Evangelicals Who Make the World A Better Place. Guest Post by Robin Jones
One of my biggest complaints against a lot of deeply committed evangelical Christians I know, and know about, is that they don't live and act like Christians. They go to battle for issues not even addressed in their own Scriptures as if they were the most important things in the mind of God, and they completely ignore the moral imperatives Jesus himself did promote: active concern and love for those who are in need, whether they are of our own ethnic background, gender, country, socio-economic class, creed, or ... anything else. House the homeless, feed the hungry, help the outcast, work for the oppressed. But every now and then I am surprised by some Christians whose faith drives them to fulfill the commands of their own gospel in a humble and helpful way Many of these people do not toot their own horn; they go about silently doing amazing things for those in need. I was 17 when I met Robin Jones. We were first year students at Moody Bible Institute. She was sparky, outspoken, [...]