A number of people have suggested that it might be interesting for me to hold a live “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) session. I’ve been told that the term “AMA” is copyrighted (?!) and not open for public use. So we are going to call this an ABA (“Ask Bart Anything”). It will be over Zoom and will be open to anyone on the planet who wants to come.
The format: I will take live questions both orally and through chats. The questions can be on ANY topic that anyone is interested in. If it is something I don’t know anything about (quantum physics or the Ming Dynasty) or that I would rather not talk about (that little incident when I was 16….) I’ll just say so. I will get through as many questions as I can, answering easy ones briefly and taking as long as I need to deal with more complicated ones. My only request will be that questions are direct questions, not lectures, sermons, admonitions, condemnations, expositions of one’s favorite views, or statements of one’s opinions so the rest of the world can hear and convert.
Interested? We’ll be doing this on Wednesday, February 17, 7:00-8:15 pm. There is no cost, no need to register, no obligation of any kind. Just show up.
With that said, I WOULD like to suggest if you come you make a donation to the blog in recognition of what we are trying to achieve through our charities. The donation can be of any size, from $1 to $1 million. But please feel free go to higher. Every dollar that comes in will go directly out to our charities. If you want to see what these are, go here: Charities We Support | The Bart Ehrman Blog .
AND here’s one additional item. The Highest Donor will be allowed to have a ten-minute one-on-one back-and-forth with me on any questions of interest. If you would like a shot at that, please send an email with your proposed donation to my personal assistant, Diane Pittman, at [email protected]
Whether you bid or not and whether you feel inclined to donate or not, I hope I see a number of you there! This is the link:
- Bart
Sounds great, but the times won’t work here in the UK. Any chance you might make a video recording of the session available afterwards?
I haven’t decided whether or not to release it, but there’s a chance! Especially for our overseas friends.
Pretty please 🙂
Rob, you didn’t say, “with sugar on top.” Sheesh, i thought it was King George’s taste for tea with sugar that brought anglos to the carribbean islands!
That’s 7:00-8:15 pm Eastern time, I imagine…
Yup, sorry EST. Hey, it’s all about me!
Will be there.
Dr bart do you know that they found moses exodus site on egypt all the way to saudi, and noah ark on turkey mountain, i think if once search up about quran miracle after your expertise in bible it will make you believe that god is exist and quran is true, because its contain so many miracle and could be memorize as whole perfect book
I swear no other book like the quran ,therr is million people who memorize quran its not rare thing at all like if theres million people memorize a whole thick book, also if quran is taken from the whole world , we could reproduce it just by muslim memorizer in a complete perfect book, no machine needed, i mean thats just another miracle to differenciate from other book
I know that people say that, but I”m afraid it’s not true.
I might be there. Lots of topics I would like to talk about. One that interest me is Solon, the law-giver and his trip to Egypt.
Maybe, Nag hammadi alphabetical index from gnosis.org?
Also, this would be interesting to talk about.
Zeus, the god of gods, who rules according to law, and is able to see into such things, perceiving that an honourable race was in a woeful plight, and wanting to inflict punishment on them, (121c) that they might be chastened and improve, collected all the gods into their most holy habitation, which, being placed in the centre of the world, beholds all created things. And when he had called them together, he spake as follows – The rest of the Dialogue of Critias has been lost.
I’m sure lots will be talked about. It will be interesting for sure.
David, to quote Dr. Ehrman’s blog in 2017 entitled “The Gospels as Myths”– though it’s referring to the NT/Gospels, it might be applicable here:
In Dr. Ehrman’s post he references a “famous German theologian David Friedrich Strauss,” AND YES, I 100% understand that Strauss was referring to the miracles in the NT, yet, I think the same principle could be applied here. Especially since the Torah is most likely a 6th century BCE creation, through it “alludes” to be written 1500+ years earlier.
“Today, most people understand a “myth” to be something that isn’t true. For Strauss it was just the opposite. A myth was “true.” But it didn’t happen. Or, more precisely (but put rather simply), for Strauss, a myth is a history-like story that is meant to convey a religious truth.
That is, the story is fictional, even though it’s told like a historical narrative; its intent is not to convey a history lesson, but to teach about something that is true.” (Dr. Ehrman, I hope I am NOT stepping on your toes here (?) or misinterpreting your post.
I’ll attend from the UK at . I’ll be shattered for work in the morning but so worth it! Thanks, Bart.
Yeah, bummer. Scheduling’s always the problem.
I’d like to endorse the comment by @robgrayson.
Awesome. Looking forward to it!
I have a short question about a classical greek (not koine) verb form and it’s precise meaning and/or origin/usage: are you sure that you don’t want any questions ahead of “ready, set, go” zoom time?! Thanks!
I think I can handle a Greek question, so long as I have a lexicon around me.
Thanks Dr Ehrman,
Its going to be 4am or 5am here in Pakistan but WHAT AN OPURTUNITY!!!
Any recording of such events would be very much appreciated which could later be written down as well in book forms….just a thought!
What attributes do you think are necessary in order to teach at the university level in any field? Thinking about re-matriculating but not sure what field. Thanks Doctor.
You have to be unusually gifted, smart, and dedicated. The first two are luck of the draw; the third is a decision. It’s really, really hard to get a PhD. You shouldn’t try unless there is an academic area of interest you are deeply passionate about.
You have to be unusually gifted, smart, and dedicated. The first two are luck of the draw; the third is a decision. It’s really, really hard to get a PhD. You shouldn’t try unless there is an academic area of interest you are deeply passionate about.