From where I sit, the harshest most violent passage in Revelation is not one that dispenses with a third of the human race in one verse or describes a horde of locusts that will sting everyone on earth except God’s close followers and cause unbearable physical agony for five months that cannot be relieved and that they cannot escape even by dying – i.e., they are not allowed to end it all.  OK, maybe that one is the worst.  But in terms of awfulness, this for me is the one, as I discuss in the lecture I gave on Revelation recently.  In the previous post I mentioned two of the worst.  Here’s *the* worst.


The third passage shows that Christ directs his violence not only against pagans and Jews but also against his own followers, even active leaders and teachers in his church. The tenuous standing of Jesus’ followers is a leading theme of his letters to the seven churches of in chapters 2 and 3.  Christ regularly threatens to remove his favor and protection from these churches and their members.  It is easy to infer their fate from the rest of the book,.

And John does not always leave it up to the imagination.  In the letter to    Click here for membership options 

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