Wednesday is my last lecture of the semester in my undergraduate Introduction to the New Testament class. It will be something different. I have made it an optional class, for anyone who wants to hear me talk about what I really believe, personally, about the material we’ve been covering in the class. I’ve done this in years past, and usually it is the best attended class of the semester. I’m not sure what that says about my teaching otherwise….
In a subsequent post I’ll talk about that upcoming talk. In this post I’d like to set it up by talking about my views about teaching religion/religious studies in my particular environment. It’s very different from other environments.
Here’s a scary factoid about myself. I never …
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I love the “stringing the rackets” dream.
“…many of the scholars engaged in [textual criticism] were not able to handle, with great competence, other areas of biblical research – for example, exegesis (the interpretation of biblical texts), theological explication, or historical reconstructions…”
That’s an interesting and rather curious observation, I think. It would seem to me that, in order to be a competent textual critic, one would have to be versed in other areas of and related to literary studies, biblical or otherwise, lest reconstructing the original text be thought a mechanical, algorithmic exercise. Am I wrong?
That’s what I’ve always argued! But sometimes I’ve been a voice crying in the wilderness….