Hey Blog Folk,

Quick reminder of an interesting lecture tomorrow evening (Thursday Oct. 18); it’s free even though we’re hoping for donations (not connected with the blog).  Here’s the original annoucement in case you missed, misplaced, misconceived, or misconstrued it:


Are you interested in the Creation account in Genesis 1?  Did you know there are *other* creation accounts in the Hebrew Bible?  Different ones?  Want to hear about them?  And about how they relate to other creation accounts in the ancient world?

On October 19, 8:00 pm, my colleague Joseph Lam, professor of Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East will be giving a remote public lecture:  “Beyond Genesis:  The Many Creation Stories of the Bible.”

Below you will find a short video that I did with Joseph to explain the event, and a link to sign up for it.

This lecture is NOT related to the blog, but it IS a fundraiser for my department (I’m mentioning it here on the blog only because many of you are interested in the topic).  The donations will go to the departmental efforts to fund graduate students for research trips for their dissertations and professional conferences to present the results of their research.

Both are crucial features of a graduate education, unusually important for anyone who wants to land a teaching position after they finish their work.  Our students are seriously underfunded, and so this kind of fundraiser can make an enormous difference in the future of our students’ lives and also in the future of the academic study of religion.

The event is FREE, but we are asking for a $20 donation from anyone who can afford it.  If you can’t afford that much but afford something, we’ll welcome any amount.  If you can afford anything at all, and if you can afford more than $20, I have some good news for you!    PRIZES!!

The TOP DONOR for the event will receive a 30-minute remote one-on-one with any faculty member in the department of their choice to discuss anything they fancy  (and let me tell you, we have some amazing faculty members doing unusually interesting work: see here:  https://religion.unc.edu/_people/full-time-faculty/

The SECOND HIGHEST DONOR will receive a free signed copy of any book written by any of the faculty members in the department.

And ALL DONORS (at any level) will be entered into a drawing; the winning name that is drawn will be entitled to EITHER of the two options above.

Interested?  Come!  Donate!


Here here is the brief VIDEO that gives you a better low-down on the event.  Check it out.



Here is the link to the webinar itself: https://unc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FKXnSdpRS72gBqOlWffXlA#/registration


Here is the link to DONATE in advancehttps://give.unc.edu/donate?f=105550&p=asrs

(If you want to enter the contest to be highest or second hightest donor, MAKE the donation, WRITE an EMAIL to [email protected]  Make your SUBJECT LINE : Lam Lecture Donation Prize.  In the email just give your name and the amount you’re donating.)



I hope to see you there!