Many apologies to Silver, Gold, and Platinum members. We are having a technical difficulty with comments on posts. Ugh. But we’re on it and will soon get it resolved.
Apologies about the Comments!
March 2, 2021
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Appears to be fixed now. Thanks, Ben!
Miracle worker! Laid on hands!
We need Steven Ray back. He knew how to keep everything going just as it should.
He’ll be glad to know he’s missed! Ben, by the way, is absolutely terrific too!
Apologies if this isn’t the right place to post this question. I recently found out from a genetics test that I am distantly related to the body that is buried in Padua, Italy, that is thought to be Saint Luke. In watching Prof. Martin’s course on the New Testament on YouTube, I learned that the Gospel of Luke was pseudonymously written. So who is it that is buried in this tomb? I realize this may be a huge question that can’t be answered easily. Thank you in advance.
Yes, the identification of bodies like that are almost always based on the desire of a place to claim fame through being connected to an apostle (“George Washington slept here!” sorts of things). Sometimes the claims are based on local legends going back a long time, but always to a time centuries after the person had died and no one had a clue about where he was actually buried.
Ok! Thank you. I’d be curious to learn who it was that wrote the pseudonymous gospels.
Unfortunately we don’t know! (Then again, we don’t know who wrote the canonical ones either…)
Hi Bart. At the time of writing (mid April 2021) the blog has recently changed so that the comments under most posts are no longer public. I have no problem with that per se, but it was previously possible for members to search for our own comments by typing “ username” into Google. I’m sure you can think of some reasons why we might sometimes want to look back over our own comments. Obviously we don’t want blog searches _in general_ to include comments, but when we want to, we want to. Could you look into ways of restoring some equivalent functionality? Thanks.
They are visible if you are at the Silver Tier level, no? (I don’t see what you do, unfortunately, since I’m an administrator of the blog and not a member)
Visible but not searchable. Something that hitherto _was_ possible via Google.
I can think of two ways in which this functionality could be restored while keeping the comments private. Option one: Add an “advanced search” page with “include comments” as a checkbox. Option two: Make it so that clicking on someone’s name in the comments takes you to a page that lists all comments made by that member.
The latter approach would have the bonus effect of enforcing accountability, so I’d favour that, but either would work. A lot of work for your technical team, though, to add existing comments to a searchable database. But in my opinion hugely beneficial and worth it.
Thanks. I think Ben (our head of technology) is looking into it. But I will pursue it with him. That would indeed be very useful.