A couple of people have asked me about my upcoming speaking schedule, so I thought I would post it here. I have broken it down into two separate lists. The first are my book readings to promote Jesus Before the Gospels, the book being published on March 1. Most authors no longer do big book tours, since they rarely generate much by way of sales; and most authors are oh so glad not to be doing these any more (they sound glamorous, but they oh-so-are-not). So my book readings involve just the local Independent book shops. But if you’re in the area, come to one of them. I think they’re great fun. Here they are.
Tues, March 1 @ 7 pm Quail Ridge Books and Music (Raleigh) –
Wed, March 2 @ 7 pm Flyleaf Books (Chapel Hill) –
Tues, March 8 @ 7 pm Regulator Bookshop (Durham) –
Wed, March 9 @ 3 pm Bull’s Head Bookshop at UNC (Chapel Hill) –
Sat, March 12 @ 11 am McIntyre’s Books (Pittsboro) –
In addition I am giving a number of talks, hither and yon around the country. Some of these involve multiple lectures (two or four); all of these are open to the public, but many of them require advance tickets.
Feb 12-13 New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. New Orleans (Greer-Heard Forum) . Debate with Michael Bird on “How Jesus Became God”; Contact: Robert Stewart [email protected]
Feb. 17, Fresno City Community College. Topic: “How Jesus Became God” Contact: Wendell Stephenson <[email protected]>
Feb 25 Southern Utah University. Cedar City UT. Topic “Did the Early Christians Forget Jesus?” Contact: Tom Gagnon ([email protected])
March 3 Community Church of Vero Beach Vero Beach , FL. Two talks: “Misquoting Jesus” and “Jesus Before the Gospels.” Contact: Bob Baggott [email protected]
April 2 Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC “Jesus Before the Gospels.” (All day seminar with four lectures: The Invention of Memories; Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: Faulty Memory and the Life of Jesus; Faulty Memory and the Death of Jesus) Contact: McLaughlin, Mary [email protected]
April 14 Youngstown State University. Youngstown Ohio. “Did the Early Christians Forget Jesus?” Contact: Deborah S Mower [email protected]
April 23 Program in the Humanities, UNC-Chapel Hill. “Did the Early Christians Forget Jesus?” (All day seminar, four lectures: The Invention of Memories; Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: Faulty Memory and the Life of Jesus; Faulty Memory and the Death of Jesus). Contact: Max Owre [email protected]
Very cool. I’m checking on the So Utah event. I live about 2 hrs away.
Thanks and all the best to you!
Woke up this morning with Gods grace all around me Bart ! I am in a dang great mood ! Beautiful morning in Colorado Springs ! Breezy, sunny, and beautiful! Want to wish you best of luck on upcoming debates. Will be watching with all seriousness and respect! Go get him Bart! I have faith in you!
My husband and I will be attending the Smithsonian seminar on April 2nd. Explaining this seminar and what it will consist of to my husband has been super fun. When I say “biblical scholar,” he hears “preacher”. When I try to explain to him about what you do at Chapel Hill, all he hears is “something something Tar Heels.” The other day I had to explain to him, again, that you’re not going to be preaching at the Smithsonian but giving an all-day lecture. The all-day part was received with very little enthusiasm.
Ha! Luckily there is a break between each lecture, including a decent-lengthed lunch break. As to being a preacher: you don’t have to be a Nazi to teach German history, and don’t need to be a Christian to teach about the early church!
Here’s the link to the Smithsonian site where folks can buy tickets to the April 2nd all day seminar.
The Ripley Center is unusual in that it’s underground. One goes to the National Mall and enters a small entrance building and from there it’s DOWN, either on the elevator or a spiral stairwell. Smithsonian members are notified before the general public and receive a substantial discount in price so while the seating is ample these events sell out rather quickly. If you’re interested you should not wait too long.
I attended the HOW JESUS BECAME GOD session last year and enjoyed it very much. Prof Ehrman, if I’m not misremembering or inventing the memory (heh heh heh) I believe your airline treated you rather badly last time, spreading your luggage and lecture notes to and fro. Here’s hoping they do better by you this time.
Wow! Quite a schedule.
Dr. Ehrman,
I hope to see you in Vero Beach. Hope that my copy of “Jesus before the Gospels” arrives by then!!
If you have time, you may want to visit the currently operating archaeological work at the “Vero Beach Early Man” site (but i bet there were women there too!) located not 1/2 mile from your speaking engagement. It’s still in progress but promises to add a lot to the understanding of the peopling of the Americas. The project is headed up by one of the preeminent archaeologists in the U.S.
Bart, which two books would you recommend to a layman wanting to know more about how memory works (well and badly)? I’ve read tons of books about human behavior during the past 25 or so years, and I’d like to read a couple of excellent books that focus on memory.
I would start with Daniel Schacter’s Seven Sins of Memory, and go from there.
Bart, doesn’t look like you get past the Mississippi River – any plans for a West Coast tour?
Uh, you mean apart from California next week and Utah the week after that???
Hah, so then you don’t cross north of the Columbia River? 🙂
Here’s my pitch: the triplet cities Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, BC make for a great NW tour (lots to see and do during any free time)
If you ever find yourself in the southern California, I would definitely attend. Fresno is a bit too north for me from down here in San Diego.
I’m assuming we can get the new book signed at your book store appearances? I live in Burlington and I’ve got the new one on pre-order with Amazon so I was hoping to attend one of the bookstore appearances. What’s the policy on bringing a book you bought elsewhere? I’ve never attended one of these things before.
Yup! Absolutely.
April 23rd! I have missed all before so far, besides one at the very end.I will try my best to see this one! I love events! 🙂 Go Bart ! Your hard work is truly inspiring !