I have made an executive decision to post something completely unrelated to Christianity in Antiquity. So please indulge me! It’s short…
My daughter Kelly launched her new business this month – Lavender’s Blue Homeschool. She supports families who want to homeschool with a thoughtful, holistic, and creative approach over at her website www.lavendersbluehomeschool.com and she just released her first curriculum – the complete guide to Waldorf-inspired kindergarten at home. If you know anyone who is interested in or is doing homeschooling, this is a top-rate curriculum that really should be on their radar-screen. You can connect with her on facebook @lavendersbluehomeschool or on her blog at www.lavendersbluehomeschool.com/blog where she writes all about peaceful parenting, holistic homeschooling, magical childhood, and enjoying the early years at home.
Any of you who are so inclined, please spread the word!
I wish Kelly well in her new business – sounds wonderful! Way back when I was a child (I’m 74), my father wanted to have my older sister and me home-schooled. But he couldn’t afford the course materials available in that era. As it was, Mom taught us enough reading and arithmetic before we entered school that neighbors got the idea she’d been a schoolteacher.
Wow! I checked out the website. I will keep the web address and see what I can drum up. Is she going to put together curriculums for grades other than kindergarten? Ron
Yup! The plan is to do one a year for many years, as the girls themselves get older. This first one is 300 pages, so it’s a lot of work for a year! But next year, obviously, will be first grade.