Is the Bible the inerrant Word of God or a very human book with all the problems that normally entails?  For me, realizing that we don’t have the Bible in its original form was important to my thinking as I moved away believing the Bible had come straight to us from God.

I’ve been talking about all this as background to my book Misquoting Jesus (Harper, 2005).  In the following excerpt I begin to explain the wide-ranging implications of my new way for understanding the New Testament.

My previous post ended with my realization, as stated in my book, that “there are more variations in the New Testament than there are words in the New Testament.”  Lots and lots of conservative Christian scholars have maligned me putting it this way, even though they know it’s true.  They just think it’s too radical.  Little do they know (until I inform them) that the phrase came to me from the textual scholar they adore above all others, my mentor Bruce Metzger, who used to say it all the time.

Moreover, most of them don’t pay attention to my very next sentence in my book, which may as well not exist as far as they are concerned. I start there here:  BUT…

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