I am exceedingly happy to make a major blog announcement. Very soon – probably next week – we will be launching the new blog site. It will be vastly improved, with all the best features of what we have now but with a new look, higher quality, and more member options. If you like it the way it is, very little will change except the appearance of the blog. If you want more, you’re in luck.
My assistant Steven Ray has designed and constructed the new site to replace the one that he originally built over eight years ago. Volunteers have been working to get some of the parts in place. And we are all very excited about it.
PLEASE NOTE: THE BLOG WILL BE DOWN FOR A FEW DAYS NEXT WEEK while we transfer the data from the old blog to the new one. It is a massive and complicated affair (lots of data here after more than 8 years!). I will let you know in advance when we are certain it is going to happen.
Once we are back live, you will see that one of the very big changes involves your membership options. Right now, your options are basically to join for a year, three months, or a month. Everyone who joins gets the same benefits. By far the vast majority of the people on the blog simply read it, and possibly read the comments, and that’s it. Others like to make comments and have some back and forth. Others participate in the Blog Forum. But it’s one-size-fits-all. We’re changing that.
We are moving to a tiered membership system, providing additional benefits to those who are interested in exchange for a higher membership fee – all of which, of course, will be going to charity. You’ll get more, charities get more, and hey, we are all into more….
Those who want simply to read blog posts on occasion will have the option of a Bronze level; but there are three higher levels for more connection with the blog and benefits.
One of the benefits at the two higher levels: audio versions of every post, every week, with a backlog of audio posts going back into 2019.
I describe the levels below, just to titillate your interest. PLEASE NOTE another new feature: members can choose either a monthly subscription/rate or an annual one. As you might expect, the annual provides a savings. Both kinds of subscriptions, at all levels, automatically renew, as is the case now; but we have made it much easier to cancel the subscription at any time.
Please note: you will NOT need to choose a membership tier until your current subscription runs out.
I will end this post by providing the descriptions of the membership tiers as you will find them on the blog. I hope you’re as excited about it all as we are!
This is the most important membership level, designed for those who simply want to read my daily posts on important topics. At this level you have access to all posts, past and present – with archives going back to 2012 – and the ability to search them to find earlier discussions of relevance to your interests. You will also have access to the Members’ Forum to read back-and-forth comments with other blog members on topics of mutual interest. The fee for this level is $2.99/month; or if you want a discounted annual fee, $29.95/year. That comes to about 58 cents a week, an unbelievable value. Coronavirus Special! During the crisis Bronze members will be granted all the additional benefits of Silver as well, at current Bronze prices ($2.49 per month or $24.95 per year).
If you want more interaction with me personally — and with other blog members — you can join the Silver level. At this level you will receive all the benefits of a Bronze membership, but will also be able to make comments on the posts and ask me questions. I will post the comments for other Silver and Gold members to read, and I will answer your questions. The fee for this level is $3.99/month, or $39.95/year. Another amazing value!
This higher-yet level has still more perks. If you are a Gold member, in addition to all the benefits of the Silver level, you will be given access to audio versions of the posts, every week, published the same time as the written. A carefully chosen and vetted volunteer will read each post for your listening pleasure, in the car, in the gym, in the shower – the options are limitless.
In addition, Gold-level members will receive a special 45-50 minute audio post every month, in which I respond to questions gold-level members have asked me. Gold members will also be granted priority access to all Blog events (e.g., fund-raising dinners), and will be allowed, if they choose, to donate a bronze-level membership, at no charge, to anyone of their choice: family, friends, neighbors, or… whomever. The fee for this level is $4.99/month, or $49.95/year.
This level is as high as it goes for those who want to give extra support to the work of the blog and the charities it supports. At this level you will receive all of the benefits of Gold, and other significant ones.
Platinum members will be able to participate in a group internet meeting with me and other Platinum members once every three months, a specially designed webinar where we discuss issues of mutual interest and I answer questions.
Moreover, Platinum members will have the opportunity to submit potential posts for the blog. I will publish one Platinum blog post each week (assuming there are enough of sufficient quality and relevant to the interests of the blog) to Platinum members. And once a month I will choose one Platinum guest post for the entire blog, that is, for all members at every level. Platinum members will be allowed to submit one potential post per month.
In additional, Platinum members will receive first-priority for all blog events, and will be awarded three Bronze level gift memberships to give out to whomever they choose.
As a final benefit I promise to hold all Platinum members near and dear to my heart.
Membership at the Platinum level is annual only, $200.
I’m VERY excited about this, and will be upgrading to the Gold tier immediately once it’s available! I am a podcast addict and have a large backlog of posts I want to read but never find the time to.
Hi Bart,
I fully support the work you do on the blog and your donation of the funds to worthy charities. Congratulations on the coming upgrade and tiers. I have a suggestion that I have been meaning to make.
It’s a relatively small detail and whether you adopt it or not will have no effect on my continued support. I think it would be more honest to make all the prices, whether monthly or annual, even dollar amounts. I always mentally fight the marketing trick of prices like $29.95 by automatically rounding and thinking of it as $30, which it essentially is. Not all consumers do this. In fact, the whole point of businesses in using this device is counting on people to think of it as “twenty something dollars and change”.
You are raising money to help those in need. To me that is even more reason to make sure you are not subliminally encouraging anyone to contribute more money than they realize or can afford. Like I said, I will continue to support the blog either way. Nonetheless, it is an improvement that I would appreciate very much.
Well now, who wouldn’t want to be near and dear to your heart?
Actually, some names immediately come to mind….
The first name pop up in my mind is JW someone that gave you a tie p52.. lol
Ha! At least I got a tie….
Place all transfer data into a storage before attempting the transfer. It might save some wailing and mashing of teeth.
I was part of one of those home town dial ups that popped up in the countryside. While upgrading they transferred everyone’s data to new equipment, needless to say they lost everything. Two years later they did the same thing again. They sold what was left soon after.
Wow, major changes. Brilliant. I shall certainly be going for an upgrade. Good luck with setting it up.
Long overdue and about time the membership fees were raised. This blog is exceptional value. Hope it all works out well.
Dare I say Amen to that.
Dr. Ehrman once said that for atheists to counteract the attitude that theists support charity and atheists don’t is for atheists to get more active in giving to charities.
I think he is absolutely right. Since this blog is the only avowed atheist charity I know of, I will sign up for a platinum membership because of that, even though I am highly unlikely to participate in any of the extra goodies.
May your tribe increase!
You may have already noticed this, but the entry for “Bronze” membership lists the monthly fee as both $2.99 AND $2.49.
(No need to approve/make public this comment.)
The lower fee is for the Covid crisis (however long that is judged to be). Then it goes up. Unless there’s something I’m overlooking.
No, you’re correct, of course.
(As I noted in my earlier follow-up to this message, this was a foul-up on my part. But, unfortunately there’s no way for the author to delete a message once the “edit period” has expired.)
This blog cannot be any better. I’ve thought that from the very beginning and yet it keeps getting better and better.
How can that be?!
It’s like in The Pink Panther, “In every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better” (from the psychologist Emile Coule, I believe)
Or, as from the great 1994 dry comedy movie “Barcelona”:
“Every day, in every way, to be a better and better lieutenant junior grade”
What happens to the Member Forum Discussions? A person has to be Silver level for that?
Bronze members can read the forum discussions, but as with comments to the posts themselves, to participate by making contributions will require the Silver level.
Will it be possible to change what tier you’re paying for before your year is over?
That’s a great question. I need to ask Steven if the system in place will allow it — I don’t really know. I’m pretty sure that it will be possible to move up; but moving down would require a pro-rated refund and that might be complicated. I’ll find out.
I’ll sign up for platinum. I’ve long thought the basic fee was too low.
Bless you my son!
Hi Bart:
I’ve been watching your New Testament lectures from The Great Courses for some time now and you have opened up a whole new world of thinking for me. They are so detailed and so rich that it’s necessary to watch each lecture several times in an effort to completely understand the information and internalize many of the concepts. Please know how much I enjoy them, how much I benefit from them, and how much they have nurtured my faith and spiritual growth. Recently I have joined your blog with a view to experiencing more of your views and insights (including those of your members), and through that process I hope to broaden my thinking even more. Thanks for the influence you have had in my life!
Gary in Canada
P.S.: If I ever get to Chapel Hill, I’ll take you for lunch at Tex Mex.
Glad you’ve enjoyed them. I did them over 20 years ago now! But probably agree with most everything in them still.
Professor Ehrman, this change feels disappointing.
If you want to raise the annual fee to increase charitable giving, I understand that. If you want to offer new benefits, like quarterly webinars, for an added cost to those interested, I understand that.
But while you’re framing this restructuring as something to feel excited about – because everyone gets more; we’re all into more – I will ultimately get FEWER benefits and PAY MORE for them. Why should I feel excited about that?
Cutting member benefits to what was the standard subscription and charging more for them leaves me feeling shortchanged. And then telling me to feel excited about it leaves me feeling insulted.
For those of us who recently renewed our memberships at $24.95, will we continue to have the ability to post comments/ask questions for the remainder of that 1-year subscription, or will that disappear next week?
Sorry you feel that way. And I get it! We had long debates about it among ourselves. Our rates have not changed since April 2012, and it seemed like it was well past time. And yes, the reason is precisely what you say: to raise charitable giving. And also for what you say: to provide benefits otherwise not available now for those willing to pay more. So the basic rate goes up a bit and for more benefits even a bit more. I can see how it might be disappointing for someone at the silver level, though: you’ll have to pay more! Sorry you’re disappointed! If you want to talk further about it, feel free to send me a private email.
I fear I will be priced out of commenting. I guess I’ve said enough and will be happy to just read.
Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that.
Interesting reality that upends the tier names, Platinum today is worth about half as much as gold, and platinum hasn’t been worth more than gold since (briefly) seven years ago.
But I think your tiering is still A-OK in the zeitgeist!
Hey, these days who pays attention to reality?
How can someone volunteer to record audio of your blog posts? 🙂
I’m afraid we already have readers. But thanks for volunteering! I really appreciate it.
Hi Dr Ehrman
If only I live in North Carolina, I would volunteer to read the 2018-2012 posts for the gold members to enjoy all of it (especially for the podcast fans like myself ?). I have all the time in the world right now, but I live way too far from where you are (or if this is possible despite the distance, let me know)
I will upgrade to gold before the end of 2020 and will upgrade to platinum once I’m back to work. I promise?
Thank you for what you are doing Dr Ehrman. I hope to see you in a documentary film in Netflix or any of the streaming media someday. I think this way you will reach more people all over the world. Sorry I’m not even sure if you are interested in this kind of platform, I just keep on thinking of how else to make your work known and educate more people. It’s one of my wish ?
Anyway, congratulations! the new blog anesthetic looks really good and the new membership ties are reasonable amount and it is a win win for all ?
Excited to join!