A week ago today I finally sent off the very last and final version of The Triumph of Christianity to my editor. It is done, as good as I can make it. Now it will go to a copy-editor who will go over it line by line, word by word to make sure the grammar, punctuation, and even spelling is all correct, and to make suggestions for writing style as needed. Depending on the copy-editor, sometimes there are tons of these stylistic suggestions, sometimes hardly any.
As an author, I much prefer the “hardly any” approach – it’s much easier on me and more, well, affirming of my writing style. When I do get a lot of suggestions I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that the copy-editor is just doing his/her job and trying to make the prose better. But I do hate that part.
I will then go through the copy-edited manuscript, approve or reject all the suggested changes, and return the book to the editor, for it to go into production.
The goal is to have the book published next year (2017) at this time, possibly at the end of November. Then begins a new round of anxiety-producing-fun: seeing if it gets any media attention and public notice.
From beginning to end, the book-writing business is tense. There is pressure…
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“Monsieur Hulot’s Vacation” > a brilliant movie! Like all of Jacques Tati’s 🙂
Yeah, a great piece of French slapstick.
Professor, if you like French slapstick you have to see “Les Aventures de Rabbi Jacob” (translated as “The Mad Adventures of “Rabbi” Jacob), starring Louis de Funes. From Williamsburg to the Rue des Rosiers. Its a howl !!
OK, thanks for the recommendation!
You might also enjoy “The Little World of Don Camillo.” If you don’t know it, it’s Italian but with a French director and star (the comedian Fernandel).
I loved that movie. Saw it when I was quite young. I should try to find a source where I can view it again.
As a Buddhist, the time to just simply be present in the moment and to breathe can be a great way to be less busy…and more relaxed too! I hope you enjoy your less busy times. 🙂
This post sparked a couple of questions.
1. I have defended your work on a message board against a couple of Fundamentalists and neither are educated in your field…other than being Fundamentalists…and at the risk of sounding arrogant or elitist (for I do value and respect education) does it ever bother you when a layman assumes to know more about your topic/subject than you do?
2. As an historian, do you have any interest in the early history and development of other religions besides Christianity?
1. I think it used to bother me a great deal more. Now I just think of it as the way the world works…. 2. My main interests have always been Christianity and Judaism.
Do you know if anyone had done any good historical work on early Buddhism. If you happen to know a title, i’d live to find something like that.
I’m afraid I don’t.
There comes a point in any writer’s career where he or she decides it’s time to slow down. You’ve got a very substantial legacy now. Obviously you’ll never get to write all the books you’ve imagined writing, because no one ever does. But slowing down should help you focus more on the remaining books–shore up that legacy. Take a break. You’ve earned it.
Maybe you could employ ghost writers and become an industry like, say, James Patterson – let others write the books (with your guidance and editing) and just put your name on the books. It seems to me I’ve read that, say, great Renaissance painters – Michelangelo comes to mind – employed assistants to do parts of their work. But maybe that was just for huge projects like the Sistine chapel.
One thing I really value about your trade books is that you provide the results of the mainstream scholarly consensus. With so much necessary specialization and so many divergent views it’s practically impossible for the layperson to know what the consensus is – or even if there is one. And it allows for understanding of much broader topics than specialization does.
Where else could a person go to find at least a rough synthesis of all the specialized research? Is that what textbooks are for?
It seems to me that more collaboration among scholars to: (1) present the scholarly consensus; and (2) to integrate into a bigger picture all the pieces of specialized research; would be very valuable to general readers. And it might be less work for you too.
(I’ve read both an abridged and an unabridged version of Les Miserables. I’m not sure that the unabridged version is worth the extra reading.)
If I may please: and I do not mean to gainsay your opinion, but, IMHO, the unabridged is the novel. Every “jot [and]… tittle” are important. All of the novel is worth the read.
Jean Valjean is a hero amongst heroes.
Yeah, me too. And Monseigneur Bienvenu!!
Including at least 60 pages about the Battle of Waterloo which, to my superficial mind, have nothing to do with the story?
Reading about the constant pressure of conceiving, drafting, writing, and re-writing your books, I am reminded of Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning in which he writes that we must live in a constant state of tension to realize our meaningful work. Take away that tension or pressure and we descend into the existential vacuum. I suppose, though, that being stretched too thin is a legit concern and one should find one’s sweet spot for balancing meaningful work with time for working out, football, rest, etc.
Good, as a non-scholar, I prefer the trade books, of course!
“Les Miserables” is in my top three books of all time. No doubt you are enjoying the epic tale.
“Don Quixote,” “La Divina Comedia (especially Purgatorio),” and “Les Miserables”–not necessarily in that order.
You have high and excellent tastes!
Thanks. I hope I do. It is the majesty and beauty of the literature that I revere in these works.
DQ: the dialogues between Sancho and Quixote are unparallelled in all of western literature–to the best of my limited knowledge
LDC (Purgatorio): “Now from the grave wake poetry again…” is the most uplifting train of words ever put in verse
LM: Jean Valjean is the definitive “Deus ab homine”
Hi Dr. Ehrman,
I hope you enjoy your new schedule! I have an off topic question: I am reading Richard Bauckhams’ book “Jesus and the Eyewitnesses”. Bauckham quotes Papias’ statement regarding his sources of information about Jesus and the Twelve. Two of those sources are Aristion and John the Elder. Papias states that these two men were “disciples of Jesus”. Do most scholars believe that these two men were actual companions of Jesus and therefore potential eyewitness to the life, death, and alleged resurrection? Thanks.
In none of the quotations from Papias’s own work does he say he knew Aristion and John the Elder; the fourth century church father Eusebius tells us that Papias says he know them. You may want to see my discussion of Papias (and Bauckham) in my book Jesus Before the Gospels. But in any event, Papias never specifies that either of these was an actual companion of Jesus.
Dr. Ehrman, even your scaled back work schedule makes me feel like the laziness man on the planet.
Speaking of your next book, I’m assuming you’re still planning on writing about the afterlife, the soul and such. I’m also assuming that since you’re an atheist like myself, that you don’t believe in an immaterial soul, life “after death,” etc. Needless to say, if you were to express such ideas in your next book, it would be an understatement to say you should expect a massive amount of pushback from the Purpose Driven Life crowd. What would you say to those people who may criticize you for trying to “take people’s hope away” or some such accusation? Do you plan on offering your own hopeful alternatives for the here and now? Are there any systems, such as Humanism, that you find yourself attached to?
I haven’t decided yet if I’ll be talking about my own views of the afterlife; but I’ll certainly be thinking more rigorously about them when doing my work. And yes, I’m a completely committed humanist, finding hope in life and the people who surround me.
A thinking atheist can’t ignore these thoughts.If there was no God ,world would not have,come this far.Man would have killed each other like he has been doing in inquests,crusades,slavery,colonialisation,civilizing non whites,wars WWI,WW2 and now,liberating and regime change in middle east.But the human plan of greed and denying weak their right to survive is,changed so super powers decline.Also if there was no accountability based on encourage one to do good deeds,there was no justification in creating human being.Think about it.
Believe me, I’ve thought about it. As a matter of fact, my main area of research right now as a social scientist is on the evolution of morality. Consider for a moment how many of the conflicts you mentioned above were not only motivated by religion, but many of the belligerents were convinced that God was on their side! The IDEA of God exists to justify or excuse our own natural tendencies and behaviors. God doesn’t make us do good or bad. We are already compelled to do good or bad by our nature, and we only give God the credit when we believe we’re doing good (even when we are demonstrably doing evil).
Think about it.
Hello Bart, Thank you for being Humanist. I have come to that position in the last five years or so. My first of your books, Misquoting Jesus, helped me a lot regarding my already sceptical views of the Bible, and Christianity generally. I have really enjoyed six of your books so far, and just ordered two more with Amazon. Thank you for your honesty.
Your tenacity is inspirational to me Dr. Ehrman. I can relate to you regarding the process of getting a manuscript finalized and off to the races. I finished doing a final proofing this summer for the Earl Scruggs biography I co-authored, and realized how time consuming it can be. My first book project (and co-written at that) does not compare to the many more scholarly books you have completed, that’s for sure. I have started research on a second book as well. Just wanted to say thank you for all you do, and for your example of excellence.
Definitely don’t stop writing! but time can always be made for more football.
Very understandable! I wish you well.
Is the next trade book definitely going to be about the origin of the Christian Hell? That seems like a terrific topic. But you always have a knack for selecting good ones!
The plan now is to make it about the origins of the ideas of both heaven and hell. I’ll be posting on it soon.
Sounds like a good one. Cannot wait.
Good for you, Bart! Slowing down often takes a lot of discipline.
I think you are bluffing. You have had an amazingly productive life and have helped so many of us learn stuff that churches were just refusing to teach us so a slower pace seems much deserved. I have been no where near as productive as you, but I have had a hectic life and slowed down several years ago. It took some time to learn how to not make every minute count, but I am better at it now than when I was first learning how to do it. You will have some adjusting to do as well my friend. My task today is to try to put a Big Wheel together that I just bought for my granddaughter. If I finish in time, I may watch my wife’s favorite soap opera with her and then walk the dog.
My only real beef today is that it seems to me that church people should be very interested in learning about canonization. textual criticism, historical criticism, theological issues, and so, but they seem to just sweep it all under the rug of “faith..” I find this to be quite a puzzle. If they educated people all along, then they would lose fewer of them when they educate themselves.
Ha! No bluff! But I don’t think I’ll be watching the soaps!
I’m so very happy for you and your decision ! Hope your health continues to improve as well. (regarding much humbler transitions, I have moved and am without internet again. Will catch up soon).
Glad to hear the blog didn’t get the axe! Working out more… I didn’t take you for a gym guy for some reason… nice… that’s my thing… I bench a legit 375 lbs and I weigh 190 lbs… my goal is to bench 400 while I’m 40 years old for no good reason other than “why not?”… I don’t go to church… I go to the gym. sorry for the braggadocious gym rant… but that’s healthy to workout more… so important for mental health too… and so overlooked… so many people could get off Prozac if they’d get off the couch and into the gym… I have two questions…
1. Crucifixion was about humiliation… from what I gather people were probably crucified naked… in your view was Jesus also likely stripped naked before he was nailed to the cross?
2. In your view Jesus was expecting the SOM to come on the clouds shortly… yet Jesus also seems to have predicted the temple’s destruction within his generation… so how do those two things fit together? (did he not see the temple being destroyed by the Romans but by an angelic being (SOM) from heaven instead… did he see the Romans destroying the temple and then the SOM coming afterwards… would the temple be rebuilt for his coming kingdom of heaven on earth… etc.?)
That’s some serious iron. Congrats. 1. I suppose so; 2. The SOM would bring destruction in his wake.
The Basilica of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona has Jesus on the cross naked…
Just last night I was listening to one of Dr. Ehrman’s Teaching Company courses. In that, he suggested that the Essenes thought that the temple worship had already become corrupted, and that they would be glad to see judgment come upon them. It’s also likely that the ‘prediction’ of the destruction was after the fact. Most prophetic literature was explanatory, not predictive. Earlier prophetic literature had already expressed the idea of God using an agent to accomplish judgment. The God of Israel was so powerful that he overcame the power of the Assyrian gods, then used the Assyrian empire as a pawn to impose judgment on the northern tribes of Israel at the Assyrian conquest of Israel.
Dr. Ehrman has said more than once that he believes Jesus’ prediction of the temple’s destruction likely does go back to Jesus himself. This is also the majority view among critical scholars from what I can tell. I’m aware of the Essenes… Jesus was not an Essene… it’s true the idea that God judges Israel via enemy nations existed before Jesus… this doesn’t mean Jesus didn’t predict the temple’s destruction… Bart, please correct me if I’m wrong on any of this…
Wow. That is impressive.
Before joining the blog, Reading some of your books and listening to your debates I was told many terrible things about you from fundamentalist. I have found that you are much more reasonable and in most cases knowledgeable than your critics.
I really like your position on taking spiritual truths from the Bible but not trying to cram down some extreme theological position or scare people based on a handful of scriptures.
You live life to the fullest while having concern for others less fortunate. That is one of the main spiritual truths one can take from the Bible.
May you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and many friends. ?
I just want to say that I am looking forward to your book on the triumph of Christianity. I just finished listening to Dr Kenneth Harl’s Great Courses series on The Fall of Pagans and the Origins of Medieval Christianity which covers the rise of Christianity. Have you listened/read this one? I’m looking forward to your input as this is a period of history that I am currently fascinated with. I wait for your announcement of a publishing date! Quick question: when you do a scholarly piece, at what point in the process do you submit it for peer review? After final editing? Early in the process? Somewhere in the middle? Just curious.
Yes, I’ve listened to it. Mine will be very different. Trade books are not “peer reviewed.” That’s why so many of them are problematic, in terms of their scholarship.
Speaking of movies, its interesting that even in our modern world, people often [mistakenly] remember famous movie quotes *incorrectly*. Often certain that their version is correct…All the while; the (incorrect) quote gets “accepted” into mainstream pop culture.
Just to add to your many examples and multitude mentions on the topic of memory, oral stories and passing on information – orally and written.
Play it again, Sam.
And Shakespeare:
‘Lead on MacDuff.’ ‘I knew him well, Horatio.’
Such a critically thinking person as yourself would definitely enjoy watching Westworld (both the 1973 movie and the 2016– TV show.)
Oh, and don’t forget about HBO’s show Girls (ha, not really.)
Les Miserables!
Give the movie a miss and get the 25th Anniversary 02 concert on DVD or Blu-ray. 🙂
Promotional video: Alfie Boe Performs Jean Valjean in the Les Misérables 25th Anniversary Concert at The O2.
The video below has Alfie Boe with John Owen-Jones – Alfie taking a little dig at Hugh Jackman in the Les Mis movie 😉 John Owen-Jones has sung the
Jean Valjean role numerous times on the West End stage.
Alfie Boe & John Owen Jones ‘Bring Him Home’ at Royal Albert Hall 08.04.13 HD
Alfie Boe and Michael Ball are on the TV (in the UK) tonight performing an hour of musical theatre, including numbers from ‘Les Mis.’ I saw the play in London a few years ago and I agree that the film is but a poor shadow.
I am very interested in post Jesus Christianity and will definitely buy a hard copy. I wish you much success with this book.
Thank goodness for Turner Classic Movies! It’s become my favorite channel. I just watched The Man Who Came to Dinner again. Hilarious. Enjoy your free time!
So many books…so little time! Bart, this really hit home with me. My late father’s old edition of Les Miserables sits on one of my bookshelves, along with many other of his classic volumes that I have vowed to read before I die. It’s always been just a matter of “finally finding the time…” I am starting it tonight, and I thank you for the inspiration.
Ah, go for it! Life is short!
Warmest wishes with your new book Bart!! Happy Holidays Mr !
Congratulations Doctor. If I may, I’d like to recommend a new pastime for you-one which I myself very much enjoy-called “sleep.” I know many in academia doubt its existence but I can assure you, it is possible.
Ha, I already do a lot of that one! I’m a complete addict.
At a YMCA Camp, 25 years ago, with my daughters – at the Sunday morning service on the subject of spending time with family someone said something I will not forget… That is: Have you ever heard of someone on their death bed say ” I wish I had spent more time at work?”
I’m not going to comment on your slowing down. From what you write here, you need a month in a spa. I wanted to write about something else. I am Jewish, I have very little back ground in Christianity, only what I have picked up en passant. I find Christian theology of any kind to be someone’s invention. And yet I have read a lot of your books, gently picking my way through whatever theological argument you are debunking. I should say that I don’t believe much in Jewish theology either; it’s just that having lost so much family during the war, and growing up with so much of Old Europe, Judaism is what I know. Your books, especially when you write about apocalyptic Judaism at the time of Yeshua are very interesting and helpful to me. I hope that you don’t take a permanent break!
A spa sounds nice! But no permanent break on the horizon….
Bart, good for you!
I’ve wondered for years now how you could maintain your incredible schedule, and I believe you are wise to cut back now–instead of being forced to by an unwelcome surprise. May I respectfully suggest that you be very careful in increasing your workout days. I don’t know what your workout consists of, but 3 days a week is plenty. One of my dear friends is a retired pathologist (he ran a big city hospital lab with 98 employees), who is very fit, has run 28 marathons, works out regularly, It’s true he’s a dozen years older than you, but now he’s paying the price for his over-exertions: herniated disks, plantar fasciatis (sp?) etc. And yet every time after he chills out for a while, he goes back to a grueling regimen. And then the problems return. I’ve tried my best to influence him, but I’, such a feeble old f–t myself, I’m not very persuasive. I hope you do better with yourself.
Not to worry. My workouts are very tame. About 50 minutes on a cross trainer (watching Downton Abbey just now) then about 30-40 minutes lifting weights and doing core exercises, followed by a steam bath. Fantastic.
If you enjoy Downton Abbey, you might like The Crown. I just finished the first season. John Lithgow deserves an award for his portrayal of Winston Churchill.
Great! Sounds like it’s right up my alley.
Almost 12 months from submission to publication? That must be frustrating.
Not really. It’s always been this way, so I’ve never had other expectations. But there is some anticipation/anxiety involved!
I appreciate your wisdom. Juggling work, no matter how enjoyable, with the rest of your life is a challenge for many people, especially those in demand.
Thank you for not abandoning the blog! And thank you for providing that rare but essential bridge between scholarship, an objective and honest assessment of any consensus of that scholarship, and conveying that consensus with its major variants to the public in an understandable way. I would never be able to do that on my own. Enjoy the gentle winding down of your writing marathon!
Am I interpreting you correctly here, Bart? Do you plan to quit writing scholarly books and only write trade books in the future?
Many thanks! 🙂
Ah, that’s more than I can claim. My idea right now is to devote a couple of years to the next trade book and to keep my mind and will open to the possibility of spinning a scholarly monograph off of it. Or not. But rather than planning to write two or three books over the next couple of years, I’m just planning to do this one.
Ah, I see. Well, I can’t thank you enough, Bart, for all of your wonderful work. Enjoy your less crazy workload! 🙂
… glad there’s going to be a second edition of your Bible textbook…
If you’ve never done so, I hope you’ll check out some of the silent classics. I think my favorite so far is The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer.
Haven’t seen that one, but have seen a number of the silent Jesus movies, including the original Ben Hur.
I am all in favor of avoiding burnout, although, Dr. Ehrman, if you were going to burn out, it would have happened decades ago. But easing off and enjoying life a bit more is surely a good thing.
Nice. And, in addition to all your solitary activities, I hope you plan to share some time with your spouse (and children?)…. Best wishes for a fully satisfactory 2nd half of life!
Yes indeed! The kids are grown and gone, and Sarah is even busier than me. But that’s all part of the deal!