2024 has been a remarkable year for the Blog. We have set a record for the amount of money we raised and donated to our charities; we have hired a highly skilled CEO who has taken charge and already made vast improvements, and we have chosen a design company to come up with a whole new platform (Blog 3) that will revolutionize how we do things.
Details to follow. But first let me say I am especially pleased that we have succeeded in pursuing the original goals of the blog (in some ways, better than ever). Namely:
(1) To spread and propagate real knowledge about the historical Jesus, the New Testament, and the history and literature of Christianity over its first four centuries or so, and in doing so to generate more interest, dispel more ignorance, and encourage more thinking on religious, historical, and literary issues that are of particularly keen interest to the two billion Christians in the world and also of keen interest to the billions of others who are not believers but who recognize how important such matters are to our history, culture, and understandings of the world; and
(2) To raise funds for charity in doing so.
With respect to the first goal: This past year I have continued to post 5-6 times a week; we have also had a number of very interesting guest posts from other scholars. The total comes to over 300 posts this past year; for the life of the blog (since April 2012) we have just over 3900 posts. Since each post is normally 1200-1400 words, well, them’s a lot of words.
All these posts are in our archives for all blog members to see (whether you are Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum level).
In addition, as you know, blog members at the Silver tier or higher are allowed to make comments on the blog. This past year we have had about 16,000 comments. Over the life of the blog we have had over 156,000. About a third of those have involved questions to me, and I have responded to 51,342 of them (not that I’m counting). I have tried, or at least meant, to answer every question I have received – even when I have to admit I have no idea what the answer is… So keep the zingers comin’!
The second goal, raising funds for charity, is especially near and dear to my heart, and is what keeps us going at it. I am incredibly pleased that we have significantly crushed our record for charitable giving, with an annual total of $588,000.
To put that in perspective, last year (2023) we raised $480,000. In our first full year of operation (2013), we raised $54,000. Whoa. From $54,000 to $585,000 in eleven years. Who would-a thought? For the life of the blog we have given nearly $3,000,000 to our charities.
That vast majority of those funds have always come from our membership fees, which, as you know, are not exorbitant. The Bronze Level membership is $29.95 / year – that is, roughly 58 cents a week! If you feel like investing a bit more this coming year and getting increasingly more perks, think about moving up to Silver. Or Gold! Or go for it all, and shift to PLATINUM! You can’t get higher without reaching the Pearly Gates.
All of the membership fees, as well as any donations you have made, are tax exempt. Even better, NONE of them go to our operating expenses. (We have a separate fundraising mechanism for that.) And, of course, I don’t receive a dime for the Blog – just the satisfaction of knowing we are dispensing important and potentially transformative knowledge to whomever wants it, and helping those in need at the same time.
In case you need a reminder: we principally support five charities, two international (Doctor’s without Borders and CARE) and three more local to me (Urban Ministries of Durham, Food Bank of Eastern Carolina, and the Durham Literacy Center). For more information about them, just go here: https://ehrmanblog.org/charities-we-support/
One major reason we are doing much better at what we do is our new (and first ever) blog CEO, Jen Olmos, who has been onboard since August. Jen came to us deeply experienced in every aspect of what we do on the blog: she started out in the corporate world of financial technology, where she gained a deep understanding of business realities, software development, and technical project management; she also worked in publishing and has long had a deep passion for the study of the New Testament and the origins of Christianity. Jen is highly skilled, pro-active, full of ideas, and a real pleasure to work with – as many of you have discovered.
Among the many other things she is doing for us, Jen is overseeing the rebuild of by DesignHammer, a web-development and design company we hired for the task a couple of months ago. With Jen leading, we solicited proposals from a number of companies, interviewed teams from a short list, and chose DesignHammer as the one most attuned to our needs and skilled at meeting them. You will be hearing more about them and the new blog design anon. For now I’ll just say we are in very good hands, and the main goals we have and format we use (blog posts! comments! Etc.) will remain intact.
In closing I would like to thank two of our 2024 blog employees who have now moved on to other pastures, Diane Pittman our COO who skillfully ran the show for years and will still be with us in volunteer mode, and Ben Porter, our CTO, who miraculously kept the blog itself held together with baling wire and duct tape while dealing with all the technical issues. We not only survived but thrived through their work, and I’m deeply appreciative.
In addition, I would like to thank the 2024 volunteers who have all put in generous amounts of time and effort purely as a labor of love to make the entire blog experience happen:
- Robert Gilbert: Director of the Blog Forum
- John Paul Middlesworth: Reader of Gold audio posts
- Ken Teutsch: Reader of Gold audio posts
- Michael Johnson: Reader of Gold audio posts
- Steve McCabe: Reader of Gold audio posts
- Glenn Siepert: Graphic designer & Guru of social media
- Doug Wadeson: Structural organization of the site
- Anthony Dominello: Audio post engineer
- Lance Boyer: Blog community volunteer
- Troy Burrus: Accounting consultant
- Cheryl Pletcher: Blog 3 volunteer
- Kevin Grant: Blog 3 volunteer
In sum, 2024 was a terrific year for the blog, and I very much appreciate you being involved with it. We are looking forward to even better things in the year(s!) to come.
- Bart
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Thanks so much for YOU. After decades of my reading and studying, your trade books and blogs make more sense to me than anything else I have studied. And best of all, you write so clearly. Ron
What happened to Steven Ray?
He went on to other pastures. He did a lot for the blog and we really appreciated him!
I am very very proud FOR you!
Many, many thanks for your dedication to goal #1 in particular. It has been foundational in my exploration of Christianity, a solid jumping off point to explore what others have to say on matters of faith. Over the past three years I’ve come from a vague faith in God to a firmly grounded belief in the principles that Jesus taught. The gospel stories of Jesus, the actions that made him such a memorable figure, show me a way to live inside of God’s creation that honors God. Soon I hope to be able to stand up for those beliefs in a community which seems to hold The Book in higher esteem than the principles the book asks us to live by.
Thanks so much to Dr. Ehrman and all of the blog employees and volunteers for putting out such a high quality product. For people who aren’t Bible scholars (like me), it is such a valuable resource to learn about a wide variety of topics related to the Bible and the ancient world. It’s also great to know that the subscription fees go to help people in need. Thank you all so much, and I look forward to learning more in 2025. Happy New Year!
Many thanks to Prof. Ehrman, Jen, and the rest of the team. Happy New Year, and we look forward to greater things in this year and beyond.
Well done to all concerned for another fantastic year on the blog. It really is a marvel how much you’ve raised for good causes.
/*Nitpick mode on*/
“The Bronze Level membership is $29.95 / year – that is, roughly 58 cents a month!”
I’m not sure who worked this out but perhaps they were using a different numerical system from the rest of us. By my calculation, $29.95 a year works out at just under $2.50 a month (admittedly still a steal).
/*Nitpick mode off*/
OUch. That was to be “week” Scribal corruption of the text. A Diorthotes is going in to rectify.
“Diorthotes” — That’s certainly a great new addition to my vocabulary! ‘Tho I’ll have to think about how to use it.
Thanks to you and your team for your dedication to the blog. After all these years, I feel like I have a family in the NT history arena.
Incredible year indeed! As a believer in the Olympian gods, I express my gratitude for all that you do. 💪
Really great update Bart. I have enjoyed working with all your folks over the past few years and continue to be one of your “fellow scholars” out there who enjoys reading most everything. We go back a long way, to our regional SCRAM (I think it was Study of the Culture and Religion of the Ancient Mediterranean) meetings in the SE United States. These were informal gatherings of academics in the general field who got together twice a year at various locations where we lived twice a year to “share our latest research.” I remember when you took the job at Chapel Hill in 1988, whereas I was still at Wm & Mary, moving the UNC Charlotte down–or up–the road in Fall 1989. Looking back those were some of the best meetings I think I ever attended, and we always had nice dinners and social times after a full day meeting. I think I still have my thick SCRAM folder of papers and handouts stored somewhere and need to pull it out for old times sake. Great fun! Best in 2025! Be well and keep on Shining!
Dr Tabor, I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of reading your books without discovering your posts here, especially concerning Paul. So, a Holiday Thanks You to you as well!
Thank you, Bart, Dr. Tabor and all the folks who make this Blog happen. I’m so honored to give to a community who helps folks around the world.
At a time when people wanna throw out those who believe differently or are the wrong color or sex or have a different sexual orientation, it’s wonderful to be in an inclusive, truth seeking community.
Thank you for all the amazing things you do.