Because of some weird circumstances, I will need to record a lecture for my undergraduate class tomorrow morning, September 21st. As some of you know, I hate recording a lecture to an empty room. I prefer an audience. Are you free to come?
The lecture will be on “The Early Christian Apologists.” It will take place at 11:00 am, Eastern time, on Zoom. Are you free to come? Below is the link.
I do not know yet if I will be able to release the recording to the public.
The “Apologists” were the early Christians intelligentsia who defended the Christian claims against the charges of their pagan adversaries that Christians were hateful atheists who engaged in wild licentious activities. The apologists tried to refute the charges and to argue for why Christianity was in fact the ultimate “truth.”
The event will be free, but as always, I would encourage a donation to the blog. Any amount is welcome. Pay what you think it’s worth! If, well, anything at all. And if you can’t afford anything just now, that’s fine. Let the spirit or your conscience guide you, depending on your personal religious preferences.
I hope some of you can make it!
Bart Ehrman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. If you can: here’s the link.
Topic: Impromptu Blog Zoom: The Early Christian Apologists
Time: Sep 21, 2021 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 537029
Dr. Ehrman, thank you for this invitation! On another note, I was wondering if you had seen the humorous documentary, “Marketing the Messiah” about the early church. The director, Cameron Reilly, mentioned in a blog post that he was inspired by your work.
No, I’m afraid I don’t know about it!
The meeting says it is at maximum capacity ?????
Sorry ’bout that. Zoom messed up. I’m supposed to have something like 900 spots, but for some reason no one was admitted after #300. ERG…
So you got 300? Wow.
That was way more than your planned lectures and this was impromptu was it not?
I wouldn’t have expected that.
Blind sided me too.
I shall have to make sure I logon earlier next time.
I tried to join the meeting at 11:03 a.m., but got the following message that it was already full:
“This meeting is at capacity
“This meeting has reached the maximum number of allowed participants.
“You may be able to join this meeting if some participants leave.”
I’m pleased that your audience was at capacity, but I regret that I wasn’t able to join you.
Sorry ’bout that. Zoom messed up. I’m supposed to have something like 900 spots, but for some reason no one was admitted after #300. ERG…
Dr. Ehrman
Thanks for the opportunity and for the great lecture.
Tried to get in at exactly 11AM. It was already full. No problem. Just in case you didn’t know.
Sorry ’bout that. Zoom messed up. I’m supposed to have something like 900 spots, but for some reason no one was admitted after #300. ERG…
you were amazing!
Oh no! I missed out! Dr Ehrman, I’d LOVE to see a recording of this lecture if you are able to share it.
Ah bummer. I’m afraid I haven’t released it and at this point do not have plans to do so. But I’ll think about it!