I will be having dinner with several blog members this Thursday in Durham NC, my home turf. We have had a cancellation, and so there is one more open spot at the table. If anyone is interested in coming, please contact me at [email protected] There are no obligations other than showing up, paying for your dinner, and talking about whatever suits your fancy for a couple of hours!
Last Minute: Dinner on Thursday?
December 2, 2017
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Just want to say that if I didn’t have some bothersome medical conditions (not life-threatening), I would have signed up for both a dinner with Bart and that group tour to Israel!
Off topic question – on Monday, Richard Rhor wrote: “Critical biblical scholarship is occurring on a broad ecumenical level, especially honest historical and anthropological scholarship about Jesus as a Jew in the culture of his time. This leads us far beyond the liberal reductionism and the conservative fundamentalism that divide so many churches. We now see the liberal/conservative divide as a bogus and finally unhelpful framing of the issues.” https://cac.org/a-new-reformation-2017-11-27/
Would you agree with this view? If so, and as one of the leading biblical scholars into the historical Jesus, how do you feel about being responsible for bringing unity to the different wings of the church?
Not only are you feeding the hungry and housing the homeless, but you’re uniting the Church! You are storing many riches for yourself in heaven, Bart!! 😀
I’m not familiar with his work, but I’m pretty sure he’s not talking about me!! It sounds like he thinks he has cut a Gordian knot; the problem is usually that more knots then appear….
Bart – was just curious if this topic came up at your blog dinner: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/11/171130133824.htm. You attended this conference in Nov, correct?
No, it didn’t come up then. The discovery is of an older Greek version of a text we already knew in Coptic translation (it’s not a text we didn’t have before)