magness is one of the premier archaeologists of ancient Israel in the world.  She started her career on a dig at Masada (the Roman army camps!) and for the past twelve years has run a dig in a village in Galilee called Huqoq.  Her findings have been extraordinary, far beyond what anyone could hope for.  Her team uncovered a (fifth-century) synagogue and discovered amazing mosaics unlike anything known before — pictorial art, depicting humans (possibly Alexander the Great) and biblical scenes (Samson!).  Pictorial art in a *synagogue*?!?  What??  If you read National Geographic, you’ll know about these discoveries: her dig is featured in the magazine nearly every year.

This coming Wednesday, March 1, 6:00 pm Jodi will be giving an online lecture with slides about their most recent finds.  I’ll be hosting the event.  It will not be recorded.  There is no charge, though it is a fund-raiser for my department to help provide research funds for our graduate students (donations are voluntary).

Below is a brochure, with some further information.  This may be something you’re interested in.  If you’re not sure, check out the brochure and come!  You’ll see how interesting it really is.

To register, go here:


Wednesday, March 1, 6:00 PM EST




Attending this lecture does not require a donation. All gifts are voluntary, and any amount is welcome. The person who makes the largest gift will receive a free signed copy of Jodi Magness’ 2019 book, Masada: From Jewish Revolt to Modern Myth (Princeton: Princeton University Press).


To make a gift to the Robert Miller Graduate Student Excellence Fund, please go to:

The Robert Miller Graduate Student Excellence Fund honors an exceptional academic editor and provides support for our graduate students to present their research in scholarly venues and conferences across the country and around the world.