For anyone in the Dallas area: On Friday (two days! Sept. 18) I will be having a public debate with Justin Bass, a Christian apologist and pastor with a PhD from Dallas Theological, on the question “Did the Historical Jesus Claim To Be Divine?” Dr. Bass thinks the answer is YES. I think the answer is NO. It should be an interesting back and forth. If you want to hear the arguments, come and see it. Free admission. And my arguments will be worth every dime you pay to hear them. (It will be at Collin College at 6:30 pm)
Here’s all the information you need:
May I recommend La Calle Doche Mexican restaurant. From where you will be in Plano the Lakewood location is closest but the original in Oak Cliff has to be the best.
Are there plans to make the debate available online?
It will be live-streamed, so I imagine Justin Bass will make it available on line afterwards.
I believe this is a link that will help those who want to watch it live.
Good luck!
Found this claim:
Livestreaming is happening for the Friday night debate, “Did the Historical Jesus Claim to be Divine?”
Instructions: To view the event you must have an account with If you do have an account, just sign in to your account to view. If you do not have an account you will have to go through the process of creating an account with
Just copy and paste the URL below and follow the instructions.
Your link, Bart, is dead.
A bit of googling produced the following:
Collin College Preston Ridge Campus
9700 Wade Blvd, Frisco, Texas 75035
Open to the Public / No Entry Fee
Collin College Preston Ridge Conference Center Frisco, TX
September 18th, 2015 6:30pm
Dr. Justin Bass and Dr. Bart Ehrman will debate the topic:
“Did the Historical Jesus Claim to be Divine?”
I’ll see you there! 🙂
I’ll try to be there.
The traffic is awful from the airport to the venue. Hopefully you’ll get on Hwy 121 before 5p to get there at 6 (30 minutes prior to the event). Why is that? I for one used to work in Irving. Many people have to commute from Irving to all the communities along the way to Frisco and beyond (like North Plano/Allen/McKinney). Yes, I used to go local just to avoid 121.
I’ll say hi and ask you if you need anything if you’re going to be at a table after the event.
I’ve gone to that campus of Collin County Community College. I’ve used their library.
Hey, it’s better than debating whether Jesus really existed. Progress! 😉
Tell me….
So, tell us, Bart, how has it come to pass that you are spending a Friday evening debating a fundamentalist pastor at a Dallas suburb community college? Do you owe Justin Bass a favor for some reason? It’s very nice of you to do it and all. But, I’m curious as to how you came to undertake such a commitment.
Many, many thanks! 🙂
Simple really. I do these debates as a way to raise money for charity. I do the debate, they pay the money, it goes to charity, and everyone is happy. (well, I’d rather be doing other things, but there it is….)
I just got home. I really enjoyed the debate, but I skipped the Q and A as we had missed supper to get there. My wife enjoyed it more than I expected, taking pages of notes.
I’m a recent subscriber to yr fine blog, and have been enjoying yr lectures, debates and various writings. My interest is prompted by the fact that as an atheist and a secular humanist, and an historian, I have always been fascinated by religion as a social phenomenon. More on that later.
In the meantime, at the risk of seeming pedantic, allow me to point out that a targe is not a spear, but a shield; specifically, a round Scottish shield.
I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of the term “targe”