I’m getting very excited about the upcoming remote conference I’ll be hosting next week, Sept. 23-24. I’ve mentioned it before on the blog, and here I thought I could give you a better taste of what it will involve.
It is called “New Insights into the New Testament” and will entail ten 50-minute lectures by ten top-level scholars on various aspects of the Gospels — all directed toward *non-scholars*. Each lecture will be followed by a live Q&A with attendees.
Below I give a brief summary of the lectures to whet your appetite. The event is not connected with the blog per se, except to the extent that I’m doing both things and many of you will be interested in it. For fuller information, about what it will be about and how to register go here: https://www.bartehrman.com/new-insights-conference/
The event will begin with a thirty-minute lecture (by me) that summarizes the history of modern biblical scholarship (600 years in 30 minutes!). And then this is the two-day line up.
Candida Moss (University Of Birmingham)
Christian tradition makes lofty claims about the origins of Jesus, but the historical evidence is very different. While some people claimed that he was the Son of God, others thought he was the offspring of a construction worker named Joseph or even a Roman soldier. Some ancient critics implied that his mother was a sex worker. This lecture will look at the diverse traditions about Jesus’ family, assess their historical veracity, and ask: what do we actually know about Jesus’ background?
Dr. Hugo Méndez (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
The Gospel of John contains many narratives and images not contained in other early accounts of the life of Jesus. These materials were deliberately crafted—invented—by the text’s author to symbolize the principal points of his ideology.
To help readers recognize this symbolism, this lecture will explore the practice of “reading John backwards”—that is, reading the gospel’s images in light of the teachings Jesus articulates in later sections of the book, especially the Farewell Discourse (chs. 13–17). Experimenting with this mode of reading John, we will come to appreciate the intricate design of the text and, above all, the remarkable creativity of its author.
Dr. James Tabor (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
In our earliest version of the “Synoptic Apocalypse,” found in Mark 13, Jesus is asked “Tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign when these things are all to be accomplished” (Mk 13:4). Accordingly, with a rare but cryptic admonition to the reader, the author of Mark reveals “the sign” in v. 14—“When you see the desolating sacrilege set up where it ought not to be . . .” and follows it up with a final apocalyptic warming: “When you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, even at the very gates” (v.23).
Most interpreters find in these verses a clear reference to the summer of 70 CE, when general Titus completed the siege and partial destruction of Herodian Jerusalem. However, rather than the coming of the Son of Man in the clouds with great power and glory, fulfilling Daniel 7:14, Rome—whom many were understanding as the “Fourth beast,” was hardly destroyed but flourished as never before. This is one of our most explicit examples of “prophecy failing” in the period. Matthew and Luke, using Mark as a narrative base, boldly take up the task of rewriting and recasting this failure as success.
Dr. Jodi Magness (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Archaeology enables us to reconstruct with a great degree of accuracy the city of Jerusalem as it appeared in the first century CE, where Jesus spent his final days on earth.
This slide-illustrated lecture provides an overview of key sites associated with Jesus in Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount; the Lithostratos pavement and Arch of Ecce Homo; and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. We also consider the evidence for the historicity of the traditions associating Jesus with some of these sites.
Dr. Dale Allison (Princeton Theological Seminary)
This is a talk about the profound intertextuality of the gospels. In it Dr. Dale Allison explores the transfiguration as a replay of Mount Sinai, the Moses typology in Matthew 1-7, the feeding of the 5000 drawing from 2 Kings 4 and Psalm 23, the enigma of John 1:51 with Jacob’s ladder, and the echoes of David and the Absalom revolt in Gethsemane.
He will include in his analysis contemporary examples of allusions in MLK’s speeches, advertising, movies, and music.
Dr. Robyn Walsh (University of Miami)
Tradition holds that the canonical gospels were written anonymously on behalf of various communities of early Christians. Thought to be tasked with recording shared oral traditions, these authors are treated as little more than spokespersons for their assumed churches, despite the fact their writings show keen engagement with the popular genres, subject matters, and literature of the age.
This lecture will discuss what we know about how writers produced and shared their work with each other in antiquity, with a focus on what we can tell about the relative education, training, and techniques of the gospel authors. We will also discuss how certain assumptions in the field of biblical studies have led us astray in how we approach this literature and think together about how we might forge new ways of reading these texts in the future.
Dr. Mark Goodacre (Duke University)
The term “empty tomb” is absent from the earliest Christian literature. Why is this? Could it be that the early Christians knew something about early Judean tombs that we are forgetting?
When the gospel narratives are considered alongside the multiple excavations of first century Jerusalem tombs, many features fall neatly into place, including the rolling of the stone, the witness of the women, the stress on where Jesus’ body was laid, and the notion that this was a tomb in which no one had been laid. The question that should be asked is not, “Was the tomb empty?” but “How empty was the tomb?”
Dr. Jennifer Knust (Duke University)
For two millennia Christians all over the world have loved the story of the woman taken in adultery, however they first heard it. Though invariably present in practice, the movement of the story in and out of Gospel books reveals the active involvement of readers in deciding what a Gospel should be.
Tracing the history of this story in manuscripts, art, and printed books, this lecture explores both what this story has meant and also the implications of its enduring textual instability for Christian conceptions of biblical authority.
Dr. Amy-Jill Levine (Vanderbilt Divinity School)
That Jesus was a first-century feminist amid a Jewish world that made the Taliban look progressive, a belief still proclaimed in churches both liberal and conservative, is not only historically inaccurate, it is one of several antisemitic tropes that remain in popular preaching and teaching.
This presentation, using the Gospels and other literary and archaeological sources, recovers the diverse roles of first-century CE Jewish women and resituates Jesus in terms of an historically grounded understanding of gender and sexuality. The result is good news for both Jews and Christians.
Dr. Bart Ehrman (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
This lecture will deal with a question almost no one has ever asked: Was God laughing at Jesus while he was being crucified? In most ancient manuscripts of Mark 15:34, Jesus’ final words are his familiar cry of desolation: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” But some manuscripts present the verse very differently. In them, Jesus cries out: “My God, my God, why have you ridiculed me?” What a difference a word makes! Could that be what Mark originally wrote?
Some scholars have argued that it is, and that scribes who could not imagine God ridiculing his son changed the text. Other scholars argue just the opposite, that scribes changed the word “forsake” to “ridicule.” But why would scribes want to say God was mocking Jesus? In either case, somebody altered the text! But who? And why? We can never be absolutely certain what the original text was, but scholars do have criteria for deciding, and it is important to understand what the evidence is – both here and in the thousands of other places where our New Testament manuscripts differ from one another. How do we know what a New Testament author wrote and why scribes changed the original wording?
Interested? Again, here’s where you can go to find more: https://www.bartehrman.com/new-insights-conference/
Hi Dr. Ehrman,
I’d like to make a blog suggestion. Can you do a blog, or series of blogs, on the films of Martin Scorcese, such as “The Last Temptation of Christ”, and “Silence”? These are some of my favorite films, and I’d love to hear what you have to say about them
Good idea!
Pretty much the only thing I know about _The Last Temptation of Christ_ is that it was cited in a notorious article (at least, I understood it to be notorious) titled “does Hollywood hate religion” that was published in Readers Digest magazine in July 1990. From what I understand, the author seriously misunderstood the movie, and besides, most Christians I know are greatly disturbed by a lot of what is done in the name of Christianity and happy to see such hypocrisy criticised!
I am interested in this, and have seriously considered signing up, but so far hesitated. I would only be signing up for the lifetime recording access, not for the live event, and I assume that will continue to be available for purchase afterwards, right? (You’d hardly go to the effort otherwise…) Am also guessing that the recording will be in a common format supported by browsers and won’t need any special software to be installed, but last time I looked the website did not say so for sure.
Completely up to you. Same price. If you sign up and come to the live event, you’ll be able to see each of us completely mess up and mis-speak before your eyes; the edited version probably won’t include outtakes….
In my timezone, the conference goes from 11:30pm to 7:00am. Watching the live event is not as important as a good night’s sleep…
Besides, I don’t have Zoom installed, so it’s just easier to watch the edited version, which won’t require it (I trust).
A thought relevant to _any_ live talk with a Q&A: has anyone ever tried having a five minute break between the presentation and the Q&A during which audience members are encouraged to talk amongst themselves? I speculate that this might generate better questions.
If I sign up, will there be a recorded version I can watch on my own time schedule? I work those days,
Yup!! Lifetime access to the recordng.
I’ve very excited to attend the conference!
I just listened to Imran’s audio platinum post on Muhammad, Jesus and the crucifixion passage in the Qur’an from February 2023. I didn’t know there was an alternative Islamic viewpoint acknowledging Jesus’s crucifixion. Thanks for informing me Imran!
I’m looking forward to the conference. I also enjoyed the podcast episode, “New Testament Scholarship for Non-Scholars.” May I ask for a reading recommendation? Are there any scholars or specific books you would recommend that do “social history” of the early Christian communities based on Paul’s letters, as you mentioned in the podcast? Thanks!
Yup, the classic is Wayne Meeks: The First Urban Christians.
WOW. Day 1 of the seminar blew me away. Looking forward to day 2.
I hope this becomes an annual event.
Hi Dr. Ehrman,
I just finished Robyn F. Walsh’ The Origins of Early Christian Literature: Contextualizing the New Testament within Greco-Roman Literary Culture.
I was not convinced. The monograph seems like a prequel laying a foundation for a future sequel. I read elsewhere where you typed that you were not convinced by her proposal. She quotes and cites lots of scholars that specialize in Classics, Religions (and…’social studies’?). However, they do not show expertise with how the New Testament has hundreds of genetic intertextual relationships with the LXX and other Jewish Literature and some Jewish texts were themselves influenced by Egyptian lit., Mesopotamian lit., and, of course, Greek lit. Therefore, none of the scholars she references neither does she ever demonstrate how the Gospels are more related to the Satyricon (or other Greco-Roman lit.) than to the LXX OT passages. Yes, in large strokes, some similarities can in fact exist — Im not denying this. In a few short sentences, why are you not convinced? Or, you will write about it in full elsewhere?
Thank you
I may write about it elsewhere. I completely agree with her that the Gospel writers had to be well trained in Greek education. I don’t agree with what that means about where their stories came from or their own inventive/creative story-telling (as opposed to mainly hearing stories in wide circulation)
Thank you Bart!
If I could share one talk from the conference with the world, it would be Amy-Jill Levine’s. Important topic, the only critique I have is the sort of thing to which the answer is “yeah, but then it would be a two hour talk”.
Another favourite was the one by Hugo Méndez. Very interesting to see how the author of John made use of foreshadowing and other literary devices.
I felt that some talks met the brief (“new insights”) better than others, but they all had something interesting to say, whether it was the main thrust of the talk or the incidental trivia along the way. For example, I think it was Robyn Walsh who mentioned the symbolism of the cock crowing. That was new to me.