Thank the gods, travel is becoming possible again.  Stir crazy?  How about an amazing culinary trip to North Italy to check out the wine, food, and scenery?   It will be September 4-11 (2021!) and it looks like an amazing trip.  Check out the brochure in the link below.  I’ll be giving lectures on early Christianity in the Roman Empire; it’ll be a small, intimate group (19 people max!), and I’ll be hanging out with any and all the whole time, both shooting the breeze and talking about anything that strikes anyone’s fancy about the New Testament and early Christianity.  Why not you and your fancy?!

As you’ll see, the trip is sponsored by the General Alumni Association at UNC, BUT you do not have to be a graduate of the school to come: it’s for anyone.  If  you’re NOT an alum, all you need do is pay $50 ($60 for a couple) to be considered a temporary Tar Heel.  Last time I did one of these things, maybe half the people were in that category.  But I did urge them all to root for the Heels whenever possible.

This really does look like a good ‘un.  I hope you can consider it.