Many people on the blog are interested in textual criticism, the field that examines our surviving manuscripts of the New Testament to figure out what the authors originally wrote and to see how and why their writings came to be changed by later scribes.  One of the most important books I’ve published was one I didn’t write (!), an edited collection of essays by leading scholars in the world on various aspects of the topic.  The book was for academics, but some of you might be interested in what it was all about.   I was asked about it many years ago on the blog, and thought reposting the question and response would be a good way to introduce it here.



Dr. Ehrman, in your first and second edition of The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research: Essays on the Status Quaestionis that you co-edited with Dr. Michael Holmes, what was your role in editing, especially since some articles were beyond your admitted expertise?

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