Many, many thanks to everyone who has so generously donated blog memberships to people who otherwise cannot afford them. The outpouring of support has been gratifying, as in the past two years. You donors will be making some people very happy.
Last year (2014) we gathered in just over 70 free memberships, which, when I put them on offer, got snapped up quickly. In each case I asked the person to explain their situation, and many of them were heart-rending. (Those who simply wanted a freebie I turned down, obviously.)
This year, thanks to many generous members of the blog, we have had just over 50 memberships donated.
If anyone wants still to make a donation to get us up to our levels in past years, I am more than happy to accept them. Just send me an email to that effect, indicating how many you would want to donate (anywhere from one to 100,000 would be gratefully accepted), at $25 per donation, and then click the DONATE link on the home page.
Again, many thanks to all who have donated. Lots of people will be given a wonderful holiday present as a result.
To my fellow members,
I’ve donated a gift membership every year I’ve been a member. I’ve moved to a developing country in order to pay for life’s basic necessities on Social Security and the limited self-employment income I’ve been able to make.
I challenge each of you to make a $25 gift membership to support the charities that are Bart’s purpose for this blog and to let someone less fortunate than us have access to the work Bart shares here.
I’m no one important and I’m doing nothing heroic. All I’m saying is… if I can do it, you can too.
A joyful holiday season to all of you.
I was given a free membership last year. I would like to thank you Hank.
Samuel, I’m thrilled to hear you were able to get the membership last year. Many members donate each year, and I’m sure each one receives satisfaction from reading your note. Thank you!
Have a terrific holiday season and 2016, Samuel.
I believe I speak for all of us when I say, we are exceedingly grateful for your presence among us.
May your membership continue for a good many years.