In these massively troubling times (no need for me to itemize the issues) and the incredibly disturbing bifurcation of opinions, views, and perspectives, where very few people have even the slightest interest in listening to someone on “the other side,” there is at least one thing that virtually everyone agrees on: these are massively troubling times with incredibly disturbing bifurcation of …. Well. right. We can at least agree it’s a mess.
And what, I ask you, does that have to do with the blog? Well, in short, nothing and everything.
Over lo these many years, I have tried very hard to allow everyone to express their opinions on matters connected with the blog — principally, the study of the New Testament, the historical Jesus, the origins of Christianity, the first several centuries of Christian literature and history, and cognate fields such as Hebrew Bible, early Judaism, Greek and Roman religion, with a touch of personal religious views and modern religion, etc.
I have also tried very hard not to take sides on the social and political issues that are confronting us, at least to not take sides directly. Moreover, I have tried to keep the discourse polite, open-minded, and generous to the views of others. You don’t find a lot of that on social media, as you no doubt will have noticed. But I try to discipline myself, and I do not allow guest posts to take stands on such matters, and I do not approve comments that in my view go a bit too far in expressing strong views on such matters.
I want people of all political persuasions and people with all views of important social agenda to be welcome to the blog and to feel that this is a place where they can talk about their understandings of the topics we deal with on the blog. I know as well as anyone that there are indeed social agenda issues, political conflicts, military activities that are in ways connected with what we do here. But I do not want us to go into these. Each of us can do so quite easily in other venues. I want the blog to stick to historical and literary issues connected with the New Testament, early Christianity, and related topics — including the perceived relevance of these issues to today if it seems appropriate. But not to focus on the political/social issues themselves or our incredulity that others are too blind to see them the way we do. And I want to keep it polite. No one liked the old Saturday Night Live Point Counterpoint better than I did. But, well, this ain’t SNL.
So please: let’s focus on our common interests while we’re here on the blog. And let’s respect opinions we disagree with. It is perfectly fine to state in firm terms reasons you disagree with others. But no belittling, name calling, personal attacks etc., please.
I say all this both to keep all of us on the same humane and polite/generous-to-others page here, and to explain why sometimes a member will make a comment that I simply cannot approve and post. (Even when I totally agree with it!)
If you have any concerns about the matter, do let me know — including by posting comments here. Politely.
Matthew 15: 24
I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Jesus, the Savior, did not appear to rebels who attacked Legion Xii Fulminata.
Jesus did not convince them this attack would lead to the destruction of Jerusalem and end Temple Judaism.
Jesus, the Savior/Messiah said the Son of Man would have a glorious arrival on earth. That did not happen. Maybe it could have prevented the attack on Legion XII, the Jewish Civil War, and the Jewish Revolt with the destruction of his Father’s House of Prayer, the Temple.
Some hold that Jesus is still in the world today.
Matthew 18:6
“But whoever causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.”.
Point and Counterpoint was something I thought was from PBS or Rhetorical Criticism Speech & Debate when I was at NYU–not SNL.
Point-counterpoint is a rhetorical technique used in public speaking and writing to present an argument (point) and then address opposing views or counterarguments (counterpoint).
Is Jesus’ Christianity still working on the lost sheep of Israel, protecting children?
Bart, your policy is exactly right. We should all do our best to help you sustain it.
Bravo! Well said.
Jane, you ignorant slut.
Yes, I was going to quote that, but thought I better not. So now *you* can get in trouble.
Agree 100%. Thank you Bart.
Are people doing this here?
Occasionally. I don’t blame them. I’m tempted to do it too!! But, it’s not the right venue…
People need to learn about self control.
Not totally relevant, but related. This evening I sang the Ode to Joy, 4th movement of Beethoven’s 9th. A once in a lifetime achievement!! More importantly, the words “Alle menschen werden brüder” seem to relate to this post. People can have radically different views on politics, religion, or whatever, and yet they are still “brüder”. Brothers, or in more up to date terms, fellow humans. Hence, Bart’s emphasis on being respectful of opinions we disagree with, not engaging in attacks on others due to their opinions, etc. As a PhD physicist, it is sometimes hard to adhere to this, when I read ridiculous posts involving physics. But still, respect the person!!
To me this blog has been a sane, respectful and calm refuge. Thanks for that.
Advice taken Bart. Thanks!
Jane, you ignorant…but I digress. Seahawk41, I for one would appreciate expert opinion on accurate and inaccurate science. I hope that Bart is okay with you correcting statements with defendable, accurate information that is devoid of opinion! I appreciate the limits that you all are committed to holding. Fortunately for me, I am not knowledgeable enough to have an opinion that I feel comfortable expressing in this group of people who have spent much more time considering these things than I. What I do find some discomfort in, and am finding it more in the BSA, is when someone is defending a faith opinion. While I still claim faith, I don’t appreciate other being proselytized. Probably an artifact of spending the first 23 years of my life living in at least two different communities that were pretty sure I was going to hell. Facebook has now provided the option to reconsider a post, rather than an immediate ban hammer being dropped; that is helpful, given that their algorithm does not appear to appreciate satire or humor. I suppose if you resort to managing contact with an algorithm, that might make it tougher to address individual issues.
Thank you Bart! Well said.