New Testament Gospels
Was (the author of ) Matthew Really a Jew?
My previous posts were dealing with the themes and historical context of the Gospel of Matthew, along with a list of suggested readings for those who want to go deeper. I would like to go deeper myself by returning at greater length to one of the most puzzling features of Matthew, its relationship to Judaism. To begin with, I suggested in my post "Who, When, and Why" that the author himself was Jewish. I want to explore that at some greater depth here. The first thing to say is that not all New Testament scholars have thought so. Au contraire. One of the premier scholars of the NT and the historical Jesus is John Meier. Before he began his massive multi-volume study of the historical Jesus, called A Marginal Jew, he was principally known as an expert on the Gospel of Matthew. Meier’s view was that Matthew was not actually Jewish. One of his pieces of evidence is very interesting and has always struck me as rather amusing. It is this. In Matthew 21 we [...]