I am celebrating the tenth year anniversary of the blog, this past April 18, with previous year’s April 18 blog posts. Here’s the one from 2016 — highly relevant to prospective authors. How can you publish a book you’ve written?
I regularly get emails from people who want to break into publishing for the first time, who ask me “How can I get my book published?” As I indicated in my previous posts, almost always what they have in mind is not a work of scholarship for scholars but a trade book for a general audience. And so here is a weird fact about me: even though I have been publishing trade books for eighteen years, I’m not completely sure of the answer. But I know some things, and in this post I’ll indicate what those things are.
I absolutely know how one gets his or her first scholarly book published. I help my graduate students, and other scholars just starting their careers, do that all the time. There I’m an expert. But a first trade book? That’s a trickier proposition. The reason is one I’ve intimated before. Most scholars who publish a trade book do so after they have already published serious scholarship and so are to some extent a “known quantity.” In my case, when I published Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium (my first trade book) I had already written and published three scholarly books, edited a fourth, and published a textbook and two anthologies of ancient texts. The publisher who asked me to write the trade book (Oxford) already had a pretty good idea of what they were getting.
It often happens that a publisher will ask a scholar to write a trade book. And often it is on a particular topic. So the publisher has an idea of a book and they approach someone to see if they want to write it. The other scenario that happens a lot is that a scholar who has already produced a scholarly book or two asks a publisher if they would be interested in a particular trade book. When *that* happens, the publisher typically will ask for a written prospectus – say 20-25 pages – explaining what the book is to be about, how the author will approach the topic, why it is the sort of thing that a general audience would want to read about, and so on. On the basis of that prospectus they decide whether they want to publish it or not.
In both cases, the publisher offers the author a contract. The contract can be many (many) pages long, covering all sorts of things, including topic of the book, prospective title, required length, delivery date, royalty structure (percentages of sales that will come to the author – e.g., 10% of all books up to 5000 sold, 12.5% of additional copies sold up to 10,000; 15% after that; with different scales for hard back, paperback, electronic, and so on; it gets complicated); foreign (translation) rights, film rights (really!); and most important for many authors, an “advance” against royalties. This is the amount of money the publisher pays the author up front, to be taken out of royalties.
And depending on the author and the prospects of whether the book will sell massively or, not so much, it can be a relatively small amount – say, $1000 – or a huge amount – say $500,000 (you sometimes hear of a famous author getting a million dollar “advance.” That’s what this is referring to). That advance, then, is not in *addition* to the later royalties; it is a calculation of the publisher of the amount that they expect the book will bring in for the author’s share of sales (royalties) during, say, the first year of sales (when almost all the sales happen anyway). So if the publisher calculates that the book will sell, say, 50,000 copies in the first year, and it is priced at, say $20, then they think the gross sales will be $1,000,000. If the author were to get 15% of that, then that would be $150,000. And something like that would be the advance. (I’m simplifying here.) Usually the advance is divided into three payments or so – say 1/3 when the contract is signed; 1/3 when the manuscript is fully completed and sent to the publisher; and 1/3 when the book is then published.
Obviously if you can write a book that sells that many copies, we’re talking serious money here. No wonder people want to know how they can get their trade book published! But if they are not someone with a track record of publication *already*, now can they make it happen?
Well, it’s difficult. Very difficult. Almost impossible. The reason should be obvious. Publishers put a HUGE amount of effort and VAST amounts of resources into getting a book published. There are thousands of people who would *like* for a publisher to publish their book. The publisher has to choose very carefully, or their business will go bust faster than a burst balloon. And so their attitude is highly intense reluctance.
For someone who is not already a known author, about the only way to get a publisher even to take a look at a book proposal is to hire a literary agent who will push the book idea with a publisher. Agents are a kind of go-between for authors and publishers; they help authors devise an idea, craft the book, shape the book, write the book, and publish the book. An agent can represent a book to publishers to get them to agree to publish it. There are some publishers who will not even *look* at a book prospectus unless it is represented to them by an agent. And so for most first-time authors, it is necessary to get an agent.
But getting an agent at all – let alone getting one with any track record of success – is itself a daunting challenge for an author who is a completely unknown quantity. Again, almost impossible it seems. Agents make their living off of author royalties (normally an agent gets about 15%). They too do not have time to waste on projects that are going to make no money. They much prefer to work with authors who are certainly going to get books published, hopefully with serious advances. And so they too do not spend a lot of time with potential authors whom no one has ever heard of before.
About the only way to break into publishing as an unknown quantity, therefore (as far as I know – and as I said at the beginning, this is not an area I’m intimately familiar with), is to write such a bang-up prospectus for a book, and, say, have a chapter to accompany it, to send to an agent to convince him or her to represent the book. The book would have to be completed before a publisher would look at it. It would have to be drop-dead amazing before it would even get a look. An agent would have to represent it and would have to convince a publisher to take a chance. It very rarely happens.
So all of this is highly daunting, obviously. But it’s simply the reality of the situation. Getting published for the first time is extremely hard if you’re a budding scholar just off your PhD; it is even harder for someone who is not, who simply wants to get a book published with a reputable press. That’s the way it is, for obvious, economic, reasons.
On the other side of things, though, there is always the Internet!
Does Moody Press do scholarly publications and are they used in Universities?
I guess it depends on what you mean by “scholarly.” Some smart people write for them, but I”ve never heard of any Moody Books being used outside of a fundamentalist or conservative evangelical setting….
Very helpful and very depressing.
I self-published my book (Jesus Christ Divided) after verifying the accuracy of this article through experience. I was able to do the work myself, but I would recommend investing in professionals whenever possible. When not possible, imitate the best books similar to your own. Selling will be the hard part, so you need some good editorial reviews. In every way, focus on impressing your readers with quality. Make it worth their time; and make their time enjoyable.
Professor, a comment I believe important. The so called self publishing angle. Important things a publisher has access to are the book distribution and retail market places without which an author can peddle his work on a street corner but few places else. Even if the book is published/printed or digitized by paying someone to do it. Actual retail shelf space is a valuable resource. A retailer must believe an item will sell and produce margin($$$). The people who make those decisions for retailers are incredibly experienced and specialized in their merchandise. The big guns frequently hire out managing book departments to specialty distribution companies. If a new author can’t get a publisher to take his work the chances of selling it are near nill. Unfortunately there are self publishing businesses who will gladly let the proud of his work author foot the bill and learn about the market the hard way.
As a nonfiction author, I would add that most agents and publishers expect to see at least several sample chapters as part of a book proposal. And if you’ve never published a book before your chances of attracting editors and agents will be higher if you’ve already published articles on the topic.
That’s a fair assessment of my experience but there are the self or vanity publishing routes. Vanity publishing cost me around £1000 (approx $1250). With those options you are very much left to publicize your book yourself which depends on how adept at using social media you are. Of course, if you have lots of friends, word of mouth might kick in and make a success of your book. Or there is the (very) outside chance that one of the major publishers might become aware of your book and take it on. JK Rowling had a very difficult time getting her first Harry Potter book published so it is fair to say that the so called professionals don’t always recognise a successful book when they see one.
Just to get in a crafty plug, my book was a love story entitled Memoirs of an unknown god, published under a nom de plume (Jill Garrison). Looking on the bright side, it might have a rarity value 😄
This articulated exactly why I worry about ever having a second book published. The chances of doing it once, for someone in my position, were astronomically small. The chances of pulling it off twice aren’t great either, but at least I’ve got my foot in the door.
Slightly off-topic, but this also explains why there is still a certain stigma, right or wrong, against self-publishing. Getting a publisher of any kind to take your book is extremely difficult and involves a healthy dose of luck. Self publishing? Anyone can attempt that and “succeed.”
I read some material by Ted Gioia, who writes a stub stack called the Honest Broker( meaning he intends to foster good information exchange and he has done and published some great material about music. ) He wrote about music in Heaven and noise in Hell. I don’t remember you writing much about the subject of music in your books. Ted made a point about the hundreds of references to instruments and singing. Is the subject of music in the Bible not considered a good subject to research?
He made a remark about the psalms that made me wonder if the Jewish traditions or any tradition feels the psalms are or can be sung as they were sung historically.
I don’t know about the ancient Jewish tradition, but they appear to be intended in part to be musical, and they were sung by Christians. No, I have not dealt much with music, but there is some interesting scholarhip on it in antiquity.
But IS it serious money? How many books will sell 1 million copies? Less than two dozen titles. So if it takes you years to write one book–and this is likely–and you receive around $150,000 as an advance on sales, you might make $50,000 a year or less for the time that you have spent writing that book.
I would not call that serious money.
There is a “third way” which I used effectively when publishing two books for friends, back in 1980’s. Both books sold 2000 copies, and we reprinted each, 1000 more, which also mostly sold out. (I have a degree in graphic design, but the field has changed.)
> > > Call it a numbered “subscription edition” and sell copies to friends and family before going to press, promising a special numbered edition, with an author’s plate and signature, only for those who subscribe. (But please have your mss in hand, designed, and ready to go, before you beg for bucks!) There are presses out there which will help you with such productions. (I used Thompson-Shore in Dexter, Michigan, which is employee owned.) NB: Sales is the bottle-neck. Forget about shelf space in bookstores. Not gonna happen! You could deal with Amazon if you are good at snake charming. But print your book first. (T-S even will sell you fulfillment services for sending books to buyers which you’ve generated.) ~eric. MeridaGOround dot com
Note: Thompson-Shore is not a vanity publisher. They are a book production company to the book trade. YOU are the publisher, which means starting a business, and which has tax ramifications. I read a book back then titled How to Get Happily Published, by two women in the publishing trade in NYC. Very helpful, but much has changed. They provided a thorough presentation of all the details needed to produce a trade book. Do your homework before venturing forth! (Nobody wants a garage full of moldy books.)
I just completed a 724 page rough draft of a book I’m planning to publish, either through an agent or by self-publishing. It goes through the entire bible and shows how the bible’s redemptive narrative pertained exclusively to old covenant Israelites (the view called IO, or Israel Only), which of course, means that nobody has been a genuine ‘Christian’ for nearly two thousand years. The book uses the historical context and Israelite audience relevance of the bible texts to destroy the premises upon which today’s faux Christianity depends on. Do you know of an agent for a reputable publisher who may be interested in such a book? If I cannot find an agent and reputable publisher, then I will self-publish it. Either way, it’s going to be published. You may want to consider learning about this view. Carrier took a swing at it and was schooled by IO advocates.
I’m afraid I don’t know! But good luck with it!