Just a reminder, in case you haven’t noticed or don’t remember!   I will be doing a new online course on Saturday, November 11:  “The Scribal Corruption of Scripture: How the Bible was Changed and Why Readers May Never Know.”

The general topic will sound familiar to many of you — it is the kind of thing I discuss in my book Misquoting Jesus and that I”ve dealt with on the blog at times.  But this course will be different.  Among other things, it will provide much fuller explanations about:

  • How scribal changes affect major issues in understanding the New Tesament
  • Why decisoins about the original text are so complicated.
  • What motivated scribes to alter the texts in places.
  • Whether we can be reasonably sure that we know what an author wrote (the answer here will surprise many of you, in a way that you won’t expect to be surprised)
  • How *exactly* do scholars make decisions about what the text said and why a scribe changed it.

In addition, I’ll be discussing a number of textual variants that I’ve never addressed in any context, some of them so tricky that after looking at all the evidence, it’s almost impossible to decide!

As always, this course is not connected to the blog per se.  But I mention it here because it’s the sort of thing blog users will be interested in.  I hope you can come!  For registration and further information, go here:  http://www.bartehrman.com/courses