I have finalized my speaking schedule for the Fall semester (I’m 58 and I still organize my life according to semesters… ) and more or less for the Spring as well. These are the events that are all open to the public; some charge for a ticket, others not. If any of these is near you, simply google the sponsor and my name, and normally that will take you to any information you may need should you want to attend.
Two events in particular I want to highlight. The first is a cruise in the Caribbean this coming January 18-25. This event is sponsored by the Biblical Archaeology Society, and anyone who wants to purchase a place (and can do so) is absolutely welcome, whether you’ve ever been involved with or even have ever heard of the Biblical Archaeology Society or not. Now, you may wonder what the Caribbean has to do with Biblical archaeology. There is a clear and definite answer: Nothing At All. Well, except for the fact that the BAS is sponsoring the cruise.
On that cruise I am scheduled to give seven lectures, based on my book How Jesus Became God. So, well, archaeology again won’t play a huge role. But the Bible will! If you have the cash and would like to come: do so! The more the merrier. This is the website that describes the trip and how to purchase a place: https://travelstudy.bib-arch.org/seminar-jan-2015.asp
The second event is a partial cruise, this time up and down the western coast of Turkey. When we’re not cruising, we’re spending inside Turkey, first for several days in Istanbul (one of the world’s great cities) and then in sundry other really interesting places. This event is sponsored by the General Alumni Association of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – but the good news is that you do NOT have to be an alum of UNC to belong to their Alumni Association. For a (truly) nominal fee you can join the association, and that allows you to come on the cruise, for a not at all nominal fee.
This one will be special. Turkey is an amazing place. I’ll be giving a number of lectures on early Christianity in that part of the world – it’s where the apostle Paul founded so many churches, among other things. And for those who can afford the time and expense, there will be a five-day extension after the regular trip into the middle of Turkey to one of the absolutely most amazing places in the world, Cappadocia, where there are churches built underground and even (catch this!) *cities* built underground (the cities were built there in antiquity and are no longer inhabited, but we’ll be visiting one). I’m completely pumped for this one.
This is the website for the trip: http://alumni.unc.edu/article.aspx?sid=10153
These are both pricey trips, I know, and very few people can ever afford such a thing. But if you can, they are really very much worth doing. When I’m not lecturing I’ll be hanging out with people who come for lots of face time. If you can’t afford the time or money, hopefully I’ll be speaking close enough nearby that you can come to my talk and introduce yourself, face-to-face. And if that can’t happen – there’s always the Blog!!
Anyway, here is my speaking schedule (so far) for the year, with Date Location Subject and Sponsoring Organization.
October 3; Los Angeles; Topic: TBA; Sponsor: California State Northridge
October 10-11; Cedar Falls, Iowa; Topic: How Jesus Became God; Sponsor: University of North Iowa
October 24-26; Queensbury, NY; Topic:TBA; Sponsor: Harrisena Community Church
November 6; Roanoke,VA; Topic:TBA; Sponsor: Hollins College
November 21; San Diego, CA; Topic: Are the Gospels Based on Eyewitness Testimonies? Sponsor:
Biblical Archaeology Society
January 17-25; Caribbean (Cruise!); Topic: How Jesus Became God; Sponsor Biblical Archaeology Society
February 6-7; Chapel Hill, NC; Topic: The Lost Gospels; Sponsor: Program in the Humanities
February 20-22; Wichita, KS; Topic: TBA; Sponsor: Plymouth Congregational Church
March 21; Washington, DC; Topic: Controversies in Early Christianity; Sponsor: Smithsonian Institution
June 2-21; Turkey (Cruise/Tour); Topic: Early Christianity in the Mediterranean; Sponsor: UNC General Alumni Assoc.
Are any of these debates?
No, as it turns out, not. Lucky me!
!!! In Istanbul, you must go to the historical Pierre Loti cafe on the side of the hill, overlooking the Golden Horn!
Thanks for posting this. I always wonder where you will be speaking next!
This study trip to Turkey sounds amazing. Better than that, only the time machine!
Is this the kind of event (Turkey) that you have to sign up really early?
My hunch is that it will fill up; they are accepting only 26 total. But they haven’t sent out advertising for it widely yet.
Hi Bart
I would love to go on the Turkey one with you next year.
I live in London so what do i need to do to allocate a booking?
I think you need to contact the General Alumni Association at the website I provided.
Dr. Ehrman,
Those sound wonderful! It’s bad timing for me as there’s a mission first to China/Tibet. So, let us know if there might be other such trips in the future where we can hope to join you.
Judy Coyle
I read the registration form and the site and nowhere did it give the total cost….just the deposit.
How strange. I suppose you need to contact them at the address given on the website.
You do live an incredibly productive and interesting life. With regard to the 11/21 lecture in San Diego, I do think that the eight reasons you listed in a Great Courses lecture about why the Gospels were not written by eyewitnesses is probably the most important of the many things you have taught me and you might want to list these eight reasons on this blog sometime.
Could find no info on your Oct 3 appearance at Cal State Northridge on their website. Can you provide any other specifics. If miss this one will try for San Diego.
My guess is that their semester has just started and they don’t have everything up on the website yet. If by next week they still don’t, let me know and I’ll ask about it.
Hey Bart,
Still nothing up on CSUN site.
I definitely want to attend and would love to find out how.
How strange. I’ll inquire and suggest they … advertise it!
Hmmm. Still nothing up. I’ve attempted to contact them directly for information, but I’m having a hard time finding out when, where exactly, etc.
Remind me which cruise you’re trying to find out about.
Is your November 21st talk in San Diego an SBL panel? I remember seeing on the SBL program book a discussion of your book How Jesus Became God but nothing about the issue of eyewitness testimony in the gospels.
No, it’s for the Biblical Archaeology Society the day before SBL. I didn’t list my SBL activities since they are scholarly papers, not popular for general audiences.
Will be traveling 4 hours to eldest daughter’s alma mater to hear you speak 10\10. Wondering how little U of Northern Iowa got so lucky – the Free Thinkers Group on campus?
They invited me! I was there a few years ago and had a very good time.
“How strange. I suppose you need to contact them at the address given on the website”
I tried that and they did not answer me at all. Nowhere could I find the total cost on the site or the registration form..
Bummer! I’m sorry to hear that.
So how does one decide if they can afford to attend?
Do you mean how does one decided, assuming they can afford? Go with your greatest pleasure. Or do you mean how does one know whether one can afford? As soon as the trip is advertised, they will no doubt indicate the cost.
Does anyone have any info on the Oct 3 Cal State Northridge event? time? location? cost? – Boaz
This is from the flyer they have circulated internally. Short story: it’s free and open to the public.
Dr. Bart D. Ehrman
James A. Gray Distinguished Professor
Department of Religious Studies
University of North Carolina
Does The Bible Present a Historically Accurate View of Jesus?
Friday, October 3
3-4 pm
Oviatt Library Presentation Room
Great! thanks. I’ll plan to be there. Boaz
Hello Boaz, This comment is being posted after the October 3 event @ CSUN. I’m Dan Bowers from Anaheim Hills, the fellow that sat next to you during Bart’s talk. I neglected to leave with you my e-mail contact info which I regret because I really would like to hear more about your personal journey as it would help me navigate my journey as well. Here’s my e-mail contact: [email protected]
It was a pleasure to have met you, and I would look forward to hearing from you.
Dan, good to meet you too. please see my email i sent to you. for everyone else, Dr. E did a great job at Cal St. Northridge in L.A. He spoke to a mixed crowd of college students and those of us who are thinkers/seekers/adult fans of B.E. I appreciate his list of differences between the birth narratives of Matthew and Luke, a topic that has interested me for some time. I asked a specific question about the governership of Quirinious in Luke 2:2 and the problem that creates. Dr. E gave a solid answer which confirmed my suspicion that the author of Luke simply made a mistake. Good times! Boaz