As most of you may be aware, the “Bart Ehrman Blog Podcast” began six months ago. John Mueller, who has been a blog member for many years but doesn’t comment much, reached out to me last summer and offered to create the it. His idea for the podcast was simply to read some of my posts, each week. He hoped that the podcast would attract more people to the blog, which in turn would increase membership in the blog, which in turn would raise more money for the charities supported by the blog, which in turn would help eradicate poverty, hunger, and homelessness, and hence, he would feel good about himself because he did his part to help the World and the Universe as we know it.
John gave me an offer he hoped I “couldn’t refuse.” He offered to set up the podcast, fund it, choose what is read each week, narrate it, publish it, keep me updated on its numbers, and scrap it at a moment’s notice if I so requested. My obligation was, well, nothing really, except give it my blessing. He pestered me for a couple weeks while I was thinking about it, and when he started emailing me pictures of horses, I told him to “go for it!” That’s what I get for asking people to come forth with ideas to help increase blog membership.
I must confess, I am not very familiar with the whole podcast scene, but it seems that everyone is doing it. My biggest worry about the podcast was that it may do more to decrease membership than increase it. As I already publish a free post each week, and now the podcast is giving another two free posts, that would leave less incentive to join the blog. I mean, how much Bart Ehrman thought does a person really need each week? (Don’t ask my wife.)
The way we eventually worked it out is that each week, John would read a recent free post (i.e., one that is already available to everyone without belonging to the blog – I post one of these about once a week to get people interested) and a members-only post from several years ago. If you haven’t listened to the podcast, this is its current format. Every Sunday morning, a new episode is published. John spends the first minute or two of the podcast pointing out what will be read and telling the listener that in order to get more, the listener must become a member of the blog. He then points out some membership benefits and notes that the entire cost of membership goes to charity. He then reads the two posts, and usually between posts, and always at the end, he tries to steer listeners toward becoming members of the blog. Each episode is roughly 20 minutes. John tries to pick posts on different topics and ones that are part of a thread, teasers essentially, so that listener will crave more and of course, the only way to get more…join the blog!
We decided to give it a go for 6 months and then re-evaluate. We are now at the 6-month mark.
As we all know, numbers can be tricky. While “numbers don’t lie,” the interpretation of numbers can certainly take on lives of their own. And apart from a book in the Old Testament, I would be hard pressed to call myself a Numbers guy. But here are some podcast numbers:
– 26 episodes have been published and there have been more than 17,000 downloads of these episodes;
– The most downloaded episode? “The Origins of Heaven and Hell; Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians,” published on August 6. It leads the pack with roughly 1,000 downloads;
-The most recent episode, released last Sunday, has already been downloaded about 400 times;
-Each week, there are roughly 1,000 total episode downloads;
-Every episode released since November already has over 500 downloads, but none have more than 700.
-Total weekly downloads are increasing by roughly 25% each month.
I am inclined to keep the podcast going for at least another 6 months. But I would love to hear your thoughts. Have you listened to the podcast? What do you think of it? Did you join the blog because of the podcast or have you left the blog because of the podcast? There has been no marketing of the podcast, at least that I am aware of, yet, hundreds of you are listening each week, how did you come across it (word of mouth, visiting the blog, random searches)?
Also, how can the podcast improve, from both a blog standpoint and a podcast standpoint? For what it’s worth, John is not a religion scholar. While he does have a degree in Philosophy, he does not know Greek, Latin, Aramaic, Coptic, German, or any of those other languages antiquity geeks have to learn. He asked me to let everybody know that he sincerely apologizes for the times on the podcast he “incorrect grammatically something says or when he disprounces words wrong.” He is doing his best.
So please leave your thoughts. John will be reading all of your comments. And if you are not a member of the blog and want to leave a comment, the best way to do so is to join the blog. Cost of membership is minimal, less than $25 a year, and your entire cost of membership goes to charities that fight poverty, hunger, and homelessness. It is well worth giving $25 to charity so you can comment on this, and then have access to the blog for the next 12 months! However, if you are so inclined, you can also reach out to John directly at [email protected]
I love the podcast! I think I have only skipped one since I first found it. I often listen to it on Sunday night as a way to cap my weekend. Please keep it going!
Bart, like you I’m not all that familiar with the podcast scene. it would help if you’d explain how to access John Mueller’s podcast. Can you give us a link?
If you go to iTunes and type in “Bart Ehrman” it is the top podcast to appear and individual episodes appear as well. Or, just click here:
I haven’t listened to the podcast; I prefer to read new blog posts as soon as they become available. I do think it’s useful to have the podcast available as an option to recommend to a friend, though! Many interested friends and family would prefer to listen to something rather than read a post, and the podcast is a good way to whet their appetites. After listening to the Thessalonians cast mentioned above, a friend of mine became interested in buying your forthcoming book on the subject, and I also suggested he subscribe to the blog!
jbskq5 sums it up for me. I prefer to read the blog at my own pace rather than listen to a podcast. Never the less, I think it has value for others and should be continued if possible, and without impacting the blog!
What about a membership specifically for the podcasts? Keep what John is doing the same (or only offer the freebies you offer…wouldn’t all of the posts end up being free if he keeps pulling one from the past?), but offer full access to your posts via podcast. Not sure if John has the time, but it would require him to narrate all of your posts. Since there’s no commenting or interaction on your part, maybe offer it at a lower price than the blog? Could it also be offered as a per podcast type of thing? Like a $0.99 download for each post a listener is interested in hearing more abou— if that’s even possible. It may attract those who don’t have time to read, or enjoy listening rather than reading, and those who have vision issues. It’s hard to tell how it would affect membership to the blog though.
I listen to podcasts maybe once a year if I’m on a long drive somewhere. Most of the time I listen to radio shows through XM.
Something else I just thought of, I wonder if the blog can be turned into an app? I don’t know how costly that would be for you. I was just thinking how easy it is to hit the Apple Pay button, as I do more often than I should!
Interesting idea. Yes, John is already devoting a massive amount of time to this, so it would, I’m sure, need to be someone else.
No offense intended to John, but as I said in my original response to this, strictly speaking for myself, I prefer reading. I have never availed myself of the podcast, nor do I ever anticipate doing so.
It’s not for everyone!
Truthfully, I still don’t understand what a podcast is! If I was really interested, I’d ask how to access it – whether it requires something other than a desktop computer. But the blog itself is enough for me.
(And I’ll admit I haven’t been interested in the recent topics. Sometimes I don’t even read the posts.)
Just read this post more closely, re the podcast – I certainly wouldn’t be interested in downloading things!
1). Did not know the blog existed
2) I do not know how to find it or log onto it……
3). I value your time so I will donate 24 irrespective of the platform used to distribute the information.
4). Thanks for yours and John’s hard work!.
I wasn’t aware of it. Then again I’m not sure I know what a podcast is or where it is. Sounds intriguing but I don’t think i t would affect my membership.
Off topic question: Have you been to see the Bible Museum in Washington yet?
I’m going in a few weeks!
The Bible Museum could be an interesting topic to blog on. I’m curious as to whether it is a scholarly/critical museum or a devotional conservative Christian type museum or something else.
How do I find these podcasts?
See yesterday’s post!
I was not aware of the podcast. The link doesn’t work. After a brief search, I could not find the podcast. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.
See yesterday’s post.
Dr. Ehrman, off-topic question. I just re-read Hebrews and at the end the writer talks about being “restored”. Is it possible that the writer knew he was going to die soon?
Sorry — I’m out of town without any books. Which verse are you thinking of?
Hebrews 13:19 περισσοτέρως δὲ παρακαλῶ τοῦτο ποιῆσαι, ἵνα τάχειον ἀποκατασταθῶ ὑμῖν.
I think since it says “restored” specifically “to you” that it must mean something like “so we can come see you again soon.” But it’s pretty vague in the context….
Do you have a view of how good of a job Jefferson did of editing the gospels into the Jefferson Bible. By a good job I mean leaving in only and all those things he thought went back to Jesus himself–which I think was his intent. Or can you suggest a book or author from the mainstream of NT scholarship that assesses that question?
I read the Jefferson Bible a number of years ago. As best as I can recall I think Jefferson leaves in most of the moral teaching and leaves out the supernatural and punishment parts.
That’s right: he kept the moral teachings but eliminated the miracles. You can still buy a copy: it’s been recently reissued.
Sounds interesting…this is first I have heard it…only a blog member less than six months. Maybe it is accessable on this blog website and I am overlooking it…can you tell me more, how and where can I find it?
See yesterday’s post.
This is my third attempt to comment. Haven’t seen one posted yet…..
For some reason your comments didn’t appear until this morning. I don’t know what the glich would be, but it appears they were flagged as spam.
I didn’t know about the podcast, but now that I do, I will certainly be listening in. Prof. Erhman, I hope you’ll consider going live on the podcast as a way to mix it up with the blog! Why not take a blog break from time to time and be pod person!
I find the podcast valuable as it helps me remember the great written blogs.
Also I Enjoy the new material from the older blogs Which are not listed/referenced in the written blog. Yes, You can retrieve those blogs with the search function but you first have to know they exist. Newer members are probably unaware of many of the subjects covered in the previous blogs.
I hope the podcasts continue and result in the success of the Erhman blog.
Bart, just started listening, thank you. The reader has a nice mellow voice. It would be nice at some point to hear your voice more. Not sure what format that could take. Maybe its a once a month answering some of the questions you receive over a course of a month or even past questions. Your scholarship of information will always be fresh to new ears and a reminder for old ears who are trying to stay current with your information.
Pretty amazing! I recently asked my 12-year-old neighbor what he wanted for Christmas and his answer, he talks rather fast, had something to do with getting tickets to see two guys at the downtown Durham Carolina Theater who have made a fortune doing silly Youtube videos and my young neighbor wants to do the same when he grows up. I also read a recent article about the best dozen podcasts out there and saw yesterday that Meet the Press is now available as a podcast. There is a whole new world out there. For those new to the blog, I recommend working your way through all of Dr. Ehrman’s Youtube videos. I did one each Sunday morning. while my wife was in church, for just over a year and in that way worked by way through all 60 or so of them.
I prefer to read the blog, but in addition to that I also listen to the podcast. My wife, who does not read the blog, listened to a podcast with me while on a drive, and now she downloads and listens to every episode. Thanks John for the great work on the podcast.
Until you mentioned it now, I was unaware of this podcast, my fault because I was not observant. Reading style – excellent. Useful for re-posting, yes. I read faster than I listen, however listening offers more time for reflection I find. So given that folks might like to download it and play it during drive time it is a good addition I think. I vote go another 6 months and mention it now and then so fools like me know it is there. Sometimes browsers and fast readers can miss all that is available, such as me. Lord have mercy on me, a fool – from The Fool’s Prayer sort of.
Listening to the podcast influenced my decision to join the blog.
I was a blog member first but came across the podcast shortly after it launched. (I obviously remain a blog member.) It would surprise me if your membership here declined because of it, especially in that all content there has been previously shared here. Further, people seem to be coming around on paying for internet content, at least when it is individually focused, as sites like Patreon are being used regularly to fund people and projects including Sam Harris and others doing serious work.
That said, while it is all previously shared, I still enjoy listening intermittently: there’s nothing like this sort of information in the background while doing something semi-active, e.g. preparing dinner or cleaning.
Considering the minimal investment on your end, John’s willingness to continue his efforts, and the publicity for the charity, I recommend continuing.
I can say personally that the podcast pushed me to finally joining the blog. I had read a couple of your books before and even read some of the public blog posts you had made apart of some debate a few years ago, so I was already aware of who you were and of your blog. However, over the past few months I’ve taken more interest again in religious and near east history and had specifically searched for podcasts, lectures, and audiobooks on the subject that I could listen to on my long commute home from work (you can surprisingly internalize a lot of information you listen to in the car). While I was searching for such podcasts your name popped up, and having liked the book of yours I previously read I decided to listen, got hooked, and wanted to know more about a few topics discussed on the podcast. That is what lead me to join the site (it helped that it’s all for a good cause too, of course).
I’m afraid of anything with a little i in front of it: iPhone, iPad, iTune, anything Apple.
I did listen to an NPR podcast last night, but that was NPR’s “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me”
I think the Podcast is very valuable and thank John for his commendable work on it. I enjoy reading the blog as well as listening to them, and I especially enjoy hearing the podcasts from older posts since I’ve only been a member for about a year. Sometimes educators talk about people having different learning styles, and I think this is why Blogs appeal to some (visual learners) while Podcasts and audiobook are more appreciated by other people (e.g. auditory learners). I consume far more information via podcasts and audiobooks than I do from reading, partly because of the business of life. I’m soon going outside to shovel snow, and I will be listening to a podcast or an audiobook… just as I do when doing dishes, laundry, mowing the lawn, driving to work, etc…
We don’t have to like it, but people just aren’t reading as much as they did in the days before TV and the internet. Sam Harris has five NY Times best sellers, all of which required a lot of work to produce. But each of his podcasts is listened to by more people than have read all of his books combined. If you want to reach a larger audience, podcasting seems to be where it’s at.
I first heard of you a couple months ago on an old episode of Reasonable Doubts podcast. That led me to finding John’s podcast which led me here. I became a member in October and have no plans to cancel. Thanks so much for indulging John’s idea and for keeping this all going for so many years.
As for me, first I joined the blog and after then started listening to podcast. I think the podcast does great job on promoting blog. As a personal note, I’m auditive type of person. I suppose, in contrast of majority of this blog members who prefer reading and writing to listening and speaking, I always prefer latter. Being foreign languages student, I always hated translation in writing but I was more than happy to take part in oral interpretation.
As for Bart’s blog, in an ideal world being member I would like to have an option to listen to blog posts by members-only podcast and just occasionally consult the blog to read comments.
Nevertheless, answering Bart’s question there’s no need to worry about audience flow from members-only blog to free podcast as true value of the blog is new weekly posts on actual topics, Bart’s comments and… possibility of being a part of closed club. )))
I’m late to this post and comment thread (obvious…) as I just stumbled on it. I’d reiterate entirely the emailed points I sent you a few weeks back. I love the blog (as it is), enjoy the podcast a lot, and think marrying the two with a tiered subscriber level would be phenomenal.
I’m a brand new subscriber who has been listening to the podcast “religiously” for awhile. John’s doing a great thing here and I hope it continues forever.
Good! I’m glad. Yes, he does it out of the kindness of his heart!
I totally agree 101% ????
Entirely indebted to JM and your podcast – this is how I stumbled across your work Dr. Ehrman, alongside the other audio materials of Dale Martin, Elaine Pagels, and Mark Goodacre.
I love the podcast, I can’t get enough!
I’m really excited for the launch of the audio part of this blog for all the members only (exclusive).
While still keeping the podcast as part of advertisement, if you will ????
Thank you Dr. Ehrman