Did Jesus Exist? Interview by Guy Raz
On April 1, 2012, I had an interview with Guy Raz, previous weekend host of NPR News' signature afternoon news magazine "All Things Considered" and now host of TED Radio Hour. The topic was my book Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth. As readers of this blog probably know, there is a large contingent of people claiming that Jesus never did exist. These people are also known as mythicists. As I say int he interview, "It was a surprise to me to see how influential these mythicists are. Historically, they've been significant and in the Soviet Union, in fact, the mythicist view was the dominant view, and even today, in some parts of the West – in parts of Scandinavia — it is a dominant view that Jesus never existed. In my book, I marshal all of the evidence showing that contrary to this mythicist view, Jesus certainly did exist. Please adjust gear icon for 720p High-Definition: