I continue now with the backstory of why I wrote my book Misquoting Jesus; up to this point I’ve explained how I became an evangelical Christian and, after high school, made a beeline for Moody Bible Institute and became interested in understanding how  we got the New Testament – not in the original writings, which we no longer have, but only in later copies which have lots of mistakes in them.  I continue now from there, with another excerpt the Introduction of my book Misquoting Jesus (Harper, 2005)


At the end of my three years at Moody (it was a three-year diploma) I had done well in my courses and was more serious than ever about becoming a Christian scholar.  My idea at the time was that there were plenty of highly educated scholars among the evangelical Christians, but there were not many evangelicals among the (secular) highly educated scholars.  And so I wanted to become an evangelical  “voice,” as it were, in secular circles, by getting degrees that would allow me to teach in secular settings, while retaining my evangelical commitments.  But first I needed to complete my Bachelor’s degree, and to do that I decided to go to a top-rank evangelical college, and chose Wheaton College, in a suburb of Chicago.

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