So, it’s the last day of the year, and I thought I would take a moment to reflect on life, meaning, and the state of the blog. Mainly, for now, the state of the blog. Some statistics would be useful, both of what I wanted to accomplish before the year was out (which will be in five and a half hours, my time) and what we did accomplish.
So, to start with, my plan at the outset.
I really didn’t know how the blog would go, whether it would have any success at all or be a complete dud. My computer guru for the site, Steven Ray, and I worked for months getting it set up. Well, actually, he worked for several months. I dilly-dallied and told him what to do. He had earlier designed my website, , which I liked very much (and still do like), and so I asked him to set up the blog. He did almost all the work, and I still think it looks fantastic and works great. Any problems I direct to him, and he deals with them promptly and efficiently. You should hire him too!
My first post was at the very beginning of April (April 4). At the time I was completely clueless: how many posts to do a week? How long should they be? How would I be able to keep thinking of things to talk about? How could I possibly respond to all the comments? How would I find time every day to do it? Would anyone be interested? Would *enough* people be interested that it would be worth my while?
As all of you (members) know, I do the blog not because I’m so desperate to have the entire world to know what I think every day about the NT, the historical Jesus, the history of early Christianity, and so on, but because I want to raise money for charities, especially charities that are near and dear to my heart, those dealing with issues of hunger and homelessness. And so a whole other set of questions had to do with that. Would people be willing to pay to get onto a blog? How many people would be enough to make it worthwhile? What could I expect and what should I expect? And for them to pay, what would *they* expect?
My reasonably sanguine hopes and goals going into the whole thing, at the beginning of April, were the following: by the end of the year I wanted:
- To have 1000 paying members (actually, there aren’t any other kind of members) on the blog.
- And to have raised $20,000 for charities.
But I didn’t know how often I would blog or how long they would be or how the topics would fall out.
I hate to say that I’m a prophet, but, well, I may not be the son of a prophet, but damn I’m good. As of now we have just over 1000 members (1023 as of this moment). The first month it started out at about 250, and it grows every day. We probably get 4 or 5 new members a day; maybe half of these buy the year-long membership for $24.95; those are the ones who warm the cockles of my heart. But even those paying for three-months at $7.95 or one-month at $3.95 are good news, since if they keep renewing at that rate, they will pay much *more* than $24.95 a year!
Every penny of every membership fee, and every penny of every donation (BTW: you’re encouraged to donate!! It all goes to fantastic causes) has gone to charity. I have paid for the site itself, for the upkeep, for the administration, everything, myself, out of my own pocket, not from membership fees. And as it turns out, we have met my goal for the year for funds raised. Almost exactly. As of this afternoon we have raised just over $22,000.
If people keep renewing their memberships, and if we keep adding more members, this thing can just keep growing and getting better and better. I’m personally in favor of it.
In terms of substance, since April 4 I believe I have posted on average about six posts a week. I usually have a day I take off each week, normally because I’m off doing something and just can’t get to my computer (like watching the NFL, or something equally pressing). According to WordPress there have been over 4300 comments made by readers. I don’t respond to all of them, since many of them are comments pure and simple; I do try to answer the questions that I get asked in the comments, although I sometimes can’t handle long and complicated ones. But on the whole, I think the threads are going well.
I seem to have no shortage of things to talk about, especially since so many of the posts deal with questions that have been raised. And I’ve scheduled it into my daily routine, so the time so far is not a huge factor. I can imagine getting redundancies over the course of the year, and I’m not sure how bad or OK that is (in other words, on 9/28/13 I may post something that is a lot like something I posted on 5/3/12 sort of thing).
And that’s about it from my end. I hope from your end that you’ve enjoyed the blog. If you have, please tell friends, family, acquaintances, and pets all about it, and get them to join as well. And if you have suggestions for improvement, do let me know.
Many thanks to all. Have a safe and happy New Year.
I would love to be a member but had issues with paypal. I am a HUGE fan of yours. If there was a more direct way to pay such as using a debit or credit card, I’d already be a member and still will try being a member through using paypal. I regret that I’m not a fan already. Please help! 🙂
Pay pal is a way of paying by credit card. It’s really pretty easy — but if after trying again you just can’t do it, send me an email and I’ll tell you the way more inconvenient Plan B!
Your blog has been absolutely great, especially the way you blog so often, the wide variety of topics you cover, the way you often share personally about yourself, and the way you respond to so many questions. Please don’t burn out. Pace yourself. And many thanks. Happy New Year!
P.S. You probably have some idea about how hard it is to discuss these important topics anywhere else out there, especially in churches. I also sense that you genuinely enjoy the blog. Ron
I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts here, Dr. Ehrman. I learn something new, or at least get a new perspective on things … six days a week, say.
I particularly enjoyed your recent reflections on being an agnostic/atheist at Christmas time. I was once the most devoted of Catholics. Then in 7th grade a priest made so bold as to tell me that maybe I shouldn’t regard the Bible as being literally true. I took his advice to heart and my faith collapsed at that point.
Still, I am interested enough in the Christian faith to read your books and be a member here. And I now play bass in a “praise” band at a local Methodist church. I also go to a local synagogue when time allows. I am ever drawn to the spirit of community that the Bible can inspire. I’m not sure that it matters much whether or not any of it is literally true.
This past week, I re-read John Gardner’s novel “Nickel Mountain.” Toward the end, Henry Soames decides to send his son to Sunday School despite not having much in the way of faith himself. His explanation resonated with me. Perhaps it will with you, as well:
“What religion was was a kind of formal acting out of what every human being felt, vague fears over things he could do nothing about, vague joys over things only partly his doing – the idea of holiness.” — John Gardner, from “Nickel Mountain”
Have a great New Year …
Bart, as much as I like reading your blog, the main reason I joined up, was because you give all the money to something that is near and dear to my heart also. There are not too many people that would do what you are doing Bart…your a good man, and I respect you for what you are doing for those that are so much less fortunate than most people are. By the way..I am really enjoing you new book:)
The amount of money you raised and the amount of people who have joined over the last 9 months is a huge accomplishment actually. Congrats!
I’ve been a member since the beginning and have thoroughly enjoyed the blog. I read every entry and have gotten 2 of my friends to join. Like you, my main purpose of joining has been to help out the charities.
If you need any help related to the blog, I would be happy to volunteer.
My first resolution of the new year is to send a monthly stipend for the calendar year 2013. Feeding the hungry is a very important charity to me. The President and Congress and the Senate may not get a damn thing but we sure can.
Many thanks. May your tribe increase!!
I haven’t been a member very long but have read many of your books. I don’t know how you manage this 6 days a week but I do so look forward to it daily. Thanks, yw
Happy New Year to you and all of yours.
Is there a discussion forum somewhere that focuses on actual scholarship (not fundamentalist drivel) relating to the New Testament or the bible in general? If not, that might be a nice enhancement to this site. I mean real scholarly stuff, not what is typically found on the Internet.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Yes, there are! You should track down, for example, the blogs of Mark Goodacre and Larry Hurtado, for starters. And check out Mark’s website
I’ve been reading Larry Hurtado’s blog for a while now. He allows comments on his posts (as you do), but I’m asking about a discussion forum, where anyone can start a discussion topic and the discussion continues in real time with multiple discussion partners.
I checked out Mark Goodacre’s site just now and found a link to a discussion forum specifically about NT Greek. Turns out I’m already a member there! That offers something of what I’m looking for, but the discussions seem to be limited to rather technical questions about Greek grammar. I’m also looking for more free-range exegetical and theological discussions, but with a scholarly orientation rather than the typical fundamentalist focus that you find so much of on the Internet.
I recall that when I joined SBL there was someting about a discussion board but maybe this did not get off the ground as intended or I just didn’t dig into their website enough to find it. Maybe such a thing just doesn’t exist. Maybe I’m just homesick for doctoral seminars and SNTS meetings.
OK, thanks for the fuller report. I really don’t know what is available out there, as I have my hands full with other things all the time (it seems!). But you might ask either Larry or Mark directly: they would be more likely to know.
Loving the blog Bart and I plan on renewing for sure. Keep up the fantastic writings. Im learning a ton.
It’s been a real pleasure to be here and looking forward to the next.
Hope you have a great year too.
Can I suggest a podcast doctor? .. Since charity has no limit , then a podcast downloadable at two quid a file is not really a bad suggestion.
One hour a week on paltalk or something to answer questions live is also a wonderful suggestion
yeah, it’s a great idea. I just can’t imagine finding another hour a week!
I am glad about the good news. I enjoy reading your posts and most of the comments. Keep up the good work and happy new year to you!
A very very Happy New Year 2013 to You Bart and to all Your Family , sincere wishes from Sam Chahal
ps on your site it says that your new book “How Jesus became God” is out this Month , are You on track for that release date? thanks
Woops. That’s a mistake. I haven’t written it yet! I hope to do so this Spring, to be released Spring 2014.
You are so darn prolific! You’re like the Stephen King of the bible genre!
Wish I made his salary… 🙂
You do in our gratitude. Your charities also. Not dissing King. He deserves his dues.
Also just to add I think the blog is great! It not only gives me a daily insight into what others are saying and thinking about the History of Christianity (which is my passion and I do believe it or not think about it EVERY SINGLE DAY!) BUT also gives me a direct link to Bart Ehrman and thats great! A bit like praying to God and having a direct link (NOT!) I love it! I am on the yearly membership and will most definitely keep renewing every year. I will and do try and get My UK mates to take a look too and sign up but I guess theres just not that many people (mad like me) that are so passionately interested in this field! Please keep up the good work on the blog – I think the organisation , layout , style and posts are just right – I have no negatives to comment on! Just out of curiousity do you know how many people are members from the UK? thanks Sam Chahal
Bart, this has been the best blog I’ve ever subscribed to…you’ve given great information and excellent feedback in the comments section. I still don’t know how you do it, but you are an inspiration to all of us who constantly think we need more than 24 hours to do everything! And you’ve personally inspired me to push for more!! Thanks!!
And I’ll subscribe to another year’s membership with my eyes closed…
How about have your donations to charities audited, and post a copy of the audit for prospective subscribers to check out in case they are skeptical about paying to read a blog? Or have a financial year-end letter from the charities confirming the amount of donation?
My husband and I have been following you since we saw you at a week long seminar at St. Olaf’s College in Minnesota in 2001. When I found your blog, I signed up immediately. I am a bit surprised that only 1,023 people have signed up. I would have thought there would be many, many more. But, I suppose the masses prefer “Honey Boo Boo” to something that actually stimulates their brain cells, not to mention rattling their religious cages.
We will continue following your wonderful insights for as long as you continue writing the blog. Happy New Year!
Think of it in terms of the parable of the mustard seed…. 🙂
The way I look at it, every day, in and out, the blog raises over $50 for charity. That adds up. And hopefully it will snowball. So tell all your friends!
With 1 more………….me……..makes 1,024
You’re really doing great work here, Bart! For the charities and for your readers. It’s amazing to be able to interact like this with one of one’s favorite authors.
An option/suggestion that may draw in more members is having a 15 minute live chat every month with members only. You can even post a transcript of that chat as a blog entry. This wouldn’t mean, of course, that you’d have to answer every question asked in that 15 minute session! I think this could be set up within WordPress.
Interesting idea. So, how would it work? This would be like a live chat/instant messaging kind of thing?
It could be done with a live group chat set-up.
Possible issues:
(1) Amount of questions
A good way to avoid chat room “question clutter” is moderating what questions that will appear to us on the chat screen. If I submit a question and you wish to answer it you can set it up so you must approve whether that question is made visible. So you would only answer questions you approve. If I submit a question you don’t have time to answer it or you don’t want to answer or if it is unrelated to the question wouldn’t appear. You can simply pick which ones you want to answer and only the ones you pick will be the ones we see.
(2) Type of questions
For something like this to work people would have to ask a one sentence question (or the discussion would become unmanageable for a chat room. Too detailed questions wouldn’t work in a chat room context). Also, it would probably be good to set a theme for each chat session so there is some common flow and purpose to each discussion. Otherwise it could get confusing to follow.
(3) Time
A 15 minute live chat would probably be reasonable. It could also replace a blog entry if you post a transcript of the chat as a blog entry. This would be helpful for those who could not be apart of the chat.
I’m not sure if this would work or if it would be something worth pursuing here. But it’s an idea…
Interesting. I’ll think about it. What do others think?
I’m a new member today, am a long time Ehrman admirer, first became acquainted through The Teaching Company, and have read everything the good Dr has written for the lay. You can imagine my excitement finding his blog. The excitement was amplified while reading the quality blogs and comments. I am extremely enthused that Dr Ehrman personally participates. Hope it continues, but, even if it degrades I will support because of the beneficiaries of the revenues. Continue the great work.
It’s hard to find fault either with your motives or the good cause. Very commendable and informative. In the long run, however, I think you may have a problem with attrition over time. In particular, you might want to make it less vertical and more horizontal in the way(s) you and your bloggers interact. As things stand now, everything pretty much depends on you and what you write. Maybe it would expand participation by setting up categories (something similar to your encyclopedia, perhaps) with short introductory comments from well-known experts and/or fledgling scholars. Bloggers would then “reply,” joining in the conversation in a more limited way to ask questions or to make brief comments with one another as students sometimes do in the classroom. At some point, of course, you could enter the fray as required or desired.
I do think that in order to grow the format needs to be changed or at least tweeked to include more options in the ways people share ideas and exchange points of view. Hopefully, what it will create is the same sort of topical discussion multiplied tenfold.
Good luck!
D.C. Smith
Bart–There are many suggestions about tweeking the format here. Many people enjoy posting their own opinions and exchanging opinions with others. For myself, I subscribed to learn information from you, not that from other subscribers. I’d rather not have the site cluttered with thousands of comments, Bible verses, etc., but direct questions from subscribers and your answers. Thanks for doing this site. It’s wonderful.